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49 minutes ago, alice said:

Obviously, there’s lots of people who do like that music and to describe it as you have done R. I think it’s irrelevant.  

Sorry? I was describing the noise around Herne Hill, I wasn't passing any judgement on the type of music just that the noise of the drum kit reverb and sounds from one stages' sound system was competing with the same from the other...happens at every festival once you get away from one stage you get interference from the sound from another. And thats why it doesn't work having festivals in inner city areas as the sound become noise pollution.

As we walked down Stadella the noise was bouncing off the house fronts and it was awful. I pity the poor residents there as they have three weekends of it. 

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14 hours ago, Angelina said:

There used to be events in brockwell park, for years, including Pride and they were never ticketed and there was never the damage there is now.

I don't know - you might be looking through rose-tinted glasses there. I never went to Pride but went to other events at Brockwell Park through the 80s and 90s and 00s on and off. It was a bit wild and there was litter and piss everywhere. It was often a bit sketchy in the evenings.

Other people here will disagree with me but I am less concerned about the presence of the fences per se. I'm more concerned about the litter caused by poor management, the rehabilitation failures and whether the council gets paid a decent whack.

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17 minutes ago, Dogkennelhillbilly said:

I don't know - you might be looking through rose-tinted glasses there. I never went to Pride but went to other events at Brockwell Park through the 80s and 90s and 00s on and off. It was a bit wild and there was litter and piss everywhere. It was often a bit sketchy in the evenings.

Other people here will disagree with me but I am less concerned about the presence of the fences per se. I'm more concerned about the litter caused by poor management, the rehabilitation failures and whether the council gets paid a decent whack.

The Council shouldn’t be getting any “whack” for exploiting public areas that they have a duty to protect. Afterall, they get a “whack” from central government and Council Tax to look after the parks etc.

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On 24/05/2024 at 10:28, fishboy said:

This is the exact same response I got from the guy in charge on the ground at the time, and from the hotline "It was the Parks people who cut the branches off, not us". What they had to have pointed out to them is that bearing in mind that tree has never needed, or had, any work carried out on it, that the sole reason it was being done is because they requested it! If it wasn't for their need for a higher wall, it wouldn't have happened! It is 100% their responsibility.

I have written an email to an Anne Whyte who has been sending out info from the Events Dept to ask who authorised this mutilation, but unsurprisingly have had zero response. 

The nesting survey is, as always, a box ticking exercise, as it is limited to "within the GALA event site" where there are very few trees. It does note however that there is a large area immediately to the East of the site where there is a "High potential for bird nesting - limit disturbance" The bullet points above are supposedly steps they are taking to limit disturbance in this area, but they seem to have overlooked 8-9 hours of 85db+ noise aimed directly at it. The main stage is roughly where the red circle is on the pic below, and facing that way. Again the hotline parrotted (excuse the pun) that the birds had plenty of other areas they could nest, ignoring the fact that they may already have nests full of eggs / chicks in that area already. 

As for the hardcore filling of the boggy area, the hotline rep confirmed that this is a temporary fix to enable them to install & use the trackway, and that it would be reinstated post-event. Quite how you remove several tons of rubble after it's been driven over by heavy plant during several days of rain remains too be seen...


PS the second survey mentioned is apparently designed to see if the event has had any effect on the wildlife. Bearing in mind it will only cover the area within the site boundary, and that there were no nests initially, it's obviously going to come out with the conclusion that there is no negative impact on the wildlife, which will then be used as an argument for a longer event next year...

Yes, this beautiful, naturally shaped tree, possibly the most known & loved tree in the park. The pic below shows how it looks now, so you can imagine which branches were removed. Last year the wall was about a third lower, so the branches could pass over the top, but presumably this was an issue as people could climb over without paying?


I got a similar response by email

“…thank you for sharing your concerns with us. 
As mentioned, any tree work on site would have been carried out by the council’s Arboriculture team. I do not have any details on the arrangements that were made, I’m afraid.
Your comments have been logged and will be taken into account by the events team. “


I’m sorry but this utter bullsh*t

As Fishboy states they’ve only done it because of the festival and I can’t see any other scenario than the Arborists being instructed to do it by the GALA team..  

It’s a complete travesty, the park has some truly magnificent tress and this is one of them

This has to be taken further 

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That white building outside Peckham Rye train station has been graffitied during the festival.

You can see they're scared to take down the security fences as it will become a grafitti wall - theres a security guy and a dog in there but what are they going to do.

19 hours ago, first mate said:

I sat and watched hordes of 20-30 somethings arriving, all white, seemingly young professionals, mostly heading in from PR overground. I get that the event is enjoyable for London's young white professional demographic but it is a want and privilege, not a 'need'. There must be literally thousands of fantastic indoor music venues, there for the taking. Leaving the park free for those wishing to enjoy nature and/or the outdoors.

I think its mainly non locals- I see them coming down Rye lane  and returning later - they don't stay for long afterwards  (except a few) - they don't catch buses just walk to the train.  They stop at Tesco to buy beer (good for Tesco then).  Angel Oak had a juice bar on Saturday but not sure how well they did.

There was a load of paper scattered around this morning by Nigel Road - not sure what from.

A load of police/private security were escorting them across East Dulwich road on Saturday night - not sure whether something happened or they just needed escorting.

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1 hour ago, John OShea said:

 they get a “whack” from central government and Council Tax to look after the parks etc.

...and it's nowhere near enough. We've had a decade plus of austerity and cutbacks. If renting the park brings in a decent chunk of money for elder care and social services and education and libraries and roads and parks, and doesn't degrade the parks and streets, I'm okay with it. Obviously if there was endless money or it didn't make a profit, you shouldn't bother.

You may have a more fundamentalist view - and that's fair enough. 

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2 hours ago, Sally Eva said:

I think that would be a sensible question to ask councillors

They have been asked many times, and the response is always that it is "commercially sensitive" so they can't publish it.

AFAIK they also don't seem to want to publish exact figures for how much of it goes towards good things for the people of Southwark, just vague assurances that it pays for the running of the Events Team and numerous free events throughout the year...

22 hours ago, alice said:

And if it was another demographic you would still be moaning

Has anyone actually seen the so-called damage to that tree? You’re absolutely ridiculous

Yes, I did, as the workmen were putting the branches through a mulching machine hooked up to the back of their van. The branches removed were more in the vicinity of 12cm / 5", but it's their length that is more important, and the effect to the overall natural shape of the tree - it has NEVER been trimmed, pruned, pollarded or touched in any way previously.

I've attached two photos which hopefully give an indication of the volume of foliage removed. The first is the wall last year - note that it is about a third lower and allows the branches to freely pass over the top. Also note that it looks low enough for people to possibly climb over. The second is the same view this year - higher wall, lower branches removed - note the difference between how far out the branches extend over the path.

I've also attached an image of some of the cut off branches, not sure how much it's possible to zoom in on this forum but hopefully gives a better idea of the mutilation. Please don't argue the toss over the level of damage - the point is that a private corporation has requested for it to happen, despite making statements about caring for the park.




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19 minutes ago, Rockets said:

I wonder what is "commercially sensitive" about it? I wonder if that is for the council or the organisers of Gala.

It's possibly in the bidding process to hold an event, gala offers to pay £x and if that information is publicly known than rivals know how much to bid next year to just beat it, however the council possibly want to gain as much revenue as they can so highest bidder wins.

Therefore by keeping the winning bid commercially secret, next year someone may come in at a multiple higher as they don't know what the winning bid is this year. 

Standard practice when requesting quotes like this. 


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The council would have to provide information for an FOI request. The questions would have to be worded so that they wouldn’t be able to say that it’s commercially sensitive.

net income from an event funded by taxpayers is not commercially sensitive; asking for a breakdown of income and costs could be

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1 hour ago, Soleila said:

Friday night and last night they were also playing music loudly, that travelled more than usual, well into midnight. 

At Gala? One thing we have noticed is the music cuts off bang on the time it's supposed to finish. That'll be one thing that the on site council representatives will do properly because of the kick back that they'd get from put out residents affected by the din. They couldn't possibly go onto midnight. It would scupper any chances of gala coming back next year.

Some bits here from Southwark. https://www.southwark.gov.uk/events-culture-and-heritage/events/large-and-major-events/gala-music-festival-peckham-rye-park-and-common



As i suspected Gala do put down a deposit along with an environmental Impact Fee. To me it seems that it's Southwark that are not holding Gala to task over contractual agreements that will cover amongst over things- reinstating the land used back to how they found it. If Southwark weren't happy with Gala not fulfilling  there obligations they would not refund the deposit that's held. If corners are being cut it's essentially down to Southwark being slapdash and not following ( there )procedures.

Edited by Dulwich dweller

On the east side of the park - ie. the other side of the park from the festival site, it has been hell this year.  The music has been so loud and disturbing.  They have to - and did so - turn the music off 10.30pm sharp.  But when one is stuck at home even with double glazing it's so disruptive, and on warm days and evenings you want to open windows but can't. 

Anyway, I am interested to know just how many complaints were made this year, and also would be interested to know what the results were from the independent sound company that were hired to come round our side of the park to test the Db levels when we made complaints.  How many were too high?   I asked both [email protected] and Gala themselves and have not been replied to, so that may need  FOI request too. 

As for the commercial sensitivity reasoning behind Gala not disclosing how much they pay Southwark Council for this disruption (all kids of it), that has also to be challenged.  With all the complaints I don't think Southwark would continue to allow it if the money was not worth our disruption.   

I hope next year all of you will attend the meetings.  There were a few well publicised meetigs leading up to Gala, and they seemed to have broken all their promises for change; for example more toilets, yet people pee'd in bushes;  more bins yet photo evidence shows  not being emptied regularly;  Southwark cutting big branches off trees - why couldn't Gala just work out better areas to avoid the trees, maybe angle the fencing a bit?  So yes, I think I shall be firing a few FOI's and the sooner the better.   

Best wishes all. 

Edited by PeckhamRose
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2 hours ago, Rockets said:

Interesting that Pub in the Park decided not to come back to Dulwich this year

I'm actually relieved to hear that tbh..It sounded like the most awful middle class booze and food fest.

Back to Gala, I visited a friend who lives very near the Rye yesterday and was actually suprised at how low the actual noise levels were.

I think we have to have to accept that in these times of cuts in Govenment spending local councils are relying more and more in renting out public space to private companies for festivals.

Horniman Gardens which is way smaller than PR actually ends up with the whole park closed to the public a good few Saturdays (and maybe Sundays too) each year now.

Crystal Palace park huge chunks of that get fenced off for various festivals in the Summer months.

I'm OK with festivals in public spaces providing the disruption to trees and grassland is kept to a minimum or 'fixed' after and that local residents are all given the chance to attend at reduced ticket prices .

and finally as long as they are well run.

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1 hour ago, PeckhamRose said:

On the east side of the park - ie. the other side of the park from the festival site, it has been hell this year.  The music has been so loud and disturbing.  They have to - and did so - turn the music off 10.30pm sharp.  But when one is stuck at home even with double glazing it's so disruptive, and on warm days and evenings you want to open windows but can't. 

Anyway, I am interested to know just how many complaints were made this year, and also would be interested to know what the results were from the independent sound company that were hired to come round our side of the park to test the Db levels when we made complaints.  How many were too high?   I asked both [email protected] and Gala themselves and have not been replied to, so that may need  FOI request too. 

As for the commercial sensitivity reasoning behind Gala not disclosing how much they pay Southwark Council for this disruption (all kids of it), that has also to be challenged.  With all the complaints I don't think Southwark would continue to allow it if the money was not worth our disruption.   

I hope next year all of you will attend the meetings.  There were a few well publicised meetigs leading up to Gala, and they seemed to have broken all their promises for change; for example more toilets, yet people pee'd in bushes;  more bins yet photo evidence shows  not being emptied regularly;  Southwark cutting big branches off trees - why couldn't Gala just work out better areas to avoid the trees, maybe angle the fencing a bit?  So yes, I think I shall be firing a few FOI's and the sooner the better.   

Best wishes all. 

You’re right, much louder than last year. After a day or so, it will be interesting to see the damage that’s left over. Swear someone has been playing music from the park today including right now. Nothing like previous noise but audible. Incredible that a small bunch of idiots never seem to be satisfied. Anyway, has anyone else noticed the noise today?

1 hour ago, John OShea said:

Anyway, has anyone else noticed the noise today?

We heard music coming from somewhere earlier this evening around 8pm but couldn't work out from where. A bit later when walking past Goose green towards Lordship lane we could hear the music again. It was louder and seemed to be coming from a distance which we thought may have been Brockwell or that area. I'm not sure if there was a music event at Brockwell this weekend but the noise was definitely coming from a loud sound system that's used for outdoor events.

7 minutes ago, Dogkennelhillbilly said:

A lot depends on wind strength and direction. I could hear the music from Brockwell Park

It certainly does. I just posted about Brockwell or that area.

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