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For the last few days the Antlings - and therefore I - have been woken very early by what sounds very much like a cockerel crowing. Has anyone else heard it?

I understand that this is what they do, and that it's unreasonable to expect them to stop. Which leads me to wonder just what sort of antisocial eejit would keep one in such a densely populated area in the first place. Grumble grumble grumble.

On the corner of Goodrich and Friern - I remember a few years back someone had one in their back garden. But not heard that for a while. I'm not too far from you Ant but I haven't heard anything

Sorry if it's affecting your sleep as well - but as moos says - the title is almost worth it ;-)


Just wanted to clarify that I don't have a cockerel! I do however have 2 chickens (which is not against Southwark by-laws). The council are within their rights to remove a cockerel, but I think this falls within noise pollution regulation rather than anything to do with foxes.

There will be foxes in a neighbourhood whether you have chickens or not, I think they tend to lurk around our bins rather than the chickens - prob the nature of lazy urban foxes!

My chickens can occasionally be a bit noisy (when laying large eggs!), but as I keep them locked in their house until I get up in the mornings, it is never a problem. I would recommend them as pets whole heartedly...which other pet gives you a tasty breakfast every morning!?


Up absurdly early again this morning. At first I couldn't hear the dreaded bird and was beginning to doubt my sanity. But then it piped up again. No doubt about it: some idiot is keeping a cockerel in East Dulwich.

Now... to find out where it is and get the council to remove it.

Is it a free range cockerel do you think ? ;-)

Personally I would welcome hearing such a wonderful early morning wake up call, it is nature at it's best and if someone is keeping one then they are more then likely doing it to increase the laying capacity of their chickens or maybe they are breeding chickens...

Be careful that you don't harm the bird (tsk tsk only me!) as the RSPCA may well have something to say about it... after all chickens have rights too... (unless they are in a cage, having their beaks removed and grown to enourmous sizes to satisfy the supermarket masses (6))

I live at the Harvester end of LL and am up at 5.30 most mornings and have been hearing the bird too. Doesn't wake me as I'm normally up or too hungover but it does remind me of one of my fav Seasick Steve songs - Rooster Blues

"Hey Mr Cock-a-doodle do

You better just watch what you do

Cos if I don't get my beauty sleep

Somethin' bad gonna happen to you"

Just in case you are getting fed up with the early mornings.

Coq au Vin (rouge) recipe

(French for: Chicken cooked in red wine)

Ingredients for 4 people:

- Fresh chicken

- 1/2 bottle red wine

- 2 large onions (or 4 medium onions)

- ? pound (125 g.) of bacon

- 4 cloves garlic

- Bouquet garni (or 4 bay leaves)

- 1 cup (250 ml.) chicken broth (not absolutely required)

- Butter

- Flour

It would qualify as FRee Range. Mr Fernley Wittistal would approve.

Tempted yet?

Yes, cockerel heard by me and by another CRP resident - we reckon its in-between those two roads. lazy bugger it is though, it was going at about half eight this morning, needs new batteries for the alarm clock. beats the sound of sirens anyway. they should get a few sheep as well. or i should just move to the countryside.
The problem is that I'm not woken by the cockerel itself, but by wailing of the Antlings once it's woken them too early. I heard it at half eight this morning too, but you're doing him a disservice to call him lazy; that was an encore. This morning's main performance was around 5.00 a.m. as per usual.

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