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I feel a bit bad about it, but I really struggle in the heat and can feel a bit faint if I'm out in it for too long (and I burn to a crisp in minutes). I was thinking about taking Miss Oi to the Horniman this afternoon but then thought, should she be out in the park?? Am I being a bit selfish? She'll be in and out of our garden, not that there's much to do in it, and have a good go in the paddling pool at some point.

I was thinking - the colder it is the more we're out!

We are tending to stay in until gone 3ish then maybe a trip to the park. I'm not coping with this heat at all, I used to love sun bathing but having to take care of a toddler and baby in it is not much fun :(.

Went to Peckham soft play yesterday - great air con and really quiet :)

We have been out most days to the park and in the shade but today decided to stay in as it was already very hot when I popped to the shops at 9am!

Its harder in London due to the lack of fresh air so its not nice to subject children to stifling heat if there's no shade/breeze , it just makes for very grumpy little and big people .

the lack of breeze is the killer! I'm finding it still too hot at 3, to be honest, though at least the shadows are getting longer. I've got to head to Sainsbo's at some point, dreading the drive in my non-airconned car!

I'm sure my tolerance to the heat has lessened as I've got older!

We are mainly out in the mornings, back by 2 at latest. It's boiling and lovely at times but REALLY hard work. I also suffer a bit from feeling faint in extreme heat but find staying in worse for all concerned.

Water play is a must, shaded picnics, big hats, cream on before we go and massive cotton scarf over baby in sling (as don't want to make her overheat in loads of clothes), regular drinks for all - so proximity to cafe v useful. We also went to the woods yesterday - much cooler. The weird thing is, it's not getting cooler late afternoon - in fact the other day the forecast said 6pm was hottest time of day. Madness! I use public transport as don't drive but have taken a few cabs the past two weeks - getting tired toddler back on the bus is hard work as Bea wiped out, as am I.

Any great suggestions of cool activities? I am seriously considering the cinema tomorrow... On the plus side I'm getting a proper tan as if I've been abroad!!

I'm having a quiet day in today with toddler & baby (apart from a quick trip to the library and Sainsburys early morning - both air conditioned!) and I thought it would be a nightmare but really having the best day since this heat started! Paddling pool in the garden is helping keep us all cool & entertained.

Ruskin Park has the lovely kiddy pool which is great and not too busy first thing in the morning. But we generally come home for lunch and stay in the shade - it's just too hot to be out in the direct sun in the middle of the day. I slathered child with suncream today but forgot myself and burnt my neck and shoulders pushing the buggy.

We spent a lot of time mooching around lovely air conditioned Sainsbo's this afternoon and it was rammed with loads of people clearly doing the same thing. Starbucks must be doing a roaring trade!

well, our single trip out today was to Saisbo's, which was very pleasant indeed. Personally, I still felt it was far to hot to be outside at 4, when we went there, and again at 6 when I went out to meet friends!

I thought of Ruskin but couldn't remember if the paddling pool is shaded, or what times of day it is - I know the playground has no shade to speak of. And the 20 minute walk there - ugh!

I just feel (don't know where from) this overwhelming pressure that we should Be Out Of Doors, Doing Something as the Weather Is Nice. When all I want to be is Indoors, Doing Nothing. I'm channeling Lucy Mangan, aren't I?

it's along walk for me to get there, Fuschia, and at that time of day . . . ?!

Just looking at the forecast and in general it seems that the temperature (if not the strength of the sun) is at it's highest between 2 and 5 pm, so at least I'm not dreaming that it's still baking at 4!

There isn't much shade at Ruskin Park pool. I only take my daughter there for 20 minutes to splash around - either first thing in the morning or around 4pm. It's really busy in the middle of the day with older kids running around (which is fine but my little one is only 16 months and could easily get taken out by an excited five year old!)

I have to say - it's not the cleanest pool in the world. I was a bit worried when my daughter tried to drink some of the water. But it's great for a quick cool down.

I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to stay indoors either. I was really excited about being back in work yesterday in a lovely air conditioned office. Heaven.

I'm struggling myself. Trying to stay in as much as possible as daughter has time outside at school in the mornings everyday and I cant put suncream on her skin so its all too risky for me. Feel horrible keeping her in as its so nice outside but its also just gone past the point of being nice out there. I cant stand it this hot. 2 day break from the heat for the weekend with temperatures Monday - Wednesday forecast to reach up to 38c I'm really not looking forward to that one. Fan operating round the clock here!

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