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The Rose - selling up?


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LikkleWabbit Wrote:


I don't miss the gang of men who used to

> crowd around the bar using dreadfully bad and

> offensive language - me and my girlfriends found

> it very off putting.

Have they gone? I hope so. I didn't care for them much either and I think they are what put a lot of people off going in there in the first place.

Best of luck Nadia. Keep up the good work.

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LikkleWabbit wrote:

I haven't seen the cute little dog with the waggy tail for a while though - is he/she still with you?


Hi LikkleWabbit

The little Yorkie is mine - he is called Archie but comes ova with me when I am meeting with Nadia - I live and have my office in Hackney so don't come over every day

Archie says "wuff-wuff" for thinking of him

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Not necessarily as if you want to sell it as a going concern you'd carry on as usual and taking bookings. So I'll just see what happens. Had heard about it from 2 different sources, so I did not start the rumour for those of you that seem to think I did. Just questioning what I had heard. Like I said previosly nobody has actually said no its not on the market.
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Sammi Wrote:


> Not necessarily as if you want to sell it as a

> going concern you'd carry on as usual and taking

> bookings. So I'll just see what happens. Had heard

> about it from 2 different sources, so I did not

> start the rumour for those of you that seem to

> think I did. Just questioning what I had heard.

> Like I said previosly nobody has actually said no

> its not on the market.

Have you even bothered to read The Rose's post?

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The Herne, Clock House and Rye Hotel are all wonk.

The FHT, aka Rose, aka The Royal Oak, make some attempt to be a real pub, with locals, a pub quiz that is not a clone of all the other ones doing the rounds and some live music.

True the beer is a disaster but then again if there are only a few of us who drink it. And lots of things they do don't seem to work.

But it is not the Herne, Clock House or Rye, so you can go in and sit down and have a drink without feeling a lepper because you are not eating.

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I never eat in the Rye, maybe I'm seen as a leper :0

They used to have Saturday night live bands - but not since the summer holidays.

malumbu Wrote:


> The Herne, Clock House and Rye Hotel are all

> wonk.


> The FHT, aka Rose, aka The Royal Oak, make some

> attempt to be a real pub, with locals, a pub quiz

> that is not a clone of all the other ones doing

> the rounds and some live music.


> True the beer is a disaster but then again if

> there are only a few of us who drink it. And lots

> of things they do don't seem to work.


> But it is not the Herne, Clock House or Rye, so

> you can go in and sit down and have a drink

> without feeling a lepper because you are not

> eating.

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    • Used Chris from CS Chartered Surveyors recently. He was very responsive and professional. Very happy with service would definitely use again: https://cscharteredsurveyors.com
    • Yes, for me this isn't an argument about contractual agreements (I would guess that Alleyn's will be within their contractual rights to do this, otherwise they wouldn't be doing this). It's more an argument about courtesy, ethics, and commitment to community. Krys and his colleagues have built up TigerSharks over decades (and paid Alleyn's for use of the pool over these decades), and have worked so hard to build an amazing community-based club. It just seems wrong to call him up, 2 weeks before the end of term, and to say "that's it" with no explanation or offer of alternative ideas/workarounds. To make things worse, Alleyn's have contacted all of those who attend TigerSharks, asking us to fill out a survey on a new proposed swimming club (to be run by Alleyn's) which sounds much like TigerSharks but without Krys and his staff - it basically feels like Alleyn's are stealing TigerSharks' mailing list/business, and are now looking to run it themselves. Again, this might be legally ok, but it feels wrong. And they're only doing this to Krys, not to the other swimming clubs.  To those who are saying "only Alleyn's and Krys know what has really happened" - the members of TigerSharks have been asking Krys about this, and he really hasn't been given any further warning or information - Krys is as honest as they come, so I think Alleyn's haven't communicated well with him. That said, I have heard that the school has agreed with meet with Krys and others - so credit to them for this - I really hope they can find some solution that allows Krys to keep his students and his livelihood. I've heard that Alleyn's have done good things for the community in the past - maybe they just made a mistake with this one (e.g. maybe the person in charge of the pool did all this without consulting Alleyn's management) and maybe they will now put things right. 
    • Can I add my voice here  - Tigersharks is a much loved and well supported thriving club of 27 years it’s no wonder it’s generating such strong feelings. - like many others my children swim with the  club and their is no other club that I’m aware of like it. It’s unique in that beginners to advanced swimmers all have a place there. And it’s simple the only place that you don’t just have to sit for an hour watching your children swim but can swim yourself too.    I am not sure what bearing vat and charitable status have on the schools decision making but in my view this absolutely makes for bad press for Alleyns. This is not behaviour I would think represents the values the of school as expressed to parents of current or future alumni.   
    • Really hoping that there is a solution that can allow Tiger Sharks to continue at Alleyns.  TS have created a vibrant and supportive swimming community which cannot in my view (having been a member for more than a decade) be replicated easily or quickly.  The balance and inclusivity of teaching adults and kids of all levels from beginner to expert is such a unique product which Krys and the team have developed over nearly 30 years.  TS has made a meaningful difference my family and so many others.  
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