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So it's that time of the year when the industrial plant arrives in Peckham Rye Park to essentially annexe & trash one of the best areas. Again.

So to start - the sound of chainsaws this morning triggered a visit for me, to find several large branches being lopped off the beautiful blossom tree near where the Park Run starts - I'm sure you all know & love it. This was blatantly to accommodate the metal perimeter wall, but I don't recall this sort of vandalism being mentioned in any of the meetings, documentation or promises?

Previously, this section of the wall had lower panels, to fit under these branches, but I guess this would have been an issue for the organisers - easy to climb over - so they would've had to spend money on extra security? So this year they've arranged to have those pesky, profit negative branches removed, so they can install a higher wall - sorted!

For context, I've lived here just under 20 years, and looked across to that tree from our front window every day. It has never been pruned, trimmed, pollarded or touched in any way by the park staff, hence its beautiful, natural shape.

This act of vandalism was done 100% to benefit GALA, not the tree. Sickening.



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It is also, I believe, against all good practice, and may even be an offence to cut or prune trees during nesting season, save where there is evident danger to life and limb. Which danger to Profit isn't. Shame on the organisers and shame on the greedy council for allowing it.

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2 hours ago, sunbob said:

They are also covering/filling in the little stream bed and puddle (opposite Harris Boys) with rubble and wood chip. I know it's strictly speaking flooding, but by now quite an eco system had built up there.

Was this or the tree cutting mentioned in their plans/ 'engagement' events?

Can't believe it would have been agreed.



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Yes, this was going to be my second point. Is this a permanent fix i.e. for the good of the park, or is it a temporary fix i.e. for the good of the festival? I suspect the latter, as I'm not sure how well grass will grow over hardcore, and it's coincidentally right in the path of where they want to lay the trackway to give their heavy plant access to the south of the site. I'll be asking them these questions when i call their "Community Hotline" - 0207 112 9277 - tomorrow...


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This is disgusting. They really have no shame. Vandalism of a tree shows this shower and Cllr Catherine Rose cannot be trusted an inch.

I walked over yesterday and was struck by what seemed to be even higher barriers. I remember Gala mentioning at some point they wanted higher barriers to deter jumpers. This is what happens folks when community assets are handed over for private exploitation.

Edited by first mate
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Went past on the bus earlier and saw all the barriers which have been erected, they actually look to be the same height as last year from memory, However they totally obscure the view of the park, I feel sorry for all those living opposite who have to see this each morning for the entirety of the event.   

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On 15/05/2024 at 22:54, fishboy said:

Yes, this was going to be my second point. Is this a permanent fix i.e. for the good of the park, or is it a temporary fix i.e. for the good of the festival? I suspect the latter, as I'm not sure how well grass will grow over hardcore, and it's coincidentally right in the path of where they want to lay the trackway to give their heavy plant access to the south of the site. I'll be asking them these questions when i call their "Community Hotline" - 0207 112 9277 - tomorrow...


Is there more news on this? Plus Council/Gala response on the tree lopping?

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On 16/05/2024 at 12:54, Kesc said:

Do call the GALA team on the number below. I just spoke to them and the lady I spoke to had no idea and is going to come back to me, but if you want action, call the number. They picked up on the third ring and at least appeared to be helpful.

This is the response I have had:

To address your concerns around the trees, we want to assure you that GALA Festival will not and does not independently cut or prune any trees in the park. Any necessary work is carried out by the council and the Park's arborist and tree protection teams.

Regarding your comments around nesting birds, please find attached the 2024 pre-event Bird Nesting Survey (conducted on 7th May), which finds there are no nesting birds within the GALA event site. 

However, the survey does outline areas around the site which have the potential for nesting birds. Please see below a few of the ways in which we aim to limit disturbance to these surrounding areas:
  • Production Routes: Our routes avoid high potential areas. These routes strictly adhere to hardstanding pathways, with vehicle paths clearly defined and enforced by both traffic management and security personnel.
  • Steel Shield Perimeter: Before any major works commence, a 3.5m steel shield perimeter is erected around the event site. This perimeter containment ensures that activities remain confined within the event site, protecting areas outside of the perimeter from undue disruption.
  • Egress Route Management: During the event egress period, which lasts a maximum of half an hour, we will have some fencing and barriers to guide attendees safely out of the event area. This prevents access to the wider park, mitigating potential disturbances.
  • Visual Messaging: Variable Message Signage (VMS) will be strategically placed, reminding guests to "leave quietly and respect our neighbours," encouraging respectful departure at the event's conclusion.
  • Litter Prevention: To prevent littering we have increased the number of bins along the egress routes and made improvements to our litter collection.
  • Enhanced Security Presence: Throughout the egress process, there will be enhanced security and steward presence to deter any antisocial behaviour.
A secondary survey is scheduled to take place post-show so that we can assess and report on any impact we might have had during our tenancy in the park.
They also said explicitly: The council approved arborist undertook the work. 
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You may be right but, sadly, it is equally possible that our council of double standards on green issues has green-lit the lopping of a healthy tree to facilitate the needs and interests of its private contractor.


Council arborists are usually super protective of trees.I wonder if it is possible to get an FOI on who okayed the lopping if this tree and for what reasons?


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27 minutes ago, alice said:

There has never been a stream there there was a boggy bit because of recent flooding. 
(tho ignore the above if ive got the location wrong.)

This is, I believe, the area that the council plans to put in formal drainage, cutting down numbers of mature trees 'because it will be easier for the contractors' - and hence demonstrating once again its contempt for it's south-of-the-borough constituents and nature in general, where it cannot be sufficiently monetised. It has, I think, suggested it will plant saplings to replace the mature trees, so our children may be able to see the results, when they get a lot older.

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On 20/05/2024 at 17:14, Kesc said:

This is the response I have had:

To address your concerns around the trees, we want to assure you that GALA Festival will not and does not independently cut or prune any trees in the park. Any necessary work is carried out by the council and the Park's arborist and tree protection teams.

Regarding your comments around nesting birds, please find attached the 2024 pre-event Bird Nesting Survey (conducted on 7th May), which finds there are no nesting birds within the GALA event site. 

However, the survey does outline areas around the site which have the potential for nesting birds. Please see below a few of the ways in which we aim to limit disturbance to these surrounding areas:
  • Production Routes: Our routes avoid high potential areas. These routes strictly adhere to hardstanding pathways, with vehicle paths clearly defined and enforced by both traffic management and security personnel.
  • Steel Shield Perimeter: Before any major works commence, a 3.5m steel shield perimeter is erected around the event site. This perimeter containment ensures that activities remain confined within the event site, protecting areas outside of the perimeter from undue disruption.
  • Egress Route Management: During the event egress period, which lasts a maximum of half an hour, we will have some fencing and barriers to guide attendees safely out of the event area. This prevents access to the wider park, mitigating potential disturbances.
  • Visual Messaging: Variable Message Signage (VMS) will be strategically placed, reminding guests to "leave quietly and respect our neighbours," encouraging respectful departure at the event's conclusion.
  • Litter Prevention: To prevent littering we have increased the number of bins along the egress routes and made improvements to our litter collection.
  • Enhanced Security Presence: Throughout the egress process, there will be enhanced security and steward presence to deter any antisocial behaviour.
A secondary survey is scheduled to take place post-show so that we can assess and report on any impact we might have had during our tenancy in the park.
They also said explicitly: The council approved arborist undertook the work 

This is the exact same response I got from the guy in charge on the ground at the time, and from the hotline "It was the Parks people who cut the branches off, not us". What they had to have pointed out to them is that bearing in mind that tree has never needed, or had, any work carried out on it, that the sole reason it was being done is because they requested it! If it wasn't for their need for a higher wall, it wouldn't have happened! It is 100% their responsibility.

I have written an email to an Anne Whyte who has been sending out info from the Events Dept to ask who authorised this mutilation, but unsurprisingly have had zero response. 

The nesting survey is, as always, a box ticking exercise, as it is limited to "within the GALA event site" where there are very few trees. It does note however that there is a large area immediately to the East of the site where there is a "High potential for bird nesting - limit disturbance" The bullet points above are supposedly steps they are taking to limit disturbance in this area, but they seem to have overlooked 8-9 hours of 85db+ noise aimed directly at it. The main stage is roughly where the red circle is on the pic below, and facing that way. Again the hotline parrotted (excuse the pun) that the birds had plenty of other areas they could nest, ignoring the fact that they may already have nests full of eggs / chicks in that area already. 

As for the hardcore filling of the boggy area, the hotline rep confirmed that this is a temporary fix to enable them to install & use the trackway, and that it would be reinstated post-event. Quite how you remove several tons of rubble after it's been driven over by heavy plant during several days of rain remains too be seen...


PS the second survey mentioned is apparently designed to see if the event has had any effect on the wildlife. Bearing in mind it will only cover the area within the site boundary, and that there were no nests initially, it's obviously going to come out with the conclusion that there is no negative impact on the wildlife, which will then be used as an argument for a longer event next year...

On 20/05/2024 at 23:16, joseph holly said:

Can't believe this stunning tree, which looks beautiful whatever the season, has been lopped to make way for a metal monstrosity. Vandalism!





Yes, this beautiful, naturally shaped tree, possibly the most known & loved tree in the park. The pic below shows how it looks now, so you can imagine which branches were removed. Last year the wall was about a third lower, so the branches could pass over the top, but presumably this was an issue as people could climb over without paying?


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