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I was really annoyed this morning as someone stole the milk from my doorstep. This happened a few weeks ago 2 pints of milk along with a loaf of bread. I live on Wood Vale and wondered if anyone else has had this happen. I checked with Dairy Crest and it had definitely been delivered. My milkman delivers very early. They have told me to inform the police, basically to get a crime number. Seems a bit over the top but I suppose it is theft and maybe I need a crime number so that I don't have to pay for the stolen milk or any that might disappear in the future. Also the milk company apparently do their own investigations once they have a crime number. Maybe the milkman will lie in wait! Anyway, not sure what can be done about it short of getting up around 3am when the milkman delivers and taking the milk in.
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I use the milkman because I like to think I'm helping to keep someone in work. It's also very convenient to have milk or bread on the doorstep early in the morning - that is until someone pinches it! I've used the milk service for over 30 years and never had this happen before. Have now reported it.
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We have had our milk stolen a couple of times over the last few years, in Therapia Road,but have not bothered to inform police, for what seems a petty matter.

We asked the milkman not to leave the milk in the porch in view, but in an out of site location, this seems to have worked.

Perhaps you can do the same, behind fence or brick wall or behind dust bins.

Hope this helps.

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We had our milk delivered for well over a decade, we're a large family so we had a lot of milk (milkman didn't come every day), we had the odd batch go - taken by chancers - but then we began to be specifically targetted. Several times our milk went (8 pints at a time - more difficult to hide or be 'discreet' about), we tried all the above remedies, and even resorted to getting up with the milkman to try and catch the thief but to no avail. They were canny, they didn't come every time we had a delivery and, we think, had the milkmans timings to a tee.

Sadly in the end we had to stop using the milkman after many happy years of deliveries. This was some years ago & we still feel the loss of that friendly service. SOme weeks later all the empty bottles (about 30 or so) were left on the path outside our door. They probably thought it was funny, but I found it extremely distressing as it felt so malicious and personal that I felt very threatened and vulnerable.

I would love to have milk delivered by the milkman again but the nastiness behind that experience has shaken me too badly to try again. :(

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Katy, neither had I in over 30 years of deliveries until now. The neighbourhood police have been in touch and will keep a look out but don't think there's much they can do. I think I was asked to report it to the police by Dairy Crest so that I won't get charged for the missing milk. I guess it's proof that it happened. It is the second time and if it happens again then I'll assume I'm being targeted. If it was a random incident, i.e. someone passing by and swiping it because it's there, I can't see that they would bother to regularly return. If it does happen again I will take it that someone is watching and knows exactly the delivery days and times. New deliveries next week so watch this space!
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LadyDeliah Wrote:


> Didn't happen for years and now coincidently when

> more and more people are so broke they need food

> banks for basic food items, milk has started going

> from doorsteps of lots of people.

I don't think this. Our theft some years ago now, and if they were broke then what's with the 'returning' 30 empties? We just bunged them in the recycling - same as anyone could do. Not the explanation here LD. Just nasty, low people I'm afraid. They do exist.

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