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I am looking at pushchairs for my new baby (due December) and my toddler who will just have turned 3. I was intending to get either the Babyjogger City Select or the City Mini GT with a buggy board. However, we went and had a look today and the Select felt a bit like I was pushing a sled as it seemed quite long. I did like the GT but my son didn't like the buggy board. I don't think I'll use a double for too long as my son walks a lot, but he does get tired, especially after nursery, so a seat option for him would be good. Also, I don't drive so I have to factor in the walk to and from nursery 3 days a week.

I had a look at the Phil & Ted's buggies (Navigator and Dot) and they looked quite good, but I have read some reviews which say the baby grows out of the reclining seat quite quickly.

So, I am now completely confused and don't know what to do. I would really appreciate any opinions, espeically if you have children of the same sorts of ages and have a buggy you have thought is great (or not so good...)

Thanks x

What buggy do you currently have for the 3 year old? Could u use that with the baby in a harness/baby carrier for when your toddler needs the buggy, but maybe get him scootering too as that gets them moving quickly but doesnt seem to tire them as much as a long walk (or bore them)?. You may find yourself with a big phil and teds just for the baby in a short time as your son will need the buggy less and less. I bought a phil and teds just before my 2nd child was born but often thought I should have waited until she was a few months old and made a more informed decision of what might have worked better, I certainly used a harness more often and for a lot longer with her than my first too, I hardly used the buggy for first 4 months. You said your son didnt like the buggy board, I never used one, but Im sure when hes really tired, he would get up on it? He would probably just need to get use to it. Hopefully somone whose children have used one will be able to advise.

on saying all that, the phil and teds are great, (now that im a childminder I find it invaluable), and you can pick them up 2nd hand in really good condition for a good price. U say you dont drive, neither do I, and I find the back seat of the phil and teds great for loading up with shopping or gear for a day out. I often have 2 kids in the buggy, 2 scooters hanging out of it, school bags, coats etc. If you do get one, be prepared to change tyres/mend punctures etc.

Good luck. x

We had the P&T Promenade which was brilliant. Both seats to flat and up right so really flexible. We used ours for a long time until recently. Just sold it in the forum but we bought ours from Peppermint store in Claphma, I'm sure you can try it in the shop.
You may get away without buying a new buggy. My daughter was 2y 1m when my son was born and I have carried him in a sling and had her in the buggy/walking. I have done this for 5 months now and it has worked well. I use the sling even when my daughter is at nursery and the buggy is not being occupied by her, as it's much easier to get about on public transport and in shops. As your son is older it may be that by the time your baby is too big to be carried your son would have completely outgrown using a buggy. You may save a few hundred pounds waiting for a few months after your baby arrives to see how things develop. Good luck with whatever you decide!

I do the sling/walk combo most of the time and occasionally when I'm packing lots of stuff or can't get a bus nice and close I do sling/buggy (Bugaboo bee or umbrella cheapie) with buggy for my eldest. In fact my 5mo has yet to go in a pushchair at all, I just haven't had the need and I'm planning on slinging her til at least 2yo. I don't drive and I can't say I've ever felt I've needed a double. My son was 2.7 when my little girl was born and he's now 3 and about to start preschool - I see us phasing the buggy out completely before too long.

Having said that bugaboo bee is lovely and as a sling addict, it's the only one I can really face as it's nippy and lightweight but pushes well and spacious enough for my toddler.

I have the same dilemma-no 2 due in 6 weeks, no 1 is 2.5. She still really needs her afternoon nap and tends to do this in the buggy. I thought I had it cracked (after much research) with the mountain buggy duet- 63cm wide (can fit through my narrow front door), side by side (sister with 3 and a p&t said much better option if possible so neither in a rubbish seat), great suspension (no 1 was a reflux baby and our stokke, though a dream to push has zero meaning I carried her and pushed an empty buggy around most of the time). So, was about to order the mountain buggy. However, was over at a friends yesterday that has one and sat no 1 in it. She is not tall ( in fact she is small for her age), but she has long legs; the footplate is fixed and for her to get her feet on it she has to hunch her legs up. In the five mins she sat in it she was already sticking one leg off the side and shuffling the other around trying to get comfy. Her legs aren't getting any shorter so I'm gutted as back to square 1. Like you have seen the negative comments re the navigator. Think I'm going to try the sling option; I know it won't work if no 2 is a big weight gaining baby, but can re-evaluate it once he/ she arrives. Will watch this thread with interest, but whatever you do, try no1 in any buggy for a bit first to make sure it works!
My daughter was 2.5 when my son was born 4 months ago. I really didn't want to buy a double pram as I thought I could carry my boy in a sling but he got very big very fast and is too heavy to carry around now ! Also my toddler is very tall for her age so decided against the Phil and Ted and instead bought a Cosatto twin troller. It is a lot cheaper and suitable from birth. Both my children are very happy with it. I got it for cheap on Amazon and the design is also very funky! I guess it depends on the size of your children but for my 2 giants (and I am on the petite side!) I had no choice but to go for a double pram as even if my daughter loves walking and scooting sometimes she can get very tired and also it is easier to have both children strapped in when you are on your own with them at times ! Hope it helps !

Thanks all - it sounds like a common dilemma!

I do need to get a new buggy at some point as the one I am using at the moment is on it's last legs. I think what I am going to do is wait for a bit and use my sling for the newborn, whilst keeping going with trying to wean my toddler off the buggy and onto his scooter/more walking. If this looks like it will work I'll buy a new single buggy (probably the City Mini GT as it had an adjustable handlebar and seemed nice to push), and try the buggy board option again. I was able to use the sling with my toddler until he was about 9 months-ish so that may work if his new brother is similar. If it doesn't work then I'll look into the in-line option again - I guess worst case is that I'll end up with a second seat I can use for toys, shopping etc. A friend of mine in Australia has recommended her in-line which is called a Strider Plus. She thinks it is fab and uses it for 2 toddlers, but I don't think it's available here so I am going to research similar options here.

Have you heard of the Joovy buggy? I am thinking of getting this as I will be in the same situation. Only problem it's hard to find a showroom to try it out. Here's the link.


I think you are really sensible to wait and see. I have an almost 3 year old and new baby and got a double buggy ahead of arrival. I have barely used it as 10 week old loves sling so use that and Mclaren for toddler. Also is encouraging toddler to walk more frequently on short trips. Wish I had waited longer.

Following with interest as I'm in the same situ but with an almost 2

Year old who is NOT ready to go buggy free..I went to John Lewis to try some this morning and concluded that, unlike a single buggy, there's no such thing as the perfect double! JL lady said that the icandy is the most popular with phil and teds being far behind because its too heavy, people don't like baby being low down and there's no car seat attachment....yet all I see in ED are p&t so they can't be that bad?! Icandy (peach) just looks too squashed. Can't even contemplate a side by side as it wouldn't work in my tiny house. Top of my leader board so far is the p&t "dot"....any thoughts on that?

hoppermum - P&T's do have a carseat attachment. And the baby doesn't have to go in the bottom seat, either child can go in the top or the bottom. It is heavy if you compare the weight to single buggies but not sure it's much heavier for a double ... A big advantage is you have one normal size seat (compared to side to by side double where both seats are narrow. Plus when your older one no longer needs a buggy or you only have one child with you you just detach the second seat and it becomes a single buggy.
I have also been trying to decide the best solution to this problem. In the end I have just bought a second hand p and t which I will probably use for a few months and then sell it on. I have decided that I'm not a sling type of person and my daughter likes to run away from me as much as possible! For my own sanity I think I'm going to need them strapped in... We'll see how it goes in a few weeks!
You could look at the Mountain Buggy Plus One, it has been fantastic for us, my two are 2.5 years apart. It has all the benefits of the P&T but you can still access the shopping basket when you have two children on board, and the older child sits behind the younger (when not in newborn mode) meaning no-one is stuck underneath. :)

I have a P&T Navigator which I find brilliant, so light and easy to push and manouver, you can even easily handle it with one hand (with 2 kids in it, almost 1 and 3 now). Both seats recline, so great for napping.

Having said that I didn't use it as a double much at the beginning with the cocoon, personally I found it easier to carry the baby in the sling at first. From about 4 months onwards Z put the second seat in and I have found it invaluable, really happy with my choice.

I think you'll be fine. I wouldn't bother with a cover just see what baby is like - and you - as some seem more hot-blooded than others! My babies are always hotter it seems so when I wore my son his first winter he didn't need loads on, cardigan, hat, onesie, no vest! Occasionally baby legs on top. I always err on side of caution re too cold rather than too hot though. Also I liked hooded cardis so I can add the hood as an extra later, over the hat I mean. Also the Manduca is quite thick material, not lightweight, so should be quite warm in itself and acts as another layer.

Hope this helps!

Agree with bluesuperted - you can also always carry a shawl as an additional layer around the Manduca. I had mine in a Close during the winter when she was a little one and a shawl or wearing maternity coat provided extra layers. Didn't have my Manduca when the LO was born - will be interesting to see next time how the newborn insert is...

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