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Bora has a new owner

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The new owner is a friendly lady with long dark hair and glasses, who has been working there for the past few weeks. But I will miss Mr Bora. I really hope the high standards and wide choices of products/vegetables are maintained.

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I find prices are pretty clearly marked per kilo and I've actually found the cost pretty fair for the quality of the produce.

In fact I find it better priced than M&S who's fruit veg and sald prices have become silly

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Bora lives in Hertfordshire the shop as been open 3yrs .he told me the early early mornings have caught up with him when he first opened he would go market 2-3 0clock in the morning come back to LL .have a klp in his van maybe couple of hours. Then about 5am he starts pulling all the fruit veg out side theshop setting up .some staff would appear about 5.30am.he mentioned that onetime he hadn't been home for 3mths .the wife was pleased 😌. Really nice hard working fella .said he will still be about for a short time.allways smiling and could talk for england 😊

Edited by teddyboy23
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I love this shop.  I regard it as a joyful expression of colour and freshness on Lordship Lane.  Like an art installation.   I probably go there once a month, and if over a year it turns out that I spend £25 more than I would have done at Sainsbury's or M&S (and I've no idea if that's the case), then I'm more than happy to have paid for the convenience and the personality of the place.

Edited by Dr De Soto
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2 hours ago, Dr De Soto said:

I love this shop.  I regard it as a joyful expression of colour and freshness on Lordship Lane.  Like an art installation.   I probably go there once a month, and if over a year it turns out that I spend £25 more than I would have done at Sainsbury's or M&S (and I've no idea if that's the case), then I'm more than happy to have paid for the convenience and the personality of the place.

Well said! Totally agree

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On 01/07/2024 at 13:40, Dr De Soto said:

I love this shop.  I regard it as a joyful expression of colour and freshness on Lordship Lane.  Like an art installation.   I probably go there once a month, and if over a year it turns out that I spend £25 more than I would have done at Sainsbury's or M&S (and I've no idea if that's the case), then I'm more than happy to have paid for the convenience and the personality of the place.

Agreed. And you will have saved the planet from several kilos of disposable plastic wrapping too!

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3 minutes ago, Froglander said:

I miss the greengrocers that was in Northcross Road.   Loved going there and then to the pet shop and would then stop off for sustenance in one of the many cafes, most of which are no longer there.

Many cafes? I only remember two in North Cross Road at any one time when the greengrocers was there? The Blue Mountain was one of them, then Rose opened one at the back of her shop.

There was a bar, The Drum, are you thinking of that?

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6 hours ago, Sue said:

Many cafes? I only remember two in North Cross Road at any one time when the greengrocers was there? The Blue Mountain was one of them, then Rose opened one at the back of her shop.

There was a bar, The Drum, are you thinking of that?

Yes, was including the Drum and the Blue Brick and it’s previous incarnation round the corner in Fellbrigg Road.  I also liked the bar Inside 72 on LL that used to be the Cheltenham & Gloucester building Society. They had really good burgers and great music.   Loved Blue Mountain in its first incarnation with the different rooms and booths.

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3 minutes ago, Froglander said:

Yes, was including the Drum and the Blue Brick and it’s previous incarnation round the corner in Fellbrigg Road.  I also liked the bar Inside 72 on LL that used to be the Cheltenham & Gloucester building Society. They had really good burgers and great music.   Loved Blue Mountain in its first incarnation with the different rooms and booths.

Yes, Inside 72 was great, so were all the little rooms in the Blue Mountain.

The Drum used to be open after hours, you had to get in round the back. But crikey it was smoky 🤣

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    • Are you sure that they are Heathrow planes? The area also suffers incoming aircraft to City Airport. On some days there are both. The noise is real and measurable - the problem is that there are no standards and therefore no enforcement.
    • Bora has my sympathies - it's hard running a business where your goods are extremely perishable. But they should be able to do better with the problem of how to charge accurately when they have so many varieties e.g. 15 kinds of tomato. Ideally the receipt would show better info e.g. 'Dutch Beef @ £3.95 kg. 0.45 kg = £1.78 It would also help if you could see the price/weight calculations 'live' at the point of sale, so you could immediately query anything that looks wrong e.g. is the price calculation being made on an incorrect basis - some tomatoes are £3.95 kg whereas some are £8.95 kg, so it make a difference.
    • I was ripped off and charged incorrectly too, also for tomatoes. Seemingly they have started taking over the entire pavement, passers by don’t seem to have the right of way on the pavement?! It’s like they own the corner.  I’ve been walked into twice by loading and unloading of boxes / crates. I walk the opposite side now and avoid. And before you say it “I’m aware it’s lordship lane and the advantages of shopping locally, but I’m not selling a kidney for fruit & veg”. 
    • I have just always assumed that anything in this shop would be extraordinarily expensive, which is why I have never been in there. I just admire the beautiful displays as I walk past, and marvel at all the different varieties of fruit and veg never seen elsewhere in East Dulwich. Not quite sure where I'm going with this post, except to say you have two chances not to spend more than you expected: the first when you see the price stated on the display, the second when you go to pay and are told what you have to pay. Two chances to think/say: I'm not paying that. And walk away. Or pay it and regret it and then post about it on here ..... ETA: Hadn't seen the post above, as I was writing this one     
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