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Fuel stolen from scooter just now. 11:20 14th July

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My husband has just had to chase away a young man who had pulled the fuel line from under his scooter and was draining off the fuel. 2 hatchbacks (1 light/silver 1 dark possibly blue) pulled up opposite our place near Heber Primary school, the guys had got out of the darker car and started to steal the fuel, husband went out to investigate, when he asked the guy what he was doing brazenly and calmly replied "taking your fuel mate, 'cos I need it", after pulling out a smartphone and attempting to film them he bolted jumped in the car and both cars sped off towards lordship lane with their lights off.

Didn't get any pictures or footage of them sadly as it all happened within about 20 seconds.

The lighter of the two cars had some females in the back and there must have been at least one other person in the darker car as they left far too quickly for him to have been driving.

We called 101, two police officers came round within 20mins they took the deatails and gave us a ref number etc. No one expects anything to happen, but it needs reporting if only to raise awareness. Hence this post.

So if you can be extra vigilant and secure your scooter a little better tonight then please do. I'd hate this to happen to anyone else.

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Someone tried that with my motorbike some time back, they actually cut my fuel lines but the morons didn't get any fuel because modern bikes just don't work like that, fuel doesn't just flow out of the pipes, they succeeded in causing me a load of grief and a repair bill though
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> No one expects anything to happen,

With your husband's identification and testimony, combined with the police being able to match those to the perpetrator, via the car's registration number, I'd have thought there was a fair possibility. Maybe less so if both cars are stolen.

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