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Diverted 63 bus route - Marmora & Therapia Roads


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Gadder Wrote:


> unlurked Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > daveybigpotatoes Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > Like thousands of others I use the 63 twice a

> > day

> > > and see no reason why we should be

> > inconvenienced

> > > with a reduced service/ having to get on some

> > > ridiculous and no doubt insufficiently large

> > > hopper service between Peckham Rye and FHR

> due

> > to

> > > a few inconsiderate NIMBYs. Clearly the works

> > need

> > > doing and will result in an overall long term

> > > improvement

> > > Less than six weeks of increased traffic on a

> > > street is hardly a big deal - lots of people

> > live

> > > on narrow roads with busses going past every

> > day.

> > > Most simple answer - continue to ignore the

> > > NIMBYs.

> >

> > Agree.


> I also agree.

Me too. I sense this has very little to do with concerns about safety and more to do with not wanting buses going down your street. Whilst I totally empathise with that, by seeking to change the route all you are doing is making it somebody else's inconvenience - and that is selfish behaviour.

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I think it's absolutely right for people to raise safety concerns and get TFL to rigidly enforce the (very sensible) 15mph speed limit by their drivers on the roads, which sounds like it would address a lot of the problems.

However, saying that Marmora and Therapia roads aren't suitable for buses to go down at all (whether because of pedestrian safety concerns or otherwise) misses the point that double decker buses travel up and down roads just like those two in our part of Southwark every day. Same width, same corner problems. Residents on those streets manage to live and deal with it. Not referring to jonbateson here, as he made clear his concern is specifically about speed, but there have been residents posting on here who just blanket don't want buses on their roads even on a temporary basis. That doesn't seem especially fair, given the works which are causing this are to benefit residents in this area.

If the Brockley Rise solution can be made to work by TFL, great (although query what impact it has on residents round there?), but if not I would say the focus needs to be on getting TFL to take responsibility for their drivers, not changing wholesale a heavily used local transport service. I posted a while back asking if there could be some police or council enforcement of the 15mph on a random basis - still seems like a good idea based on what residents are posting.

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> Me too. I sense this has very little to do with

> concerns about safety and more to do with not

> wanting buses going down your street. Whilst I

> totally empathise with that, by seeking to change

> the route all you are doing is making it somebody

> else's inconvenience - and that is selfish

> behaviour.

A few facts:

* in the 1980s, when the buses were diverted down Marmora, the front of several houses fell to bits because of the vibrations. Our road is built on a reservoir, and isn't suitable for heavy, speeding vehicles (certinly not one every six minutes);

* despite the 15 mph speed limit buses have not been keeping to this;

* the residents have not been consulted on this, and all our suggestions for better places for the buses to be rerouted (so that parked cars are not driven into by buses, so that the roads don't vibate and the buildings shake) have been ignored or told they're not appropriate;

* a bus crashed into a parked car at the weekend. The car was not parked 'strategically' - it was just a parked car!

This is absolutely to do with safety and trying to protect our homes from damage. We've been incredibly reasonable in making our requests to TFL but they're ignoring us and don't really seem to care one jot about our legitimate concerns. We've made lots of signs asking the drivers to slow to a 15mph limit (which we shouldn't have to do) ... yet many drivers aren't keeping to this. Nice.

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Dear All,

I have finally heard back from Transport for London about a time for site visit and meeting to discuss the road works and the diversion. None of the options we've been given for this were outside of normal working hours, so apologies in advance for the less than ideal timing. I know this means some people won't be able to make it, but feel free to let me (or neighbours who can attend) know your views before the meeting and we will pass these on. The details are:

Time: Friday 6th September, 11am ? 12:30

Meeting point: Corner of Mundania Road - next to Honor Oak Baptist Church

Part 1: On site - walk round the diversion route, possibly also looking at the onsite works location.

Part 2: Sit down at a local cafe to talk through the plans in more detail (30 ? 45 minutes). I'll confirm the precise venue for this ASAP.

Transport for London officers and Southwark Officers will be there to listen to your views.

I hope to see you on Friday.

Best Wishes,

Gavin Edwards

Peckham Rye Councillor

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Dear all,

I have been informed by TfL and your local councillors that a meeting has now been confirmed for this coming Friday 6th September.

This is welcome news and I trust that those residents who want, and are able to, attend will be given the opportunity to express their views and concerns to TfL and the Council.

I have asked to be kept informed of the outcome, and I sincerely hope that a solution can be reached that is amenable to all parties affected.

Best wishes,

Harriet Harman

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All the local politicians coming out the woodwork now - makes me think that an election might be around the corner. To the residents that are genuinely negatively affected by the diversions I hope yot get what you want without transferring the problem to other residents, and 63 users. Also spare a thought for the poor bus drivers, lets hope they are remunerated for any extra time new diversions may take.
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@Skyoffire - thanks for posting the meeting details, unfortunately I will be at work.

Can either you or Renata raise the following (as i'm sure others may also do):

I'd like to raise the issue of adhering to the 15mph speed limit with Tfl, some drivers are obviously adhering to it, but not all. From my experience late at night and first thing in the morning seems to be the times that some drivers are not sticking to the rules.



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ontheedge,which bridge do you refer to (or both)? There are actually 2 bridges that cross the railway there, one for each direction. AFAIK, they are meant to be rated to take double-deckers (once upon a time the original bridge was not, which I think is historic reason why 63 route ends where it does). There are plenty of lorries, much heavier when loaded I imagine, that use that route too.

So, if there is excessive vibration then this should be looked at. If not, then this strikes me as a perfect opportunity to gauge demand for an extended 63 bus route.

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OD Wrote:


> I'd like to raise the issue of adhering to the

> 15mph speed limit with Tfl, some drivers are

> obviously adhering to it, but not all. From my

> experience late at night and first thing in the

> morning seems to be the times that some drivers

> are not sticking to the rules.

This was discussed at length and TFL are going to use speed guns to overtly and covertly (with local residents) to measure how fast the buses are going during the day time and also at night.

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Hi Unlurked, actually I was on holiday and had limited internet access! To verify what SkyofFire states, there will be speed checks in the next couple of days, with a particular focus on late night as this is when residents felt there was an issue with spending. Residents also raised alternative routes with TFL. If I can I shall come along too,


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