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Further to my previous post, which got lounged - http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?20,128157,page=1

I said I'd report back regarding their response, if any.

It is now two weeks since I left a written complaint in the cafe, regarding their slow service, and a week since my online message. They have not responded to either.

Edited to add: see further post later in the thread - have now received an apology via email, which must have been lost in the ether.

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Sue Wrote:


> So why have they not been sufficiently bothered to

> contact Fuchsia and respond to her complaint then

> ??


> :-S

Edit: Sorry misspelled Fuschia ....

Edit again: Sorry,compounded error by then making a new post instead of, as I thought, editing the first one, oooops :-$

I guess what you're saying is, they're not bothered that after 30 mins they hadn't served us and so we left, my little boy was crying... they're not bothered that after 2 weeks they have not got back to me to apologise.. but they ARE bothered that I've told other people about it on this forum?

Says a lot about them, if that's the case!

Tazzi Wrote:


> Sue calm down i only told them what was happening

> why are you taking it so personally???


Eh? What makes you think I'm taking it personally????

Erm, I'm not "uncalm" :)):))


Though fair enough, I do get wound up about bad service, as I can never understand why someone would go into business - any kind of business - and then for years not appear to care about providing not even a good level of customer service but an acceptable one !!

And I agree with Fuschia, it appears very poor that the BMC has only got bothered about this once it spread to the forum, not because of the original incident which she complained of (twice) without any response


your post was shouting at me, lol only joking i understand the frustrations, and the wait for them to reply to the complaint, but i feel that the thread needs to come to an end, this forum can be very damaging to livlihoods. The blue mountain was here long before the EDF and i personally feel that people need to cut them a little slack.

Tazzi Wrote:


> No im not, im defending them because i like them,

> always have, i have just remembered why i dont

> like this forum, its negative thats why i dont

> post often, only when its needed.

> What does OP mean?


Sorry I edited my post and it crossed with yours.

OP is original post or original poster.

The forum is not negative - but surely people should feel free to post about something like this if they feel strongly about it?

I too thought the BMC was great when it opened - it was fun and quirky, and it had great cakes. Then for similar reasons to Fuschia (though I never complained in writing) I stopped going.

If nobody ever stuck their heads above the parapet, nothing would ever get done - and I don't agree that that's necessarily negative? I see it more as being proactive and trying to get things changed.

Some people have the energy to do that, others just put up with things. That's not being positive, it's being apathetic!

In my opinion ....

So - did the BMC say what they actually intended to do about the service so people will say lovely things about them on the EDF??



This is a forum for any opinion. Non is more valid than another. It's a shame when someone or something is criticised, but that's life.

I'd say BMC should have responded earlier to the customer's complaints. Two weeks is too long.

If their service improves after this complaint, then I am sure that at least someone will post something positive about it.

I think if I ran a local business I'd rather people complained about poor service, either in person or through such a forum as this than if they reacted by simply not using that business any more. One route gives the opportunity to make amends, and/or to improve the service/rectify mistakes whilst the other simply makes you wonder why customers have voted with their feet.
We went in on Sunday and had to wait for ages to be served. The staff were all hung over to buggery and they all looked in damn need of a wash! Sorry if that seems rude, but the lad who served us had his jeans slung so low down his arse we could see his less than white boxers.......which made me want to puke.
BMC has ALWAYS (in my circle of East Dulwich friends at least) had a rather bad reputation with regards to their customer service. We do still frequent the place, but only after careful consideration and pre-planning our appetites for a delay of at least 30-40mins. Don't go there expecting to be served within a reasonable length of time - go there to wait, read the papers, wait some more, read more papers, say hi to all your friends who are there doing the same thing. BMC = Be.Meditate.Chill. It's still one of the nicer places to 'be' in ED.

oblivion Wrote:


> BMC has ALWAYS ... had a rather bad reputation with

> regards to their customer service.

Agreed.. I only ventured in, after avoiding it for several years, after the owner assured me at the Goose Green fair, where he was leafletting, that things had changed.

It seems really odd he spends his day giving out flyers to drum up trade, yet the basics aren't dealt with, eg response to customer complaints.

Aw come on - its not earth shatteringly brilliant but its a lovely place to sit outside and while away a morning.

I've had to wait sometimes and sometimes I've gone up to the often rather young, often very sweet (never very dirty!) waiting staff and asked them to get on with it. They ususally have. I agree this is not the ideal situation but I'm with oblivion on this one. Its a place for mooching which sometimes requires a little light mithering.

If I'm feeling rushed I don't go in - if I want to chill and chat then its perfect.

bawdy-nan Wrote:



> If I'm feeling rushed I don't go in - if I want to

> chill and chat then its perfect.

I always feel rushed these days and end up feeling humiliated if I'm left waiting like an idiot

I see whats wrong then - maybe I need to chill :)

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