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Right -- it is pretty simple. A real lynchmob, one with pitchforks and flaming torches is, of course, NOT the done thing.

But a large group of people irritated with these guys, deciding to get together to mount concerted pressure on the authorities, is very much the done thing, and anybody who diagrees can go stuff themsleves.

If enough people are concerned, and complain to the right people the situation will sort itelf out in one of three ways:

a) They may be moved to another house

b) They may be taked into custody for whatver police were visting with sniffer dogs for or

c) They may be issued with a loud-and-clear FIFO ultimatum that gets them to see sense and behave...

Whichever outcome happens depends entirely on the evidence that comes to light when all the complaints are looked at, and the reaction the residents have when approprate authorites, spurred by concened neighbours, get their fingers out and do something.

So instead of spending our time airing our points of view in public, why don't the people who want to create peace and quiet on the street get in touch with each other and all arrange to send letters of complaint to the right people, making fair and measured points about the unacceptable nature of these people's behaviour.

And we can leave the others to compare their own liberalisms and comment on articles that have interestd them in the latest edition of The New Statesman.

(Edited for punctuation)

Good point Jeremy, perhaps one or 2 of them are ill, and others visit? Perhaps they are all just horrid people for no good reason, but I doubt it. I would have thought the house is council property though isn't it?

Shaggy you are spot on in one sense, "a large group of people irritated with these guys getting together to mount concerted pressure on the council and police to sort these people out is very much the done thing" is of course fair enough, but the attitudes shown by some on here are sick, and I am not Mr Liberal.

Anyway, I'm off to a taxidermist to get myself stuffed.

Exactly. The reason why these tenants have not been moved somewhere else is because residents, neighbours are too wimpy to put in complaints with the police and the council. The complaints as I have explained to many of you are anonymous so people are being really really wimpy. I am more than happy to share contact details of officials that people should get in touch with.

The police and the council cannot do anything if people do not complain...

So get in touch with me via private messaging or shut up and stop whinging.

  • Administrator

ok, this thread is officially a pain in the backside. I get complaints about its content and I get complaints about it being curtailed so I am drawling the line.

I am going to ask people to please let this thread finish. In fact have now decided to implement the newly invented "Whatley Road rule" which means that when people's attitudes to individuals get out of hand and something need to be done the thread will be locked at my discretion. This rule will hardly ever be used, just when I feel that I need an excuse to bring this house to order.

East Dulwich is a small(ish) place, talk of lynch mobs and direct action against people is not what (our) decent society does these days. There are proper channels to get things sorted, please use them, you may not like them but I recommend you use them. The forum is meant to be a fun and useful place, this discussion is neither fun or useful anymore. I do not want it being used as a cesspit for breeding loathing and bad shit about local people.

I hope you understand and thank you for using the forum.

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