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Callows - Locksmiths - Moving

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DaveR Wrote:


> BTW, I can't believe that anyone is still trotting

> out this old nonsense:


> "The Snob Element has helped to establish a

> situation where only those places charging such

> prices can afford

> the rent and rates."

> People have money, they spend it on what they

> want. Some have more, some have less. Are you

> suggesting that if there were more people in ED

> with less cash it would be healthier for shops?

It is because Some people seem happy to pay ?12.00 for a burger it becomes the Norm.

It is because Some people seem happy to pay ?10.00 for a bottled beer it becomes the Norm.

That is the Snob Element. It inflates prices and landlords know it..

So they are able to be selective and put up rents. That's what has been happening.

But the Bubble has Burst.

We are now seeing the beggining of the collapse. Businesses are closing and they will only be replaced with

The Big Boys. People have been craving for M&S and Waitrose.

People only have themselves to blame.


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Exactly DulwichFox. Voice of reason strikes back! If people are willing to pay a bomb for something, it falsely inflates prices. It's a false economy. Especially in a place like this around here. The 'wannabe' element ie can't afford Clapham, arty farty types, they're the ones who encourage the snobbery. Oh, until reality kicks in and the credit card bills start to become unaffordable. Who in their right minds pays ?6 to ?12 for a 'street food' burger that you can get in a burger van for half the price. Ridiculous.


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Well I said ?10.00 for a bottle of beer.

I believe the Draft House does some bottled beer at ?11.75 approx.

I did not say it was the Norm. I said it becomes the Norm.

?7.50 for a Coffee and a Croissant. Is about the NORM.

Where is the nearest Builders Caf?. ?

A builder in my road asked where the nearest proper Caf? was. Just last week.

He had stumbled across "Some poncy place doing #*%^&ing Duck Eggs."

and wanted a proper lunch.


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DulwichFox Wrote:



> Where is the nearest Builders Caf?. ?

Duwich Cafe (next door to Palmerston) - good sausage roll (not the pastry kind)

Grove Cafe (two along from the Cherry Tree)

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Also the one at the top of Crystal Palace Rd. Plenty of greasy spoons around... albeit a couple less than there used to be.

More like a fiver for a coffee and a croissant.

As, er, daveybigpotatoes says, Draft House do a house lager for under ?4 which is not so expensive by todays standards.

You're exaggerating Fox, and you know it! At least Louisa's ?6-?12 line is vaguely amusing!

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"Down, Tiger!"


sorry foxy you did say a tenner for beer but mostly you are hiding behind vague phrasing to suggest things are worse than thy are

as for ?12 burgers - that does usually include sides. It still seems steep until I go and eat a much cheaper burger somewhere else comparable (ie a pub not a burger joint) and then I can immediately see why there is a price differential

But if someone has a recommendation for a good, cheaper burger in a pub I'm up for that

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DulwichFox Wrote:


> A builder in my road asked where the nearest

> proper Caf? was. Just last week.

> He had stumbled across "Some poncy place doing

> #*%^&ing Duck Eggs."

> and wanted a proper lunch.


:)) :)) :))

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Right. Here's my take.

Burger from van on retail park = fine

Burger cooked at home from any source = fine

Burger from fun fair/kebab shop/McDonald's/pub et al = fine

What's not fine is...

Burger from posh street food stand in snobby market. Far from fine, especially if its within the range of 6/12 quid.

Burger from pretentious burger franchise jumping on the burger bandwagon trying to turn a burger into a steak and charging for the privilege.

A burger should be served up with a cheap cheese slice, squirty mustard and ketchup and some onions.

Back on topic, where exactly is Callows moving to?


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Louisa Wrote:


> Right. Here's my take.


> Burger from van on retail park = fine

> Burger cooked at home from any source = fine

> Burger from fun fair/kebab shop/McDonald's/pub et

> al = fine


Did you miss the recent horse meat scandal? Jeez.....

They're moving to Melbourne Grove, where I'll be happy to continue using them.

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They have had their rent hiked.

What if people don't want a burger with a cheap slice of cheese? The idea that its somehow morally wrong to like something other than McDonald's and fun-fair burgers is insane. Its food. People buy what they like and businesses offer what is demanded. Trying to turn it into a moral issue is a nonsense.

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I don't care aout any horse meat scandel! A burger never has been and should be considered an 'up-market' food product. Anyone who tries to feed you that line about posh burgers knows how to turn a penny into a pound by ripping off people with more money than sense. Blimey it's a burger not a fillet steak! This all goes back to snobbery. A burger is a bloomin burger, regardless of what's in it, once some tomato sauce and mustard is on it who knows or even cares? Its just about snobby people playing the oneupmanship card. 'Ooh I'm going to wear vintage clothes and ironic glasses and go down to some wannabe mockney middle-class market and buy a buffalo burger filled with double Gloucester cheese and act like a real Londonder even though my roots are in Hampshire'. *yawn*


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Louisa Wrote:


> I don't care aout any horse meat scandel! A burger

> never has been and should be considered an

> 'up-market' food product. Anyone who tries to feed

> you that line about posh burgers knows how to turn

> a penny into a pound by ripping off people with

> more money than sense. Blimey it's a burger not a

> fillet steak! This all goes back to snobbery. A

> burger is a bloomin burger, regardless of what's

> in it, once some tomato sauce and mustard is on it

> who knows or even cares? Its just about snobby

> people playing the oneupmanship card. 'Ooh I'm

> going to wear vintage clothes and ironic glasses

> and go down to some wannabe mockney middle-class

> market and buy a buffalo burger filled with double

> Gloucester cheese and act like a real Londonder

> even though my roots are in Hampshire'. *yawn*


> Louisa.

Some people don't want to eat the rear end of a horse minced up with sand. They want a lucious burger made from premium Wagyu beef mince (circa ?20/kg), topped with vintage Cornish cheddar (?12.15/kg) and enconsed in artisan rye bread fresh from Poland (?6/kg).

Seasoned with Brazilian black pepper, Nepalese pink salt, Spanish vine-ripened tomatoes and Wilkinson's ketchup, ?12 is a steal.

All washed down with a nice Nicaraguan pale ale. Yum.

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Lowlander Wrote:


> Louisa Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > I don't care aout any horse meat scandel! A

> burger

> > never has been and should be considered an

> > 'up-market' food product. Anyone who tries to

> feed

> > you that line about posh burgers knows how to

> turn

> > a penny into a pound by ripping off people with

> > more money than sense. Blimey it's a burger not

> a

> > fillet steak! This all goes back to snobbery. A

> > burger is a bloomin burger, regardless of

> what's

> > in it, once some tomato sauce and mustard is on

> it

> > who knows or even cares? Its just about snobby

> > people playing the oneupmanship card. 'Ooh I'm

> > going to wear vintage clothes and ironic

> glasses

> > and go down to some wannabe mockney

> middle-class

> > market and buy a buffalo burger filled with

> double

> > Gloucester cheese and act like a real Londonder

> > even though my roots are in Hampshire'. *yawn*

> >

> > Louisa.



> Some people don't want to eat the rear end of a

> horse minced up with sand. They want a lucious

> burger made from premium Wagyu beef mince (circa

> ?20/kg), topped with vintage Cornish cheddar

> (?12.15/kg) and enconsed in artisan rye bread

> fresh from Poland (?6/kg).


Seasoned with Brazilian black pepper, Nepalese

> pink salt, Spanish vine-ripened tomatoes and

> Wilkinson's ketchup, ?12 is a steal.


> All washed down with a nice Nicaraguan pale ale.

> Yum.

Funny that.. Word for Word what I said in another Thread..


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DulwichFox Wrote:


> >

> Seasoned with Brazilian black pepper, Nepalese

> > pink salt, Spanish vine-ripened tomatoes and

> > Wilkinson's ketchup, ?12 is a steal.

> >

> > All washed down with a nice Nicaraguan pale ale.


> > Yum.



> Funny that.. Word for Word what I said in another

> Thread..


> Foxy


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Foxy. Or something :)

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I get my fresh 1/2lb burgers from W.Bunting on Peckham Park road and cook at home, the best damn burgers I've had and only cost ?1.50.

Have been using W.Bunting for a few years now on a weekly basis, get well looked after, personal service with great cuts of meat. Had a piece of top side beef for roasting last weekend, cooked it rare and was supurb.

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