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Louisa Wrote:


> *bob* and to think you are neglecting over 5

> generations of family born and raised in good old

> Orpington.

I'm not neglecting them.

I just don't want the sad provincial overdressed/leisureclothed smallminded little England Boris-voting suburban humourless middle-of-the-road wretches clogging-up my street when I'm trying to buy a high-definition print of SE22, taken from the moon with a fifty foot telescopic lens, thank you very much.

One of the benefits of having my boss off this afternoon is that I can peruse the Internet to my heart's content. First thing I see is a rather fetching picture of Duffy on the BBC site, but I move on to EDF where I see that Louisa has made 750 odd posts. Having a quick look through them reveals

- a mass of contradictions

- a remarkable amount of unsupported "facts"

- an overiding and constant banging on about "working class"

- an obvious need to disagree with just about everybody

- a belief that its not just ED that is rubbish but also UK (I think we're all doomed by the way)

Allied to the fact that she has a well paid job, owns her own ED home, has spent months away in Oz I believe that she is not in fact the urban Working Class warrior she likes to portray herself as but is in fact just a normal or should I say "real" person like the rest of us.

Ladies and Gentlemen I can unmask dear Louisa as a superb windup merchant who likes nothing better than antagonising people.

Now she has been exposed can we get on with life and can Louisa stop the ridiculous pseudo posturing (reminds me of what I was like at Grammar School - middle class punks hey!) .

And yes, I am bored this afternoon


03 of October 2007 mean anything to you jonsuissy? toys being thrown out of pram on that ocassion about the porsche story. Oh dear, it seems you can spend a whole afternoon analyzing my posts to degrade me and try to make me out as a phoney, and I look at your first historical post I drag up and find a hissy fit taking place. Too right it's easy to hide behind your keyboard, judging me online proves your earlier post's point lmao.


(I'd better not travel abroad in future apparantly it's only a middle class pursuit, what a moron)

Louisa Wrote:

London is a decaying, grubby city which was once the capital of a huge empire, and is now the only half decent thing the

UK has going for it (aside from Ken odd), so please dont patronise me with the b*llocks about how this wonderful great capital city is so great,we all know the UK has had it, and is on a gradual downward spiral.

Louisa, I don't usually enter the fray with you but this is complete tosh. The quality of the average Londoner's life is infinitely better than it ever was. Real income levels are higher, access to better quality food, goods and housing equally so. I wouldn't argue that London has no problems or that it couldn't be so much better - and I'd do my bit to make it so. The idea that Britain is on a downward slide, led by London takes my breath away. Evidence?

London remains a magnet for people from all around the world - it is still one of he most, if not the most, important financial centres of the world. Cities that compare compete - very few. There are the obvious Paris & New York, the less obvious such as Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. But for all round quality, vibrancy, diversity, arts, culture, business it's very hard to beat - being on the Greenwich Meridian also gives a great advantage between the USA to the west and the Middle & Far East.

But for all round quality, vibrancy, diversity, arts, culture, business it's very hard to beat

But that only appeals to the middle-class scum and their spoilt offspring. Real People are only interested in cheap food, cheap beer, and (of course) battered sausages. That way they can afford to get away from the decrepid dump that is London in general, and East Dulwich in particular, and go on lots of really nice holidays.

DPF for people who can afford to move into a working class area and transform it within a decade into some sort of middle class utopia in which the real world is (temporarily) boxed out for a few years (or until the reality of the dire situation catches up), living in London is fine! We all know middle class people are just as bad with broadsheets at reading what they want to hear and taking for granted that everything is rosey and getting better (such an optimistic bunch), just as poor scummy people supposedly hang on the every word of the Sun or Mirror. The reality is that London and Britain is at the end of the line and the golden age is long gone. You can run but you cant hide, and eventually the magnitude of the situation catches up with those still living in dreamland (also known as most of inner south west London, Islington ED and a few other ghetto like communities) but by then it's too late. Very amusing to listen to some of the posts on here about how great London is, obviously you people do not travel much for the middle classes!



Yet more confusion. Have you ever considered that people might move into "a working class area" because houses may be cheaper there and they can't afford a more expensive location? (And they're not so obsessed with "class" as you are?)

But this isn't really about "class" though, is it? After all - from the evidence in your posts, you seem to be "middle class", whatever you might say to the contrary.

It's to do with "incomers" and people from other places moving into "your" area. If you lived in Cambridgeshire, you'd probably replace "middle class" with "eastern Europeans". Prejudice and bigotry live on...

A few months ago you told us how you wanted to leave London for north Devon -

I'd be more than happy to be living it up in North Devon. Wonderful food, local markets, reasonable weather, gorgeous scenery, friendly people (all based on years of experience visiting the place).. I love Devon so much because it has a true county identity, and it feels welcoming..

Good luck. Sounds perfect for you - as long as "incomers" don't try to move into your area. They'd probably spoil the "true county identity".

Well I live in Chatham and its a dump! have worked in London and have done with the travelling, I would just rather spend the extra money I spend commuting to put towards a place a little closer to where I work, kind of works out, plus recently got a promotion, but I love London and the vibrancy, East Dulwich seems a nice place to set up camp, or the surrounding areas, I suggest for those who criticise it too much, try living in Milton Keynes with all those damned roundabouts, it is completely devoid of any life or soul.

muffintop - you misunderstand - if you live ina dump you are keeping it real!! Never aspire to anything else, for fear of abandoning your roots and joining the hi-falutin "middle classes"

(these are obviously not my views you understand - just paraphrasing)

oh look it - yesterday was enteraining in it's way but when I saw the post this morning I just thought "what's the point" - no amount of people from all walks of life arguing quite sensible points will ever penetrate Louisa's world view so I'm just not going to bovver

the sad fact of it is that sometimes Louisa has a point - but it gets buried in a russian-doll like sweeping generalisation. Sometimes people DO disappear up their own arse. Some people do live in a state of denial. But she undermines EVERYTHING with the way she then assigns those characteristics to people who shop on NCR. Or people who have moved to ED. ANd to accuse people on here of having blinkers on beggars belief. I would give my right hand for some of the experiences I have read about on here. It's a pretty broad spectrum. I've packed a fair amount into my 20 years in the UK as well

Oh dang it - now I've been sucked into the argument again! Right.. time for a mini-flounce

I'm just really chuffed that I can access this site from work, they have all kinds of firewalls and blocks on our internet access, can't even go on ebay anymore! because we were told too many people wait on it whilst bidding or keeping an eye on items to buy, how on earth this one slipped through is a mystery!
indeed muffintop - same here. If ever work firewalls do cotton on to this place, expect 3G and web-enabled phone sales to rocket. oh and welcome btw - I know you introduced yourself on another thread but I never got around to posting a reply

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