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If a village is missing it's idiot, they always seem to find a way hunting me down. Examples of this randomness are as follows:

I'm in Leadenhall market for a mate's leaving do on a Saturday evening. He has hired a live band, so what would normally be a quiet place in the city is buzzing with noise and begins to attract a lot of attention. People who are walking down Bishopsgate start to head to the bar, but are politely turned away as it's a private party. However, due to Leadenhall being a public area, there was no way of preventing the loiterers. Honestly, I think that every waif and stray in the Square Mile turned up to see what was going on. At this point I was spotted and it felt like every homeless person in the City ended up asking me to dance. Why me?!?! :-$

All my wonderful friends (and I use the term somewhat loosely) found it hilarious.

My second example is making random bus friends. I have often, on a drunken journey home on the 176 after midnight, found myself sat next to some rather unsavory characters. In my drunken stupor, I have sometimes offered a polite smile and then the whole situation begins. At this stage, my new bus buddy will decided to strike up a conversation. I have honestly been asked if I either a) have a boyfriend or b) for my phone number, on about 6 separate occasions on a night bus.

Does this happen to anyone else? I always end up chatting to random weirdoes? :'(

Please share your experiences here.

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You can't even escape them in cabs, can you Annasfield? I think you're right to look at yourself in this matter.

Perhaps you're exuding some sort of nutbar attracting musk? Have you had your aura checked recently?

Perhaps leave the 'kiss-me-quick' hat at home next dress-down Friday?

Just some thoughts.

I think it was nice of you to dance with the tramps in Leadenhall though, it shows you're of the people.

Well done.

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OK I have never asked anyone for a number on a bus but I do quite often (if it's late in the evening) get involved in ad-hoc discussions with fellow travellers. I'm never the instigator but not once have I done the final 100 yard walk home felt my evening wasn't enhanced significantly by such chatter

taxi-drivers on the other hand do my absolute nut in. There is a reason so many of them have chosen a career which allows them to be in their own space all day and yet force their opinions on a captive audience. It takes a certain kind of person...

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My old uni housemate was so nice to everyone she used to attract all sorts of nutters. I can remember answering the phone at 2am to some random bloke she had met on the bus. Her optician then turned up on our doorstep - goodness I've just thought - do you think she was selling her body to fund her studies?!
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I know many of my girls that suffer too. One in particular I can't leave alone for too long in a public place or she'll be bugged for hours on end. Not that I'm the big butch type scary person to fend them off for her (she's more than capable) but I can't bare the whole thing. WHY do they do it?
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I think it is just a lack of respect for women. Men who are inherently decent won?t badger women. Unfortunately not all men are inherently decent so to control those who aren?t you need to condition them at an early age to obey certain social norms.

It is unfortunately one of the negative effects of the liberalisation of society.

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I never understood that thing in nightclubs when blokes just go up behind girls and start humping (dancing) behind them, having not said a word to them! I just think you sleezy c**t... However, even more worryingly, I have seen a few of these blokes have some success with this technique, which leaves me to question what the point of being alive at all is.

This may explain why I have never once in my life pulled in a club!

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It's funny you mention that Keef, because I was discussing this with some mates the other day. What is it with these "humping" fellas. You politely turn around and give them a clear off look and they do. 5 minutes later they're back again. Have they no shame?

I went up to a bloke and he gave me the brush off, I be embarassed and avoid him. Why on earth would earth would you go back for more?

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I think that these blokes believe themselves to be Gods, and basically can't understand that a girl may not fancy them, so they probably just assume that said girl wants 5 minutes to prepare themselves for the humping to follow :-S

Maybe, maybe not, but they must have a lot of confidence, because I'd find it hard enough to go and dance with a girl even if her mate had just told me she fancied the pants off me (alas that's never happened either, but you get the point), and they think nothing of prowling the dancefloor looking for fresh meat... Maybe I am less of a man... If I am, I think I'm quite happy with being less of a man.

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I made a great totally random friend on the bus this one time... we discussed in great the whole Harry Potter series (him using the excuse that his 3yr old was a big fan)..

There was another time in a pub, whilst w8ing for the arrival of me m8, I had a wonderful debate about the price of bread...

AND THEN there was this time when some other random person on the bus (whom I believe to b a local and regular visitor to the Vale) who decided to tell me all about the state of his teeth...


I could go on :|

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I'm quite enjoy that moment when what appears to be a cheery exchange about the weather with a chirpy old bloke suddenly turns out to be the opener to a demented rant that doesn't stop until you get off the bus. I think it's the feeling of total helplessness and maybe slight envy of the lack of inhibition.

Same with taxi drivers; the commentary is all part of the service and I just give them the occasional prompt if they seem like they might dry up. Had one drive me to City Airport early one morning a few months ago who said he was originally from Pakistan then spent the whole journey ranting about immigrants like the stereotypical home-grown cabbie. Had to restrict myself to sympathetic noises for fear of getting it wrong.

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Anna - it gets easier as you get older.

You can chat to guys about stuff and if they get to the have you got a bf stuff, you can do the aunty/mother/older sister thing and it generally works if you are over 35.

Younger than that and they still think they can mess you around.

Also practice the scary frown.

I think that is one of the nice things about getting older, you can relax more about talking to guys without worrying if they think you fancy them.

In my 20's I stopped talking to guys on any deep level about anything, unless it was my partner cos I got so pissed off with them thinking I wanted to do more than just have a conversation.

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