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Annette Curtain Wrote:


> SCSB79 Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > I saw DJKQ today.





> I wouldn't stand for THAT


> It's time to unleash your annual weapon of mass

> offence (you know, the 'lady painting' one)


> *covers eyes*

HA HA...don't encourage me...though it has been a while hasn't it :D

Lady D is spot on UncleBen. To dismiss her disection of your comment as a reflection of her own prejudices is nonsense. YOU made the comment being challenged...not her.

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LadyDeliah Wrote:


> I found it offensive because saying illegal Asian

> immigrants flavour the Korma with their underpants

> appears to me that UncleBen is trying to infer the

> following:


> 1. Illegal immigrants are dirty (clean underwear

> wouldn't flavour anything);

This is where I just can't take the whole thing seriously. Pant jokes are everywhere in silly comedy.

I wouldn't want anyone's pants in my curry. It all just came over as a bit Dennis the Menace.

I think people have made more of it because of who posted it.

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what otta said!!! blimey I was trying to think of a way to say it and couldn't put it better.

and strafer, why should uncleben have to confirm or deny whether he is white or not, I think (could be wrong) the point of his later post was that a lot of (possibly) incorrect assumptions had been made about him therefore how much more inaccuracy had been spouted over the underpants comment/intention of comment (again, could be wrong).

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StraferJack Wrote:


> Tsk. My bad. I read that several times too


> But still, you are conforming you Aren't white? Or

> are you just saying "you can't tell". (Ie lady d

> might be right on that score but you don't want to

> say so?)

You'll never know will you? Unlike LD and Djkq I do not need to pigeon hole people to form an opinion.

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Numbers. When did it become a problem to self identify if someone calls you x or y?

Here we have him saying " I do not need to pigeonhole people to form an opinion"

Which doesn't even name sense in the first place. But let's test it out

Not pigeonholing people here no?





Nah. He doesn't need to pigeonhole anyone.

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whether he does or doesn't pigeonhole anyone wasn't the point I was/am (badly) trying to make. Fair enough you have found evidence to confirm that he does indeed pigeonhole people but it is:

- the fact that people on this thread have read eg. X,Y or Z into his comment here then later confirm that THEY assume he IS white is the moot point. had they not assumed whatever, would they still be making the points they'd made.

(argh....dunno if I'm even making any sense, know I shouldn't have logged in this late).

edit: night all!

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Right. Next time you are at a curry house, few beers in, crack the same joke loud enough to be heard

Do you..

A ) feel comfortable and say "it's only a joke mate"


B ) realise that you have become one of those tables of drunken idiots in a curry house?

This has two benefits. It removes the whole "is uncleben being unfairly maligned" argument as he is unlikely to be there. Plus it will force to to reevaluate the joke right?

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just because I am not reading the same into it as some others on here, doesn't mean that I agree with it or NOT find it unfunny and distasteful. and no, I wouldn't feel comfortable with a) and I'd hate to think I'd ever turn into b).

and its not just a curry house I'd feel uncomfortable about this either, think thats kind of my point. I'd feel equally unhappy hearing it said for example, in a glasgow chip shop, not just because of the deep-fried connotations either.

edited to add the important NOT I missed.

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because its a crap joke/crass comment about staff underpants going into food in an establishment that sells food. I wouldn't want anyone's clothing mixed in with my food no matter what the food was or where the person was from.
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SJ-didn't know you were such a fan! Only 1 of those threads was pigeon holing in the same way many on here are trying to do with me to justify their own prejudiced connections they made in their heads at my crap joke and started their outraged angry of mayfair how very dare you amateur dramatics. BTW in 2 of those threads you agreed with me. Am v disappointed SJ, you used to be level headed.

How offended am I?!

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LadyDeliah Wrote:


> 3. He is contemptuous of Asians because he's above

> them (being white n all).


Let me get this right, many are up in arms over an extremely bad attempt at a joke (if you like) and yet it's perfectly acceptable for the above comment to be thrown around?

Seriously there's clearly something wrong here!

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What numbers said, plus the 'protection' from the EDF offering on line anonymity.

Tired of life?



Suffering from an attention deficit?

Come to the EDF and sling a bit of mud at anyone you can find! Your real family and neighbours will never know it's you!

See who'll throw it back!

Start a dog fight!

Watch the wounds!

Lubbly jubbly.......

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Kalamity, I'd agree. That does seem an accusation too far and isn't backed up with anything

As for the joke itself, I'm half tempted to throw it (without reference to the forum or who wrote it) onto social networks and see what sort of responses it gets and who from

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UncleBen - you'll have to mark me down as a non-fan, but you will survive I'm sure. But on this thread I have tried to seperate the post from the poster. It's probably true that people are loading their judgement of your post based on their already formed impressions of you

This may not be fair but it' surely a reason for pause for thought as well

I don't think anyone should be accusing you of outright racism without backing it up and I would support your defence in that particular matter

But with regards to the joke itself, I'm finding it odd that people think it's just a bad joke/juvenile and couldn't be misinterpreted

I've thrown it out to people I know (not just friends, or a narrow base of people), who have no clue about the EDF or who/what an UncleBen might be - and I would say it's been pretty unanimous that people think it's not just unfunny/juvenile but whiffy

I think it's the combination of illegal/curry house/tampering with the food and nothing to do with underpants/juvenile elements

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From his posting history I've pigeonholed UB for sure.

Negatice-Nancy with slight louisa like anti-blowins chip on shoulder and acerbic sense of humour with tendency to tip over into crass.

There's an occasional leaning to SteveT smut-merchant, but I've seen no evidence of SteveT old school casual 'not me guv some of my best friends etc' racist.

Aaaaaanyhooo, any chance of letting this one lie?

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