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Southwark Dogs in Parks public consultation - deadline 16 Sept 2013

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Can you tell me the dog area in dulwich park that you're referring to? I know that until I read the document from southwark stating on lead, off lead and prohibited areas, that I had got it wrong in places. Some of the signs aren't that well placed.

Having a fence around the central area seems like a sensible idea to me.

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I filled out the questionnaire, I'm a dog owner of two dogs. I would like to see fenced lead only areas in parks for those dogs who wish to be walked on lead and not bothered by off lead dogs. My dog was attacked this evening, the other dog was off lead and went straight for her this has happened 3 times now! It was awful, I had to take her straight to the emergency vets where she had 6 neck wounds stapled. She also has four more punctures across her legs and chest. I think dogs should be allowed off lead in parks but would be nice to have a secure area where dogs can be exercised on long leads away from off lead dogs.
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terrific turnout yesterday for the fair play for dogs photo session. more than 45 owners and their many dogs were there (not an unpicked up poo in sight) and the pix should be in southwark news later this week. all sensible dog supporters should be at the clock house pub on saturday morning at 10 for a meeting to discuss the campaign.
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Chunksmum Wrote:


> I filled out the questionnaire, I'm a dog owner of

> two dogs. I would like to see fenced lead only

> areas in parks for those dogs who wish to be

> walked on lead and not bothered by off lead dogs.

> My dog was attacked this evening, the other dog

> was off lead and went straight for her this has

> happened 3 times now! It was awful, I had to take

> her straight to the emergency vets where she had 6

> neck wounds stapled. She also has four more

> punctures across her legs and chest. I think dogs

> should be allowed off lead in parks but would be

> nice to have a secure area where dogs can be

> exercised on long leads away from off lead dogs.

My thoughts exactly. I know how frightening this is, as it's happened to me.

Hope your dog is ok & not too traumatised by the experience.

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Thank you aquarius moon, she is in pain and limping today but seems ok in herself. I on the other hand am feeling really anxious about walking either of my dogs outside as I often take my 1yr old with me on walks and this is actually the 6th time she has been bitten by another dog in the park and the owners always say 'oh he/she has never bitten before' this really drives me crazy, there is always a first...stop being irresponsible and letting your dogs run over to dogs on lead unless uninvited. I don't want to but will have kick the next dog that approaches away whether is friendly or not as you can't always tell and I am sick of being left with the vet bill! Rant over, sorry everyone :)
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6pm Norwood Grove black 9yr old Staffie. She has been bitten by two staffies, boxer, labradoodle, cocker spaniel & patterdale so it goes to show any breed can attack but in my opinion Staffies seem to do the most damage as they just don't let go and keep biting!

Aquarius moon that's sad you can't take your three to the park, I don't walk my other dog in the park cos he is nervous and if approached on the lead by a dog may pick it up and throw it (he doesn't attack) but has thrown a dog away before that kept jumping up at him. So I walk him on the road instead too but it's frustrating as why can't we walk our dogs in the park because others are irresponsible and let their dog bound over to just anyone. I long for a fenced lead only area if anyone knows of one anywhere, I will drive to it let me know thanks.

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Hi Elmgrove, it's at the bottom of Streatham common and no not always in the same park. I never thought to report the attacks it always happens so fast and as she is on a lead really difficult to grab the other dog. I will def try to take a pic if it happens again, this time I did have a conversation with the guy after but he was only the dogwalker and the owner is not answering my calls so looks like I'll be paying the ?260 bill plus whatever the next vet trip costs this wk. Last time we had all the details of the owner and she apologised but when it came down to it her insurance wrote us an email to say it can't of been her as she was with her grandkids at the time, lies and that cost us ?800 as my dog needed eye surgery twice to correct the damage and her eye has never been the same. I'm taking my dog to Oddono's for ice cream tomorrow to cheer her up :)
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'I long for a fenced lead only area if anyone knows of one anywhere, I will drive to it let me know thanks.'

Chunksmum - there is already a fenced lead-only area in Peckham Rye Park; the Japanese garden is completely fenced off and dogs are only allowed in there on their leads. You could walk your dog safely there without fear of attack. The Japanese garden is also very close to the park entrance near the cafe on the rye, where the car park is, and also very close to the park warden's office.

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I think your experience re the dog walker who had care and custody of the dog that has attacked your dog is awful.

I would contact Trevor Cooper a dog law specialist to see what recourse you can get- I've a feeling you may have to sue the dog walker. If the dog he is walking has attacked your dog or other dogs before then that dog should be on a lead.

I would add, as we know, all dogs are capable of 'having words' and one dog warning off or chastising another can look and sound very frightening but, if normal and proportionate, there is never a bite- as in puncture wounds. The severity of your dog's injuries means the dog that inflicted the damage is a danger to every dog and it needs to be pursued.

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Thanks first mate, it was the first time the dog had bitten in 9yrs but then owners always say this and I'm can't be sure that's true or not! I had no idea it was going to attack, they sniffed and all seemed friendly, the other dog held up her front paw and wasn't standing tall face to face with mine or anything like that I recall it was as I pulled my dog away it lunged at her grabbing her face.

Yes I understand first mate as my dog does warn some dogs off if they come close, she goes up on her back legs and barks looks very scary but that's all she does. She is not a biter. But everytime she has been bitten she had never warned the dogs off first, I wish she had. Out of all the times she has been bitten most of them have been the dogs biting and then retreating except by the two Staffies that kept repeatedly biting her and the Boxer who was wrestling with her on the floor trying to pin her down.

Tried to call the owner again but on voicemail so may contact Trevor Cooper later, thanks all for your great advice as usual.

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I've just received an online petition about this, it states that they are petitioning mayor of southwark Abdul Mohamed and Rebecca Towers, manager of the parks team. It also states that the council want to increase on lead areas for dogs. I'm not sure whether this is correct information but it's out there now.

Will try to attach a link if I can.

Edited, wrong info...

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Initially the main issue people had with the southwark survey was that they claimed that there already was an agenda and this reduced the chance for sensible and reasoned debate. Now that there is effectively a lobby group of dog owners with their own agenda, petitions etc, isnt that exactly the same case. They have already decided that they dont want dog on leads areas, despite many dog owners on here welcoming them and asking for those that do exist to be enforced e.g. Chunksmum. Does this now mean that for balanced debate we need a further lobby group representing other opinions etc? Those signing the petition so far have regularly commented that without dogs this and that, implying a complete dog ban that has never been suggested in any way. Could some clever forum user not produce an easy survey on here asking the key questions such as do you want on lead areas? And then everyone votes and gets a clearer view?
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Good point mako, not aware where the petition originated, but posted as it seems to answer the questions some of us had about Southwark's goal in issuing this survey. If it's correct, then decreasing the off lead areas are the target. I can't see more than the first page as away and using my phone to view.

It may well be assuming Southwark's intention but wanted to see what others thought. It was sent to me via Facebook.

The survey here would be a good idea, not something I can manage with my basic computer skills though.

Would be interested to see how everyone feels in a yes/no capacity. It should point out that there are already on lead/off lead/no dog areas in the local parks so do they need enforcing or enlarging etc. it seems that lots aren't aware of those restrictions already in place.

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hi all, the responsible dog owners group are trying to find out what is behind the dogs in parks survey. If you start at the beginning of the thread you should get an idea. Councillor Barber is also trying to find out what it is about. There are all sorts of possibilities as to what it might mean and what precipitated the consultation. Talk of 'incididents' but no specifics. There are concerns that all southwark parks are dog on lead only. I think they are trying to get some sort of dialogue going.

I am a dog walker, whose dog loves a good old runabout and a meet and greet with other dogs, and is happy to pick up poo and respect the designated areas etc (that's me not the dog) I would add that I think most owners DO know the rules of th parks. There is always a few plonkers who insist on doing their own thing regardless.

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Just to clarify. There are already areas of the park (PR) where dogs are not allowed and where it is asked for dogs to be kept on leads. Parkies already have the powers under law to issue on the spot fines for dog fouling. So, the issue is how to get people to adhere to what is already in place. For instance, would Southwark put resources to more Park officers...that is the only way fouling could be reduced, by catching offenders and fining them on the spot.

There is a feeling that Southwark will not want to increase these officers because they don't have the money. So, on that basis, how will they tackle dog fouling? DCO's won't make any difference at all. As an analogy, there would be little point in making more and more legislation against speeding cars without the means (cameras or traffic police) to catch the speeders.

There is really only one way that DCO's could improve dog fouling and that would be a straight ban of all dogs from parks.

The fear about instating dog conrol orders is not about dogs on leads in certain areas per se, it is the fact that once in place the council can extend them as they see fit WITHOUT consultation in future. I hope that is now clear.

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I'm just back from a month away and can't go through all the pages of this thread, so sorry if this is a repeat quesiton, but where are the questionaires to be found? I hate it when questionaires are put out by stealth when everyone is away! They did that with the parking.
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