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At 19.30 I saw a large light-brown dog (looked a bit like a boxer) walking on the pavement. It was wearing a collar and seemed healthy. It was clearly scared and walked twice into the road seemingly oblivious to traffic. Someone tried to approach it and it got scared (they were like 20m from it) and walked into the road and was slightly clipped on its side by a car (didn’t look too bad but he/she was clearly shaken), it then ran down Court Lane’s pavement. We tried to follow on foot but it was gone (or perhaps hiding). Some people that had been trying to approach it before said the collar’s “coin” seemed blank.

I called the council and they said unless it’s a “dangerous breed” (ie. American Bully) or someone from the public catches it there is nothing they can do. 

Please keep an eye out for this poor fella. Specially if you live on/around court lane.

I don’t use social media, so could someone please share this on Facebook and such.

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Omg, I thought this dog may have been hit or startled as was extremely stressed disoriented. So I followed (ran after but at a far distance) at top of court lane starting by the bt and all the way around melford road. Then got sight of it again going up the hill towards hornimans. I then lost sight of it when it ran through the alley at the side of hornimans park 

Maybe good idea to put your post in the lost and found section too

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