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Condemned tree Barry Road


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I noticed a sign on one of the trees along Barry Road. It's a few trees down from Etherow Street Bus stop. ( Going into London). It is going to be felled tomorrow. Reason for felling. . . Deceased. I admit I'm no tree expert but can a dead tree still produce masses of leaves? Maybe someone who knows better than me can explain. Or is it just that someone finds this tree to be an inconvenience for whatever reason?

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On 03/07/2024 at 11:34, Mabaker said:

I noticed a sign on one of the trees along Barry Road. It's a few trees down from Etherow Street Bus stop. ( Going into London). It is going to be felled tomorrow. Reason for felling. . . Deceased. I admit I'm no tree expert but can a dead tree still produce masses of leaves? Maybe someone who knows better than me can explain. Or is it just that someone finds this tree to be an inconvenience for whatever reason?

I was gutted when the blossom tree outside our close was condemned. But I think they will replace it, as ours was, with what is now a healthy looking, growing fast tree

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