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Dulwich tandoori police raid


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Well numbers the choice is open to you, to say what's the matter there and then, or soon afterwards, directly to the managers of any of these places, so that they can run their shops better.

However the staff won't feel equally free to complain back & ask us to treat them in any different manner will they.

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fl0wer Wrote:


> Well numbers the choice is open to you, to say

> what's the matter there and then, or soon

> afterwards, directly to the managers of any of

> these places, so that they can run their shops

> better.

we did say at the time.

> However the staff won't feel equally free to

> complain back & ask us to treat them in any

> different manner will they.

I appreciate that some customers are pretty awful and nothing that staff can do will EVER please them. This wasn't the case here, in fact, we were treated with disdain from the moment we turned up for the table we'd booked. Anyway.

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Numbers wrote:

I appreciate that some customers are pretty awful and nothing that staff can do will EVER please them. This wasn't the case here, in fact, we were treated with disdain from the moment we turned up for the table we'd booked.


we did say at the time


So what seemed to be going on?

(Never attempted the restaurant in question.)

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The Curry Club were at the Dulwich Tandoori a couple of months ago..

The Club alternates each month with different Venues. We generally get good treatment

where ever we go. But then we are a well behaved group that do not impact too much on other diners

even when there are 12 of us.

Although we had booked for 8 there was 12 of us. Dulwich Tandoori could not of done more for us.

Even removing wooden partitions and moving tables so we could all sit together.

The food was great, fast service even though no one was in a hurry. All our food arrived on time and hot.

We were all given 2 complimentary drinks at the end of our meal..

Think I can speak for all that were there that night.


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I was with dulwich fox that night and support what he says

I also agree with Jeremy, that at the moment it's the best on the lane

I'm not saying people haven't had bad experiences there but it was first place I ate in dulwich 12 years ago, and am here again tonight and find it almost inconceivable. These guys have always been super helpful. So I am surprised

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StraferJack Wrote:


> I was with dulwich fox that nighdt and support what

> he says


Agree with that. Without doubt good treatment.

> I also agree with Jeremy, that at the moment it's

> the best on the lane

Don't agree with that. Sorry.

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ha! suffice to say, the dismal experience I'd had was with some members* of the venerable curry club in tow. And all three of us dining that evening were of the same opinion.

(*one fairly senior in ranking, not the giddy heights of Radiant Chief, but pretty high up all the same!) :))

edit: we were mostly aghast at the rude service. that the food wasn't very pleasant either is more of an aside.

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The best curry argument is as old as the forum itself! We even had a vote once... and I tried the winning restaurant afterwards and thought it was awful. But for me, DT is the most reliable since the demise of the Pistachio Club, and I like the old school vibe.

People have different tastes. And possibly high staff turnover results in inconsistent food/experience.

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StraferJack Wrote:


> Numbers: have any of those members been back

> since?

I believe one of them has traitor

BUT.... only cos it happened to be destination of CC that month. and yes, they did remark upon how much the experiences differed.

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LadyDeliah Wrote:


> SCSB79 Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > LadyDeliah Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > Yep, UncleBen's comment is offensive, but

> he's

> > an

> > > offensive little pr@&k anyway, so what else

> > would

> > > you expect?

> >

> >

> > WHo is it offensive to?



> I found it offensive.



?It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what.?

Stephen Fry.

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SCSB79 Wrote:

> ?It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm

> rather offended by that.' As if that gives them

> certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than

> a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no

> meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be

> respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.'

> Well, so @#$%& what.?

> Stephen Fry.

Spot on, SCSB79. Do a search for 'offensive' and see all their names appear!

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DJKillaQueen Wrote:


> Lady D finds the comment offensive for the same

> reasons I do, and the others that find it so do.

> And I'm sure Stephen Fry even would get why it is

> offensive too.

How can you be sure what Stephen Fry would think?

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DJKillaQueen Wrote:


> Lady D finds the comment offensive for the same

> reasons I do, and the others that find it so do.

> And I'm sure Stephen Fry even would get why it is

> offensive too.

That's fascinating that you can read her mind.

Neither of you have actually explained WHY you find it offensive.

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Er SCS I did say exactly why it is offensive in two posts on thread neither of which you have bothered to read obviously.

Otta, I have worked with Stephen Fry. He would absolutely not find the suggestion that indian restaurants need illegal immigrants for their underpants as the secret ingrediant to a korma recipe funny.

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MrBen Wrote:


> Cool thread.


> For anyone wondering, I'm no relation to UncleB.

> He stole my family name, taking it to the level of

> instant rice. I might reincarnate myself.

In the REAL Mr Benn series, he might well have gone to the fancy dress shop & then ended up as an Indian chef

Yeah, imagine that eh !

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