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We are looking for people who want to set up a friend or family member to appear on a prime-time, family friendly hidden camera show.

The person we are looking to set up:

- is approximately 25-45

- lives in a house (or ground floor flat with direct street access i.e. does not share a door to the street)

- has a good sense of humour

If you have someone in mind please get in touch as soon as possible! Please email: [email protected]

Oh, and please keep it a secret so as not to ruin the surprise!

Many thanks,


If the money's right and in used twenties, I'm happy to throw my mother to you if you're prepared to raise the upper age limit a few clicks.

Get in touch with me at [email protected] let's not let a sweet grey-haired lady's objections get in the way of the pranking.

She'll have her price, I guarantee it.

MrBen Wrote:


>General question: at what point did mainstream TV start to suck?<

When 'media studies' became a qualification for TV land, instead of programmes made genuinely creative mavericks.

Back in the 80's hidden cameras still had a wiff of technical mystery, tho nowadays anyone armed with a camera phone can "Merk" an unsuspecting victim.

(God, how I hate that "Merk" word, but know it's being bandied around at creative-ha! meetings along side that other 'BOOM' i'm-a-cock-buzz-word. Come to think about it, the guy who made That Puppet Game Show uses it on his 'hilarious' twitter feed. And he's a proper W4NKER of the highest order)

That said; if done well it can work.

However, over or underdone is flimsy flimsy Saturday-nite-garbage.

Don't hold your breath for anything worthwhile coming our way soon. Tho if it does, i'll snap a broom handle up my rear end & poke my eyes out with the let over sharp bit.

AC, I spoke to Tristram, who flagged it up with both Tristan and Tristrem.

And guess what, those three mad buggers only went and pitched it to Tristesse.

Who LOVED LOVED BL@@DY LOVED it and wants to get it out ASAPRocky with no reservations whatsoever.

As she put it "the daringness of your vision" and "niche GG Allin-ness of the (w)hole thing makes for a project I'm working-titling 'Only Brooms And Arses'"

Rest assured she wouldn't change anything of your vision. Or your inevitable lack thereof.

Just the one small note, if you could rewrite a smidgen so that it would include more Mary Berry (well more, than was first apparent), confectioner's cream and cherries, both fresh and glace-ay, then it would be spot on for the 11:30 post Saturday Kitchen slot.

I mean Lorraine's very nice and all but how long can she keep punting bloody 'street food', yes it's 'fresh' 'yummy' 'real' etc but it's starting to wear thin and pretty soon there'll only be slim pickings left.

And as far as the rectal violation/blinding goes, Tristesse still loves this but, and this is just the smallest of buts, perhaps save that for the DVD extras reel.

Aside from these minor suggestions your original artistic vision remains intact, which of course is more than can be said for your both eyesight and anus.

Tristesse admires anyone who suffers for their art.


"xecutive Producer for CPL, Murray Boland said: ?We?re delighted with Off Their Rockers ? badly behaved old people really seem to have struck a chord with the audience. They?re an inspiration to us all.?

Proving that age really is nothing but a number, Off Their Rockers features elderly people in a series of hilarious and unexpected pranks.

Uninhibited, unruly and often outrageous, the cheeky OAPs hit the streets of Britain on a fearless mission ? to play an assortment of light hearted pranks, mischievous set pieces and carefully crafted stunts on the public."

fuck me.

this is barrel scraping innit.

How about a light hearted series where unsuspecting members of a ghoulishly exploitative media production company get dog eggs posted through their home letter boxes and the door handles on their cars liberally smeared with fox shite each night until they begin to cry and call the police ?

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