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Callows - Locksmiths - Moving

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Class is not the issue here. It's about snobbery and pretentiousness. And you're right John, why do these people get so wound up? ED is now using examples of aggression and racism to justify the point that I am a "reverse snob". Chill pill time please everyone, it's only a discussion! I just made a point about burgers based on another post and its turned into an unnecessarily perceived 'class war'. No need for it. Anyhow, my money is now on some awful coffee chain moving into the Callows site. I hope I'm wrong, but I cannot see who else would be able to afford the rent.


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StraferJack Wrote:


> Oh I'm not saying people are wrong to get wound up

> with you Lou, just wondering why you do it and why

> some people like you doing it


> As things stand I'm only wound up about you not

> replying to my PMs post Barry Barry

'cos PM's are soooo middle class? Private bourgeois conversations rather than proper salt of the earth forum posts.

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Louisa isn't really serious about this and, as SJ says, she has a long history of posting just to wind people up.

If you look back at her previous posts, you'll see that she orders a venison and red wine pie at the chippy and drinks fancy wine (?12 a bottle!) so her "anti-snobbery" poached egg posturing is simply classic trolling.

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I am actually rather offended by your insinuation I am "trolling" BJL. Just because I believe that certain people buy certain things and consume certain things to look down on those that don't? Surely that's a fact of life. It doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to talk about it on a public forum does it? And yes I do drink wine, and yes I have eaten venison but the difference is some of my previous posts were rather tongue in cheek and taking the Michael out of certain forumites who constantly bang on about street food, posh pies and smoked salmon for breakfast etc etc..Or do I need to explain irony and sarcasm to you?


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Not quite sure what maths or frequency of posting has to do with accuracy Louisa?

Only time I raise an eyebrow about frequency of posting is when someone with practically zero posts comes out of nowhere, all guns blazing, to complain/praise a business to extreme levels

but 600 posts and 3 years is a healthy poster, fully entitled to judge a troll

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John it's easy for a ganging up culture to develop in these debates. I contribute a lot more than just alleged trolling to this forum, and those posts are overlooked by said posters above who are quick to judge someone without looking at the facts. There are plenty of genuine trolls on here who contribute nothing other than the odd moan and groan or yet another thread about m&s/waitrose.


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I certainly wouldn't suggest that you don't post your wacky and provocative opinions, Louisa - personally, they often make me chuckle. You might want to brush up on your "irony and sarcasm" though - it seems that many people here think you're actually being serious when you tell people there's only one correct way to eat poached eggs. Maybe using "smiley faces" would help?
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I'm not sure someone managing to annoy a lot of people automatically equates to them being ganged up on

if you yap away on a mobile in a crowded cinema and everyone tells you to shut up, they aren't ganging up on you.

Even if you have been going to the cinema for 20 years and some of them are blowins

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Sorry Louisa but I do think through the content of your posts have left yourself open to accusations of trolling. For example, you assert that people who eat smoked salmon for breakfast are snobs. IMO, and in the opinion of most of the posters on here, this is a pretty ridiculous assertion. So, is this you trying to be humourous, or is this you adoting an extreme stance to be provocative - what could be considered trolling? I really can't tell either way from your posts. I might give you the benefit of the doubt based on your overall posting record, but in the context of this thread alone, I don't think Dopamine is out of order.
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Have to say I had a lovely breakfast of scrambled egss (from my own chickens) with spinach and scotch bonnet pepper, topped with shredded smoked salmon, olive oil, black pepper and sea salt after reading Lousia's post. It was bloody gorgeous.

Got the smoked salmon from Lidl and had loads left over for lucnh, so breakfast and lunch with all of the above cost about ?4 in total.

I'm such a snob.

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Louisa Wrote:


Just because I believe that

> certain people buy certain things and consume

> certain things to look down on those that don't?

> Surely that's a fact of life. >

That you think this general statement applies to smoked salmon though is hilarious. The idea that the only reason someone would eat smoked salmon and poached eggs is to look down on people is patently absurd. Smoked salmon isn't a luxury item, it tastes good, and is extremely good for you because of the fish oil.

While you go around thinking everyone is looking down on others based on what the eat, clearly its you with the massive hang-up about this.

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I do understand and fully appreciate how sometimes my posts can be taken out of context in a negative or positive light. I have an odd sense of humour. I apologise if ive mislead people in some way. But back on topic, I am off shopping later at an undisclosed supermarket where I will buy some smoked salmon. I have to confess I have never bought smoked salmon for anything other than a mixed seafood starter but I am willing to throw the towel in on this one IF

A - the smoked salmon isnt too expensive and doesn't have patronising terms on the packaging like organic, smoked in beech wood etc


B - I can post my genuine opinion of a smoked salmon breakfast back on here without being accused of being a covert bourgeoise person who eats expensive food items for breakfast.

I shall report back with my GENUINE findings.


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Louisa Wrote:


> ......but I am willing to throw

> the towel in on this one IF


> A - the smoked salmon isnt too expensive and

> doesn't have patronising terms on the packaging

> like organic, smoked in beech wood etc



> Louisa.

So, just for clarity, as long as you eat mediocre quality food, that isn't ethically produced, is nutritionally poor and of dubious origin then you're a middle classed ponce? So as well as the middle classes, you don't care about animals either and the quality of life they are afforded (see what I did there?) even though they are ultimately part of the food chain?

What is the acceptable type of potato for a working class chip on the shoulder?

FWIW I'd consider myself working class and find your posturing repugnant in the same way as I do racism. You're really no better.

EDL - East Dulwich Louisa. Coincidence......?

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