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Just a warning...I'm at work, not in the best of moods so excuse the theatrical and indulgent post!

I'm 5 months pregnant with my second and bloody knackered. My daughter is 2.5 and usually up before the birds, she doesn't nap anymore and wakes in the night. I'm a really light sleeper so wake every time I turn over or pee a million times a night as well as seeing to her cries. Whilst I'm aware that this is parenthood and that working and having a toddler and being pregnant isn't going to be easy, I just didn't realise I would feel quite so lousy. Suffering with constant headaches, sore throats, ulcers etc and just a little unsure how to feel better and not whine so much!

I am hoping to be able to commit to a yoga class each week as hoping that might help but so far haven't been able to go due to diary clashes with my husband. I'm really wondering if anyone has any tips on foods I could eat to give a natural boost of energy??? Morning sickness meant I indulged in loads of stodgy carbs at the beginning and I'm always hungry so tend to eat pasta etc to fill me up. Not sure if that is helping??? I have plenty of water and sugar and fruit and veg, nothing helps!!!

Anyone come up with a life saving formula for getting energy whilst battling all the above! Dreading autumn and the coughs and colds etc as I feel about as strong as a fly!

Like I said, please excuse the rant. Just one or those days and need some tips that aren't from some generic parenting website!!!

Thank you!

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Have your iron and vit D levels checked, and ask for a referral to a dietitian. I ate lots of protein when I was pregnant, and that seemed to help. Not only does your immune system need vitamins and minerals, it needs protein too. Anti-bodies are essentially little blobs of protein. If your body doesn't have enough of the right kinds of amino acids that it needs to make specific proteins, it will 'borrow' amino acids from your muscles to make other proteins. Sorry, I'm hugely condensing a very complex process, but I hope you get the gist of it, in so far as you need to replenish your own protein stores as well as needing a little extra protein for the pregnancy.

Are the ulcers in your mouth? Change your toothpaste. Many people have a sensitivity to SLS-type surfactants which are commonly found even in the 'natural' toothpastes. Sensodyne pronamel uses a different surfactant. I don't get ulcers from it. Worth a try. xx

Thank you! I will talk to the GP and see what they say, conscious that lots of people will put it down to just being pregnant,which is prob true but I'm dead on my feet and would welcome anything that might help! Doesn't help that my job is painfully boring and my chair is deeply uncomfortable so there is very little keeping me busy and occupied! Whinge whinge whinge!

I am going to check out quick fix solutions to up my protein and also sort the toothpaste...the ulcers are in my mouth yes, will pop to Boots later!


I got really iron deficient during my second pregancy and it takes a while before you get back to normal - so I would recommend you eat loads of iron rich foods whilst you are waiting for blood tests to come back. I took Floradix and ate a lot of red meat, lentils, green veg, very dark chocolate etc.

Even if you can't get to a yoga class can you make sure you get some proper relaxing in every evening? Even if it's just a warm bath, bit of Telly or a good book on the sofa, rather than running around doing things?

I felt pretty similar at this stage too (am now 8 months into second pregnancy with a 2.5 year old toddler so on the home stretch) and a few things that helped me were; eating 6 small meals a day and making sure they were quite protein heavy. So for example would have small bowl of porridge with honey and fruit at home, a milky drink and snack once at work and then a salad with chicken or fish or itsu sushi for lunch (apparently their sushi is ok when pg), dried fruit or babybel cheese in pm, normal dinner including some protein and yoghurt and fruit before bed. I found if I went too long without food it made tiredness worse. Also I found this time round I only started feeling like I was over the first trimester tiredness and sickness at about 24 weeks but then did get a bit more energy.

Hope you start feeling better:-)

Feel your pain - though sounds like u are having a tougher time than me w not sleeping at night ulcers etc - but i am so tired this time round. Hadnt thought to check iron levels - but going to do that too - i was very iron deficient after the birth last time and it made me feel unbelievably awful - if nothig else want to avoidfeeling like that when baby arrives. You might think about a fruit smoothie with yoghurt and oatmeal in mornings - really good way to get some slow release carb and protein into you first thing. Maybe also just insist on nap on weekends. My husband is lovely but i do find he can't really understand how tired I am - ive taken to just insisting on a nap - brokering no objection :-) and going to bed really early - he has been ill with various colds and tummy bugs quite regularly thru the pregnancy so is always suffering slightly more than me (!) but taking to my bed fOr extra sleeping seems to make him realise i really am tired :-)

Hi Jenny H,

I sell Natural aloe vera products that helps with immune system and maintains energy level. I think the Aloe Gel would be amazing for you and just a shot a day gives you all the vitamins you need and the energy boost that is vital with having a 2.5 year old it really helps me have loads of energy around my two who are 5 years old and 10 months old!!!

Kayleigh (Aloe Beautiful)

I would avoid taking oral aloe vera products during pregnancy, and post-partum, or breastfeeding. Aloe vera is known to have emmenagogue effects, which means that it causes uterine stimulation that could theoretically lead to uterine contractions and bleeding. It can pass into breastmilk and may cause gastrointestinal distress in some babies. Topical aloe is probably fine in small amounts, as not a great deal would likely pass through the skin into the blood circulation. I would avoid oral aloe vera during pregnancy unless under the direction of an experienced midwife. xx

I'm also 5 months pregnant and had a few days last week when I felt like I was back in the 1st trimester again!

The reason? I hadn't taken my pregnancy vitamins for a few days. As soon as I started them again, my energy returns.

It might be a good idea to investigate taking some yourself? Don't forget that you're not really taking them for baby, it's more for you as baby will take from you what it needs... you just need to ensure it doesn't leave you deficient in anything.

I've been taking Pregnacare Max, you can get them at quite a good price from Amazon.

I'd also echo Saffron's comment about the protein, and also add that fats are very important while pregnant, particularly for baby's brain development as well as energy.

My partner and I were away recently on holiday and really induldged when it came to breakfast, lunch.. and pretty much all times... we had a lot of bread and stodgy carbs. When I got back I had a couple of quite large sugar crashes because my body was still used to primarily burning sugar as an energy source. After a week of eating normally for me - lots of veg, protein, fat and not a massive amount of carbohydrate (I'm not 'low carb' or anything like that though), my energy levels picked back up and I feel a lot better for it (less cravings for chocolate and stodge!)


Hi there,

sorry i just came across this thread and thought I would add to it. I am a qualified Nutritional Therapist, so i couldn't resist! I wouldn't recommend taking iron supplements unless you have tested low for iron at the doctors, iron is toxic if you overload your levels. In addition, i would also get your vitamin D levels tested at the doctor whilst you are there.

Your low energy could also be due to low B vitamins,which may account for your mouth ulcers, in addition your immune system sounds run down. The homeopathic remedy Merc Viv is excellent for mouth ulcers, but personally i would investigate a bit more to find the root cause. I suffered from mouth ulcers during my first pregnancy and discovered i was chronically low in some B vitamins, which could have caused problems if not addressed. I did a test with a private laboratory that I use as the NHS tests can sometimes be unrepresentative of B vitamin levels at a cellular level. This showed that on a cellular level i was deficient, yet the NHS blood serum levels were high.

I agree with Tarafitness in that you should take a multivitamin if you aren't already, I can recommend a really good practitioner one that I use (I am pregnant now too) which you have to buy direct from the manufacturer, just email me at [email protected] if you would like this information. Not all multivitamins are the same, cheap ones, will be less bio-available to the body and therefore will not be absorbed properly, its worth buying a good quality brand.

Make sure you eat good quality protein with each meal and snack on protein (nuts, seeds etc) in between meals too, this will help with your energy. If you are up to it, have a good breakfast, again with protein, eggs, oily fish, nuts and seeds on porridge...

I am just setting up my Nutritional Therapy practice in East Dulwich, if you or anyone else is interested in a consultation, please do get in touch on the above email or my tel: 07940 705537. I am also thinking of doing some free pre natal nutrition talks in the East Dulwich area too, so if anyone is interested, email me and I'll let you know once i have organised this.

More information about me at www.facebook.com/catherinearnoldnutrition, website currently under construction.

I also teach pregnancy yoga at Buchan Road Community Hall, every Tuesday 7.15pm to 8.15pm, www.facebook.com/catherinearnoldyoga

I hope you are feeling better soon!

Best wishes

Catherine Arnold

Hi all

Thanks so much for all your advice. I am going to go and get myself checked out I think although part of me really does thing some good old fashioned sleep will help, work permitting I am trying to go to bed as close to my daughter's bedtime as possible but easier said than done! I do take a pregnancy multivitamin every day so can't say if it would make me feel even worse if I didn't take it!

Thanks Catherine for the tips, I have been trying to come to your yoga class as I am so sore already and can't imagine how I will feel in another couple of months, so far Ive not been able to make it but hopefully tomorrow and then we can meet face to face rather than over email!

Re the iron supplements - how much do they interfere with your digestion? I only ask as I have some SERIOUS issues in the toileting department and frankly couldnt' stand to have anything add to that! Sorry to TMI but we have all been there haven't we?!

Ferrous gluconate with Ester C vit will go easier on the digestion. Also because iron is stored, you may not need to take it every day. Even just once in a while can help boost your iron stores without upsetting digestion so much. I wouldn't waste money on anything homeopathic. Check with your GP for more advice. You should be able to get an NHS referral to a Registered Dietitian. Extra sleep would be brilliant, but understandably hard to come by! Xx

I think sleep (or lack thereof) is definitely the root issue here! I am 5 months pregnant too and KNACKERED all the time. My two older ones almost always sleep through until at least 6 am too so I don't have that problem and I am still beyond tired. I don't remember feeling this tired in my other pregnancies.

Do you have a partner who can help? If so, I really recommend getting your partner on night (and early morning) duty with your older one ASAP. This will be necessary anyway once you're dealing with the newborn at night and it's best if they can get used to each other before the baby arrives. Then decamp to as far away from your daughter as possible with ear plugs to try to get some more rest!

Hi Jenny

I agree with alieh that getting some sleep in the first place would help!

But if you are interested in an energy boosting, pregnancy friendly and HEALTHY chocolate mousse recipe, then i've just posted one on my facebook page, please copy and paste this link: https://www.facebook.com/catherinearnoldnutrition

or search catherinearnoldnutrition in facebook. I have hundreds of healthy meal ideas on my instagram page, which you can find here, http://instagram.com/kittycooks# or just search kittycooks in instagram. Once my website is up, I will be posting recipes there too.

I think you are coming to my class tonight? so see you then x

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