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free sociable cycle rides Sat April 20th

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NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, links below.


On the 20th we have 2 rides planned. Jamie and Simon K are doing the marathon while Bruce has a definitely non-marathon short ride to Regents Park.

Ride 1.  Ride the Marathon Course.  < https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ride-the-marathon-course-tickets-883116253487 >

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to do the iconic London Marathon? Well this year you can ride it from start to finish and even enjoy a coffee break mid-way.

Coordinating Instructions and Timings. Riders will meet at 10.00am at the Statue of General Wolfe next to the Prime Meridian Line at the top of Greenwich Park, SE10 8XJ. Ride Leader Jamie will give a short safety briefing before the start. The ride will finish on the Mall, SW1A 2WH by approx 2.30pm.

Mission To cycle the iconic 26.2-mile London Marathon Route from start to finish as faithfully as possible. This should be an enjoyable ride and is suitable for competent and experienced riders.

Route. One of our regular Ride Leaders, Simon Kenward, a veteran of many London Marathons will be with us for the ride. We will pause the ride momentarily along the route and Simon will point out one or two key locations and some of the places where resilience and stamina are really put to the test. The anticipated route is: Greenwich Park, Charlton Way, The Village, Charlton Park Rd, Little Heath, Hill Reach, Artillery Place, John Wilson St, Woolwich Church St, Woolwich Rd, Trafalgar Rd, Cutty Sark, Creek Rd, Lower Rd, Surrey Quays Rd, Quebec Way, Salter Rd, Brunel Rd, Jamaica Rd, Tower Bridge, The Highway (roughly 1/2 way), Narrow St, Limehouse, West ferry Rd, East Ferry Rd, Marsh Wall, Heron Quays, South Colonnade, North Colonnade, Poplar High St, West India Dock Rd, Commercial Rd, The Highway (2nd time), Lower Thames St, Upper Thames St, Victoria Embankment, Parliament Sq, Buckingham Palace, The Mall.

Rations and Water. We will stop midway for a 30-minute coffee and snack break.

Checks and Equipment. Riders are urged to pre-check their bikes e.g. A = Air in tyres, B = Brakes, C= Chain & gears etc. Riders are further advised to bring: a warm fleece, waterproof top/trousers & bike lock.


 Ride 2. London Bridge to Regents Park < https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/london-bridge-to-regents-park-cycle-ride-tickets-883108610627 >

Bruce leading. Start 10am, Southwark Needle, south side of London Bridge. Bruce leading.. Finish back at London Bridge by 12.30. About 15km (10 miles), pretty much flat. On mostly segregated lanes or quiet streets with just a few short stetches of busy road. Out across the City, Cycleway 6, Tavistock Place (LCN 6), Tottenham Court Road, into Park at Chester Gate. Round the Inner Circle then exit York Gate and return on route touching the outward one at Gower St (UCL), then past British museum, Covent Garden and finishing along the river to London Bridge.  Lots to see. Time for a short coffee break in Regents Park.  Route at https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=14sFsp9B7PPhAciiYb84Shk24cpNI7rE&usp=sharing


Riders of all ages are welcome on Healthy Rides but under 18s must be accompanied by a responsible adult.  Same for “adults at risk”.  

Note. Ride reports, often with photos and route maps, are posted to the Southwark Cyclists web site, yearly index at https://southwarkcyclists.org.uk/healthy-rides/

This ride is part of a regular programme of Saturday rides, more information at https://southwarkcyclists.org.uk/healthy-rides/



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    • Off the top of my head, there are notice boards in Sainsbury's and the library where small businesses can advertise, not to overlook the internet and forums such as this which these days is where very many go to first for small business information. I find it strange that you are mounting this crusade to allow small businesses the right to advertise in the Community noticeboards when there are so many alternatives these days. As I said before, the Community noticeboards are too small to accommodate commercial notices and would probably overwhelm and obscure the NFP notices. For info, during the week there is just as broad a mix passing by the NXR boards as the one by the station
    • There was a very long thread following that first post I screenshotted (?) above.   I have just re-read the thread. If anybody knows how I can link to it on this thread, please let me know. It's very interesting (but also pretty appalling).
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    • I think there is possibly a “broken windows syndrome” to these kind of boards: you know the idea that a broken window left untouched will give the impression that nobody cares, so encourages more vandalism? If boards are not maintained and the notices are way out of date it gives off that vibe. North Cross Road is a Southwark council licensed market, so does it not have a council employee in charge of it? Someone who arranges pitches and payments etc. If so, surely they would be the person to take responsibility? It only needs somebody to keep it clean and charge the posters regularly. Perhaps this can be suggested to the Goose Green councillors; it’s not my ward.
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