sandnot Posted June 17, 2008 Share Posted June 17, 2008 A horrible, rude man called last night at 9pm, trying to switch me over.He wanted to come inside and lean against the wall in my hallway to fill out my details and I hadn't agreed to anything. Said I would get 2 bills one from edf and the other from Npower for a price comparisim, (as Npower is fixed untill 2010?, so it would cost lower than the others). I asked would I have to pay The npower one and he said yes. Umm.He got quite shirty with me when I said would compare on U switch.Anyone had anything similar? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kford Posted June 17, 2008 Share Posted June 17, 2008 Mmmm. He was round a few months ago. Tried the uSwitch fob and was also given the shirty treatment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aussieuk Posted June 17, 2008 Share Posted June 17, 2008 He knocked on my door on three separate occasions last night, each time demanding (that is, not asking politely nor with any modicum of courtesy) that he be let in to discuss my power bills. After two polite refusals, I informed him on his third visit that I would call the police if he cared to knock again! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amelie Posted June 17, 2008 Share Posted June 17, 2008 Given the recent very serious trouble which nPower found itself in, have any of you informed nPower's customer services about this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HonaloochieB Posted June 17, 2008 Share Posted June 17, 2008 What is the the matter with you lot?Someone wants to come in and talk about npower? You don't want him to?Grasp your groin and say "NPOWER THIS MOTHERF*CKER"Has no one round here never had access to an Eddie Murphy or Chris Rock DVD.Oh and if you're a woman then it's the same groin grip and the phrase "SUCK MY DICK"Come on ED let's get a little ghetto on this MoFo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kford Posted June 17, 2008 Share Posted June 17, 2008 I'm with HB. Let's take this MoFo on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sandnot Posted June 18, 2008 Author Share Posted June 18, 2008 I'm with HB, too. orriible little shite! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ratty Posted June 18, 2008 Share Posted June 18, 2008 HonaloochieB Wrote:-------------------------------------------------------> What is the the matter with you lot?> > Grasp your groin and say "NPOWER THIS> MOTHERF*CKER"> > Come on ED let's get a little ghetto on this MoFo.YES YES YES YES YES!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asset Posted June 18, 2008 Share Posted June 18, 2008 Sadly he caught me on an off day and I have been mugged. Gutted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twentiethcenturymarc Posted June 18, 2008 Share Posted June 18, 2008 I had a girl come round last week, conversation went like thisKNOCK KNOCKGirl: "Hi, sorry, can i use your toilet, I'm desperate"Me: "um, er, uh,"Girl: "It's okay Im from NPower, please??"Me: "um, do you have, ya know...?"SHOVES ID AT MEMe: "Okay, I suppose so"She comes back, talks me through NPower stuff, I'd actually already done a bit of research and decided to switch to NPower anyway so I let her sign me up. She asks me lots of questions about whether I live alone, have kids/girlfriend "what a nice place" etcI thank her and leave.2 Hours later (9.30pm by now) and she's back! Girl: "Hi, me again, can I have a cough sweet?"Me: ""Girl: "I've got a bad throat, do you have any cough sweets?"Me: "as a matter of fact yes...."I give her a cough sweet, turns out she can't take my application without a landline number (I dont have one) and had come round to check it out.Weird. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alan Feedlebra Posted June 18, 2008 Share Posted June 18, 2008 He has come our way.Got the old short shrift from Mrs Feedlebra.Am looking forward to him coming round again, have taken my shrift in a bit for next time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommy Posted June 21, 2008 Share Posted June 21, 2008 I always say I'm renting and the landlord handles the utility bills / double glazing / window cleaning / Sky TV special one day only, too good to miss, we're giving it away deals... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rifleman harris Posted July 3, 2008 Share Posted July 3, 2008 I was cycling home yesterday and saw an asian man with a clipboard in the street behind ours. I warned the wife and told her that id read on tis forum about the Npower man and warned that this may be in (we're just up from bessemer school SE5). My wife said "dont worry i know how to deal with these people". Sure enough 15 minutes later he rang at our door. My wife answered and said politely that we do not want to switch power. He started to remonstrate and as my wife shut the door he stuck his hand in the way to stop her from shutting it. My wife pushed his hand out and shut the door. At this point he started to hammer on the door. I went out and in no uncertain terms told him to get lost. He went next door and started to harass my next door neighbour who is a widow in her 60's. My wife went out into our garden and yelled at him to leave her alone as she was clearly not interested. He went away at this point. In my opinion we should not have to put up with this sort of tretment and indeed i would welcome it if it was made illegal to try to sell door to door Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rifleman harris Posted July 3, 2008 Share Posted July 3, 2008 I was cycling home yesterday and saw an asian man with a clipboard in the street behind ours. I warned the wife and told her that id read on this forum about the Npower man and warned that this may be him (we're just up from bessemer school SE5). My wife said "dont worry i know how to deal with these people". Sure enough 15 minutes later he rang at our door. My wife answered and said politely that we do not want to switch power. He started to remonstrate and as my wife shut the door he stuck his hand in the way to stop her from shutting it. My wife pushed his hand out and shut the door. At this point he started to hammer on the door. I went out and in no uncertain terms told him to get lost. He went next door and started to harass my next door neighbour who is a widow in her 60's. My wife went out into our garden and yelled at him to leave her alone as she was clearly not interested. He went away at this point. In my opinion we should not have to put up with this sort of tretment and indeed i would welcome it if it was made illegal to try to sell door to door Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dc Posted July 4, 2008 Share Posted July 4, 2008 An "npower Man" came to our door and my wife told him that we had just switched to npower via Uswitch the week before - which we had. He was very understanding.Now I'm not suggesting that you do this if you haven't actually switched to whoever calls at your door but...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ct Posted July 4, 2008 Share Posted July 4, 2008 Yep, he came around last night to my flat. Apparently I'm paying ?300 more on electricity than any of my neighbours (even though I didnt reveal anything). I asked him for a business card and If I decide I want to change I can call up, I'm not writing and signing my name on any clipboard. He didnt seem (or want) to get this, but eventually I just told him, look if I want to change I'll take a look at uswitch and call a preferred supplier.He was a pain in the ar*e but not aggressive Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fish Posted July 4, 2008 Share Posted July 4, 2008 I had the Southern Electric one, on Wednesday. All bad breath and sweat odour, who just wouldn't take no for an answer and then, finally, went off in a hump! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pickle Posted July 4, 2008 Share Posted July 4, 2008 The Southern Electric guy was in Upland Road last night. Very hard to get rid of, kept insisting that he "needed" to come inside and read our meters, and take my details. Also very hard to get a straight answer from - when he first rang the bell I asked him if he was here to try and get us to change suppliers, to which he answered no. So I kept asking him exactly what it was he wanted, and he didn't seem to be able to give me a straight answer - just kept showing me his ID card (which didn't really tell me anything) and claiming he was an "agent" for the area. Finally he did admit that he was aiming to get me to switch (apparently I pay ?60 a month more than my neighbours, based on....?) at which point I managed to get rid of him and shut the door.Not really what I needed at 7pm while trying to get 2 kids to bed! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
muffintop Posted July 4, 2008 Share Posted July 4, 2008 Whatever you do, do not allow anyone to take your meter readings, on these alone, the company can change your suppliers to theirs, because of course the client agreed to it, how else would "they have given me" a meter reading. Happened to a friend of mine, the next thing she knew she was getting a "sorry you're leaving us" letter from one and "hi thankyou for using us" from another, will try and get the name of said company. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SeanMacGabhann Posted July 4, 2008 Share Posted July 4, 2008 It's all just soooo much better than when they were nationalised isn't it??Slight tease - I'm not advocating a return to nationalising these industries (rail on the other hand...)However -a touch more awareness of the limitations of free-markets, with suitable paramaters and we might have avoided the farce of the energy companies hijacking customers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crepe Suzette Posted July 4, 2008 Share Posted July 4, 2008 I just had Southern Electric at the door. Mr Sunil Sharma, district manager. He said he was the local supplier and wasn't selling anything (but the coloured A4 prints in his folder implied otherwise). I said I wanted to do some research first so I gave him my first name and phone number and told him to call back next week... I shouldn't have even given him my number of course.I obviously didn't let him take any meter readings or get into the flat or anything else. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mrs P Posted July 4, 2008 Share Posted July 4, 2008 I've had the an NPower guy come twice in the last few months, not an the guy mentioned about I don't think, but really pushy, foot in the door so I couldn't shut it etc. As it happens we had recently changed supplier so I was quite clued up - we had chosen a supplier partly based on their 'green credentials'. When I asked him how much of NPower's electricity came from renewable sources he was flumoxed and I managed to get rid of him saying that if he could not provide me with this information I would not consider switching! So there's another potential way out! Not that it's right that we should have to try to trick people to get them away from our front door... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tiger ranks Posted July 4, 2008 Share Posted July 4, 2008 i just wave at them from my front room window they soon get bored then go away!!B) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
louisiana Posted July 4, 2008 Share Posted July 4, 2008 I have just swtched to EbicoGood prices if you're a low user (no standing charge), plus fair treatment of pre-pay customers, who I think get a very raw deal otherwise (I'm not one, but I do think they get treated unfairly by most). So, an ethical and socially just business run on a not-for-profit basis. You may not see them much on the switch sites as they refuse to pay commission to switch site owners. They rely on word of mouth. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
leelogs Posted July 7, 2008 Share Posted July 7, 2008 I have not yet seen a single bill from npower, at any of the dozens of addresses I have lived at, where they have suceeded in spelling the customer's name correctly.Trying to correct them by phone results in a pointless verbal fracas with a lobotomised Geordie.They totally overcharged me too... in the end I left the bill unpaid when I moved house - now someone called Lama Mylon has a very bad credit rating. Good job he doesn't exist!npower is without doubt the biggest stew of witless pondlife in the country. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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