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McDonalds in East Dulwich

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Take a look at it from another angle. Money is a little tight, you wander into any cafe around East Dulwich and will expect to pay 1.60+ for a bacon or egg sandwich. At Macdonalds you can get a chicken burger for 99p or a double cheeseburger for 1.29 I never, ever thought that I would sing the praises of f/food outlets but at least you know what you are getting. Sandwiches, Rolls, Burgers etc are only a stop gap and when you look at the intake volume of the serving, you cannot expect to be full up for more than a couple of hours.

Sorry, better go the doctor's coming back.


Libra Carr.

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I dont want to play the snobbery card, but am an very close

McD provides hot cheap/ digestable food in clean surroundings - at the very elast, the fat content is an energy source and fills a hole.temporarily anyway. I dont like the places personally , but can understand why people go there

The globalisation /corporate aspect, is, quite frankly, a product of too many empty heads reading too much Naomi Klein and

bleaty needy media they choose - Im sure Bono is in the mix somewhere

"How do you want your capitalism sir ? local or global ?"

doesnt matter whether the owner of the outlet lives in Connecticut or Derwent Grove, we all lose out

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Asset Wrote:


> I suggest you read "Fast Food Nation" Snorky, may

> enlighten you a little. It's got nothing to do

> with percveived snobbery.

Ive read a few times - Eric Scholsser is a decent lo key writer

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I don't entirely mind the food a few times a year but the plastic toy with a battery fixed inside it, guaranteed to break in day, given out with every kids meal is really very bad behaviour.

Millions of toys a week, tonnes of wasted plastic headed for landfills, forget plastic bags, McD make the supermarkets look pretty enlightened. McD are not alone in being gits, most fast food outlets are terrible shits who'd grind up their mums and stick 'em in a bun for a quid, but they are uniquely ugly - possibly because they and their rubbish get everywhere.

For that reason I don't want a McD in LL.

A proper diner would suit me fine though.


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Sorry, just joined this thread and a definite no no for me!

I admit I used to go into Maccy Ds as a child for the free toys, in my teens for the Triv scratch cards to win food, in my twentys for a breakfast hangover cure, and even lasted a 6 hour shift as a summer job in Gatwick Airport.

Have you actually seen the stuff they put in between the buns, yuk, it makes my stomach churn with the thought.

But then again I haven't been in there for years!!!

Has it improved?

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I think everyone needs to chillax a bit. Maccas isnt anyones first choice for a good old fashioned nosh, but I dont subscribe to that totally unfounded snobby attitude of 'Mcdonalds are evil corporate giants trying to make kids addicted to salt and fat by bribing them with toys' line which to be fair is just boring now, get over it I say. If I want a quick snack I go in and grab a meal deal, it's better value for money than going to GBK for a super dooper 10 times more expensive version of the same thing, at the end of the day it's just a bloody burger!


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The Chicken Legend (with spicy salsa) is fecking great, and I couldn't give a flying f**k where it came from, or how bad it is for me! I do plenty of things that will kill me quicker, so who cares?

Maccas will never open on Lordship Lane though, so there you go.

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SteveT Wrote:


> Anyone seen the movie 'Super size me'


> I thought it deserved an oscar for the information

> it gives on mcD food, and it's effects on the

> body.


> I have never been in to a mcD since watching it.

you were surprised that if you ate mcdonalds for every meal that it wasn't good for you?

as with the bookies, icelands, poncey shops, etc, etc - there are plenty of units on LL so if there's demand i don't have an issue

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What I find amusing about the whole 'not in our high street mentality' is that the likes of the boutiques and organic this that and the other shops would all be made to look sick if a Mcdonalds or BK or such like opened up on the lane. The facts remain simple, loads of people complain about Maccas and yet still go in there once in a while for a sneaky cheesburger, and if you think thats a load of unfounded rubbish then explain why every single Mcdonalds you ever go past on a high street is packed at whatever time of the day you go past? Guess what, Iceland is still on LL because it does have a huge customer base, nowhere stays open unless it is popular.


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pk wrote:-you were surprised that if you ate mcdonalds for every meal that it wasn't good for you?

No, but I was surprised at how quickly (3 or 4 weeks) and the amount of damage to his liver which took him to a near death experience.

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