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Widespread building subsidence?

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Hi guys,

My partner & I are looking to potentially buy a place near the intersection of Lordship Lane and Barry Road.

We’ve read reports that the Lordship Lane area suffers from higher than average levels of historical building subsidence, and we’re worried - based solely on appearances - that this might be the case for the house we’re looking to buy (a Victorian terraced). 


Have any of you based in a similar location (Lordship Lane-Barry Road intersection/broad area) had problems with building subsidence, or heard/noticed that it is a common problem in the area?


Any input, guidance, or experience very welcome & appreciated.


Many thanks in advance!


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There have been incidences of real subsidence, of course, in East Dulwich, and building on a clay substrate clearly has issues, but I bought my house nearly 40 years ago with a 'crack' in one wall, which has subsequently pretty well closed  and disappeared. Insurance companies (a) hate to pay out and (b) like to charge as much as they can; so supporting a 'history' of local subsidence is absolutely in their best interests.

Of course get a proper, independent, survey done and take engineering advice. There are lots of good reasons for the appearance of cracks (the presence or recent absence of biggish trees for one),  which are not indicators of significant topological movement which puts the structure in jeopardy. And with the absence of industry (particularly brewing) local water tables in the Thames basin have risen. 

But there is little evidence, which I have seen, for large scale engineering works locally to address subsidence issues (there was one a 100-200 yards or so away from me on a hill about 20 years ago).

So don't worry unnecessarily.

Oh, and some builders are still seeing signs of house movement as a consequence of war-time bomb damage following V weapon strikes. Which does need repair but which isn't, in any strict sense, subsidence.

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