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Recommended kitchen top (marble) suppliers?


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  • Latest Discussions

    • I have a lovely young French couple staying with me at the moment. They are going to queue overnight at Wimbledon for tickets on Sunday (for Monday). They did it earlier this week and were quite chilly and got no sleep. Does anyone have a small 2 person tent lying around that they could borrow? The rules for the queue are quite strict so it needs to be quite basic I believe. I can return it on Tuesday/Wednesday or make sure it goes to a subsequent good home if you have one lying around that you'd like to get rid of. Cheers, Cath
    • Did you mean PA - Physician Associates?  They have very limited training  (about two years) yet their job title has the word Physician attached to it. It’s very shady.
    • Too long a saga to post on here, and water long ago under the bridge. I didn't complain. I didn't find out it was the wrong hospital department until long afterwards, so  I had unnecessary investigations. I didn't want to take the antibiotics but I was desperate.
    • Many cafes? I only remember two in North Cross Road at any one time when the greengrocers was there? The Blue Mountain was one of them, then Rose opened one at the back of her shop. There was a bar, The Drum, are you thinking of that?
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