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The Rose - selling up?


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Well yesterday later afternoon they only had ONE type of beer on sale (lager doesn't count as beer, obviously) and were out of dry roasted nuts. Also, there was only one person in the pub and he was telling us to have salted instead which suggestion we rejected.

So if it is closing I would not be surprised. Sad though.

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I've no idea whether the rumour's true or not but it'd be a shame if it does close, though it sounds as if things aren't going brilliantly if the beer supplies are running out.

I've always found The Rose to be a great alternative when The Herne is a bit manic, as it often can be on a summer afternoon. It's a lovely building and the owners have been nothing but welcoming whenever I've been there.

That said, it's not in the ideal location and I've never seen it even half full in all the times I've been so it wouldn't be a huge surprise if it isn't making enough money to keep going. Tough times for some of our local boozers - I wish I could support them all but there are limits to my beer fund.

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That's right. The Dolphin fish shop is to become a kebab shop.

I hope the rumours aren't true about The Rose. It's always sad when another pub closes and I don't agree about it's poor location. It's on a main road, not a back street. The staff are great and the back garden is a particularly nice spot to sit in during the summer months and it has a great inside space too. Just not enough punters.

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I'm certainly not criticising that spot - just saying it's less ideal than the locations of The Herne, The Clockhouse and The Rye, which benefit from being right on the edges of the park so tend to get more people passing by on foot. That's made The Rose more appealing to me at times as I've been sure I'd get a table when the other pubs have been a lot busier.
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I thought the Dolphin Fish bar was simply refurbishing, not completely changing management. I really liked the guy that served in there... the new potatoes chips were really good.

I wonder if competition from the Sea Master caused its closure?... I like them both.

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Gutted to hear these rumours about The Rose. They have a good open mic, hich unfortunately I've only ever made it down to once (bloody kids!), and they were the only place to show the last Froch / Kessler fight live. I like it, but beer could do with dropping 20p a pint, and it's a bitch for me to get to from Sydenham.

Would chose there over the Hearne or the clockhouse every single time!

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IMO the Dolphin's demise was due to increasing costs, not adapting or modernising resulting in dwindling custom and so not competing with Sea Master. It was only a matter of time before the Dolphin ran its course. Any replacement / kebab shop will need to offer good quality produce to gain a following.
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Maxxi - like your fish image

So, see what the competition are doing and offer something unique, perhaps grilled fish, or different fish, or scallops, or prawns etc. In terms of modernise, the Dolphin looked tired, drab and old, it needed to be brought into the 21st centuary. If Sea Master can do it so could have the Dolphin, or they just decided they'd had enough and sold the lease on??

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Otta Wrote:


> Gutted to hear these rumours about The Rose. They

> have a good open mic, hich unfortunately I've only

> ever made it down to once (bloody kids!), and they

> were the only place to show the last Froch /

> Kessler fight live. I like it, but beer could do

> with dropping 20p a pint, and it's a bitch for me

> to get to from Sydenham.


> Would chose there over the Hearne or the

> clockhouse every single time!

122 or 202 or 450 to Crystal Palace.

Then 363 (stops outside the pub!)

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@Maxxi - love the fish image :)

@reeko - I think you caught him on a bad day!! although admittedly, he wasnt the smiley type of guy!

I think there was room for both, old school chip shop and new modern chip shop! I think it was nice to have the choice both within walking distance.

I really hope that if a kebab shop does open, its of the FM Mangal, in Camberwell, style and quality.

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Intresting comments about Rose. I actually prefer The Herne any way. It may be busy as someone suggested but thats what gives it atmosphere, who wants to go to an empty pub, might as well sit at home on my own!! Herne also has Sky now!!!! I find the staff more friendly and helpful and the management not so quick to bar punters!!!
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Yeah, I heard quite a few of the old school punters from The Rose got barred and have since decamped to The Herne. I'm not a regular at either pub though. Actually, I need to have a butchers at The Herne as I haven't been in since the management changed. I expect it's still like a fecking cr?che at the weekends though.
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Hello Everyone,

How do rumours start???

-Firstly the reason for the one real beer for the last week is because it has been a very quiet period - I promise that the next couple of weeks leading back into the usual trade after the summer we will have 3 back on.

-We currently are only offering Sunday Roast but we are also reopening our kitchen in September; 7 days a week.

-Also we are about to launch our Christmas party packages.

-Finally none of the "old school punters from The Rose got barred" they chose to leave off their own accord - we welcome the whole community.



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Thanks for the clarification Nadia

I used to body swerve the pub when is was the Forest Hill Tavern. I remember a group of us asking for a bottle of red wine once ....a hush descended around the pub! It was dirty, dark and noisy and hardly a fellow girlie to be spotted

I agree with you that a pub should attract the community - I like what you have done to the place with the fresh decor and the new drinks list on offer. I don't miss the gang of men who used to crowd around the bar using dreadfully bad and offensive language - me and my girlfriends found it very off putting

I haven't seen the cute little dog with the waggy tail for a while though - is he/she still with you?

Hoping to see you again this Thursday for Open Mic

Good Luck!

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    • Used Chris from CS Chartered Surveyors recently. He was very responsive and professional. Very happy with service would definitely use again: https://cscharteredsurveyors.com
    • Yes, for me this isn't an argument about contractual agreements (I would guess that Alleyn's will be within their contractual rights to do this, otherwise they wouldn't be doing this). It's more an argument about courtesy, ethics, and commitment to community. Krys and his colleagues have built up TigerSharks over decades (and paid Alleyn's for use of the pool over these decades), and have worked so hard to build an amazing community-based club. It just seems wrong to call him up, 2 weeks before the end of term, and to say "that's it" with no explanation or offer of alternative ideas/workarounds. To make things worse, Alleyn's have contacted all of those who attend TigerSharks, asking us to fill out a survey on a new proposed swimming club (to be run by Alleyn's) which sounds much like TigerSharks but without Krys and his staff - it basically feels like Alleyn's are stealing TigerSharks' mailing list/business, and are now looking to run it themselves. Again, this might be legally ok, but it feels wrong. And they're only doing this to Krys, not to the other swimming clubs.  To those who are saying "only Alleyn's and Krys know what has really happened" - the members of TigerSharks have been asking Krys about this, and he really hasn't been given any further warning or information - Krys is as honest as they come, so I think Alleyn's haven't communicated well with him. That said, I have heard that the school has agreed with meet with Krys and others - so credit to them for this - I really hope they can find some solution that allows Krys to keep his students and his livelihood. I've heard that Alleyn's have done good things for the community in the past - maybe they just made a mistake with this one (e.g. maybe the person in charge of the pool did all this without consulting Alleyn's management) and maybe they will now put things right. 
    • Can I add my voice here  - Tigersharks is a much loved and well supported thriving club of 27 years it’s no wonder it’s generating such strong feelings. - like many others my children swim with the  club and their is no other club that I’m aware of like it. It’s unique in that beginners to advanced swimmers all have a place there. And it’s simple the only place that you don’t just have to sit for an hour watching your children swim but can swim yourself too.    I am not sure what bearing vat and charitable status have on the schools decision making but in my view this absolutely makes for bad press for Alleyns. This is not behaviour I would think represents the values the of school as expressed to parents of current or future alumni.   
    • Really hoping that there is a solution that can allow Tiger Sharks to continue at Alleyns.  TS have created a vibrant and supportive swimming community which cannot in my view (having been a member for more than a decade) be replicated easily or quickly.  The balance and inclusivity of teaching adults and kids of all levels from beginner to expert is such a unique product which Krys and the team have developed over nearly 30 years.  TS has made a meaningful difference my family and so many others.  
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