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    • Are you sure that they are Heathrow planes? The area also suffers incoming aircraft to City Airport. On some days there are both. The noise is real and measurable - the problem is that there are no standards and therefore no enforcement.
    • Bora has my sympathies - it's hard running a business where your goods are extremely perishable. But they should be able to do better with the problem of how to charge accurately when they have so many varieties e.g. 15 kinds of tomato. Ideally the receipt would show better info e.g. 'Dutch Beef @ £3.95 kg. 0.45 kg = £1.78 It would also help if you could see the price/weight calculations 'live' at the point of sale, so you could immediately query anything that looks wrong e.g. is the price calculation being made on an incorrect basis - some tomatoes are £3.95 kg whereas some are £8.95 kg, so it make a difference.
    • I was ripped off and charged incorrectly too, also for tomatoes. Seemingly they have started taking over the entire pavement, passers by don’t seem to have the right of way on the pavement?! It’s like they own the corner.  I’ve been walked into twice by loading and unloading of boxes / crates. I walk the opposite side now and avoid. And before you say it “I’m aware it’s lordship lane and the advantages of shopping locally, but I’m not selling a kidney for fruit & veg”. 
    • I have just always assumed that anything in this shop would be extraordinarily expensive, which is why I have never been in there. I just admire the beautiful displays as I walk past, and marvel at all the different varieties of fruit and veg never seen elsewhere in East Dulwich. Not quite sure where I'm going with this post, except to say you have two chances not to spend more than you expected: the first when you see the price stated on the display, the second when you go to pay and are told what you have to pay. Two chances to think/say: I'm not paying that. And walk away. Or pay it and regret it and then post about it on here ..... ETA: Hadn't seen the post above, as I was writing this one     
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