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Asquith nursery Peckham Rye - experiences of baby room?

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Does anyone have any experiences, good or bad, of the baby room at Asquith nursery at Peckham Rye that they'd share with me? I went there yesterday for the first settling session with my son and left with a very bad feeling. There were lots of kids, lots of crying and not much one on one attention for the kids (I suppose understandable give the one to three ratio). There didn't seem to be many toys, and the ones that were there were quite old. The room also seemed a bit grubby. I'm trying to work out if I'm simply being an overprotective mum or whether there is something to be concerned about! Any thoughts gratefully received.
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My daughter was there for two years, including a few months in the baby room. She left last year to start preschool. We have loved every minute at asquiths. Staff were great (caring, cheerful...), premises too. My daughter loved it there.

i always find toys to be tatty wherever I go, even in my daughter's private preschool. I think it's just because they get put to so much use. I remember noticing the toys getting really a bit tatty at Asquiths once and two weeks later the nursery got a big intake of new toys.

Not been there for 10 months. When we left, most of the rooms had been repainted and there had been some investment on sprucing up the premises. Perhaps the baby room was left out, not sure.

I know one of the ladies in the baby room from our time there and she's really, really good.

Hope this helps!

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Hi monkeymoo

My daughter has been at the nursery for about 2 years (and started in baby room). She is very happy there and I've always been happy with the care she's received. My son is due to start in baby room before too long, so obviously I wouldn't be sending him too if I wasn't happy with it. I know there have been staff changes since my daughter was in baby room, but 2 of the staff I do know reasonably well and think they are very good.

However, if anyone else has given you any more up to date feedback of baby room via PM, I would very much appreciate a PM as well, in case there is anything else I might want to know.

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I'm not convinced that any of these nurseries have a 'waiting list' as you or I might imagine it.

On both occasions I have managed to get my daughter a place at a nursery she has been waiting for, it has come about after me phoning and/or dropping in fairly persistently and then eventually a place becoming available- I have my doubts that this was naturally due to her coming to the top of a list...

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  • 1 month later...

Hello-I'm resurrecting this thread as am in exactly the same position now as monkeymoo was in back in July. Little one starting soon...concerned at quite a few things on our settle ins - not so much the toys issue but lack of one on one attention and apparent lack of caring attitude in one or two staff members. Anyone with experience of the baby room could you please pm me?


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We are also in the same boat as monkey moo and willish. We have done a few settling in days, the nursery seems very clean, well run, has good facilities but we had the same concern that our child wasn't getting much 1-1 attention. It seems that less well behaved children are getting more attention, and the ones who are happy to play with their toys are just left to their own devices? Are we just being too fussy? Too critical? This is our first experience with nurseries so any advice (there seems to be a lot on PM) would be much appreciated.


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  • 2 weeks later...
I have a child in the nursery room, the nusery has really gone down hill so many new staff and very young girls. when I first got showed round this nursery the manger said we have a very low turn over of staff but yet there has been 6 staff thats has been sacked and left so far this year there is even another new admin again that's the 3rd 1 this year. I really think the level of care has drop I went to pick up my child up 2 week ago, the children was in the garden and nobody from my daughter room was out side to give me any feedback( one of the other ladies from the pre school had to give me feedback because I knew she saw the look on my face and I was just standing there as if I was lost) I was so upset only to go upstairs to get the bag there was 3 staff up there about they are tiding up. a lot of other parents have taken there children out for the fee and even the care of their child I currently found a nanny for my child I have to pull her out.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi james and welcome to the area. There is plenty of choice although waiting lists are often long. Southwark has an extensive list but I have listed a few for you below.


Mother Goose



Little Climbers

Magic Minds

Depending on where on ivydale you are and station you use for work there are also options in Brockley that could be worth looking at. There are also many childminders and nannyshares in the area. The childrens centre at Ivydale School is a good place to find out more.

Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Every child and every family is different; give them awhile but follow your instincts; if you think the nursery is not right then it may not be right for your child. My little one went to a nursery everybody recommended and I gave them a go for 6 months; my child became really aggressive and stressed; the majority of the staff were careless and lazy and let the children cry and would not give them a cuddle or reassurance. I took him out and he changed back to the normal happy child he used to be before that nursery. Other children in the same nursery seem happy. A nursery that is right for one child/family may not be for another one.
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  • 7 months later...

Hi - my son has been at Asquith since he as 8 months old (ie started in baby room) and he's now 3.5 and in the pre-school room. Overall, he has been happy and we have too. However, there was definitely a period of instability following the departure of the manager and various subsequent staff changes. That seems to have settled down now. The ladies in the pre-school room are great and my son really enjoys it.

For us, the big downside is the cost. Eye watering.

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    • Yes, for me this isn't an argument about contractual agreements (I would guess that Alleyn's will be within their contractual rights to do this, otherwise they wouldn't be doing this). It's more an argument about courtesy, ethics, and commitment to community. Krys and his colleagues have built up TigerSharks over decades (and paid Alleyn's for use of the pool over these decades), and have worked so hard to build an amazing community-based club. It just seems wrong to call him up, 2 weeks before the end of term, and to say "that's it" with no explanation or offer of alternative ideas/workarounds. To make things worse, Alleyn's have contacted all of those who attend TigerSharks, asking us to fill out a survey on a new proposed swimming club (to be run by Alleyn's) which sounds much like TigerSharks but without Krys and his staff - it basically feels like Alleyn's are stealing TigerSharks' mailing list/business, and are now looking to run it themselves. Again, this might be legally ok, but it feels wrong. And they're only doing this to Krys, not to the other swimming clubs.  To those who are saying "only Alleyn's and Krys know what has really happened" - the members of TigerSharks have been asking Krys about this, and he really hasn't been given any further warning or information - Krys is as honest as they come, so I think Alleyn's haven't communicated well with him. That said, I have heard that the school has agreed with meet with Krys and others - so credit to them for this - I really hope they can find some solution that allows Krys to keep his students and his livelihood. I've heard that Alleyn's have done good things for the community in the past - maybe they just made a mistake with this one (e.g. maybe the person in charge of the pool did all this without consulting Alleyn's management) and maybe they will now put things right. 
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    • Really hoping that there is a solution that can allow Tiger Sharks to continue at Alleyns.  TS have created a vibrant and supportive swimming community which cannot in my view (having been a member for more than a decade) be replicated easily or quickly.  The balance and inclusivity of teaching adults and kids of all levels from beginner to expert is such a unique product which Krys and the team have developed over nearly 30 years.  TS has made a meaningful difference my family and so many others.  
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