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GALA Music Festival 2024 Consultation


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Ah, we have tried the Nimby approach and now it's personal attack time. 

I don't feel security guards, there to protect the interests of a private event, add to or are in any way appropriate to the park ambience. I don't think I am alone.

To infer posters who disagree with the idea that hiring out parks for festival-style events is all great are therefore DM readers is laughable and a lazy, cheap shot. The notion that a poster like DKHB is a vociferous DM reader is just ludicrous.

Shall we try to keep the discussion civil and adult?

If you read the evidence and objections to extending the event ( and indeed having it at all) you would know that the concerns are entirely valid, so much so that the council and organisers had to back down this time. But I have little doubt they'll try again next year.

I am prepared to live with the three days, just so long as this does not set a precedent for extending this event or mounting other events of similar scale, down the line. But Cllr Catherine Rose is on the record saying that is precisely her aim.

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2 hours ago, first mate said:

Ah, we have tried the Nimby approach and now it's personal attack time. 

You're a bit of a pooh stirrer aren't you!! You're also the disingenuous one and very selective with what you choose to ignore or use to stir. I see you.


2 hours ago, first mate said:

I don't feel security guards, there to protect the interests of a private event, add to or are in any way appropriate to the park ambience.

They are required by law to be there and are essential otherwise the event organizers won't get a license. Security are trained to do many things. First aid is one of them. They are there to keep the area and it's visitors safe .They are there to help protect the public. You do like to make stuff up as you go along!! If there's a loud concert/ music event going on/ people coming and going/ groups of young revelers being a bit noisy and having fun exactly what park ambience are they not adding to? What kind of park ambience are you expecting from a music event? You didn't explain why you seem to have an issue with the security wearing black clothing. Care to explain?


2 hours ago, first mate said:

To infer posters who disagree with the idea that hiring out parks for festival-style events is all great are therefore DM readers is laughable

And incorrect mush. Read what i typed again and again and again until you no longer feel the need to twist what i wrote. I actually believe that you are trolling.


2 hours ago, first mate said:

Shall we try to keep the discussion civil and adult?

What's your problem with security workers wearing black and using a walkie talkie whilst they walk and talk?

4 hours ago, first mate said:

I am prepared to live with the three days, just so long as this does not set a precedent for extending this event or mounting other events of similar scale,

That's very noble of you 😀No doubt gala will be relieved and equally grateful that you've backed down. A whole 3 days! I hope you'll be able to cope.


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Just to correct you, it is not just 3 days, it is nearly a month of disruption for the sake of 3 days.

You still have not said if you support the event being extended?

Edited by first mate
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23 hours ago, first mate said:

  Have you read the objections and the supporting evidence to the event?

It is not about crime waves but long-term impact on the park. Do you really believe that after each 'clean-up' the land used is returned to baseline? Do you really think that the month's worth of upheaval, noise and light pollution has zero effect on the wildlife?

It is disingenuous to make out that the impact on the rest of the park is negligible and everything carries on as usual. 

Do you support further extending this event? Because if this Council have their way that is what will happen.


I asked you much earlier in the thread.

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I am not, myself, a festival goer, but neither am I particularly incommoded (I do live locally) whilst the festival is on. Neither do I feel particular vitriol towards a council trying to milk its assets at a time of revenue shortages.

However I am concerned about value for money.

The council is not a natural venue operator, nor, so far as I know, do they buy-in expertise to manage venues.

Nor do they seem in any way expert at managing out-sourced suppliers, if the Nunhead 'park' fiasco is anything to go by. Or the constant revisiting by their 'preferred' supplier to pot-holes repaired, it often seems, only seconds before re-appearing.

They seem to set no challenging date for restoration of the park amenities, nor am I convinced that the restoration costs are entirely covered by the fees they charge - and I do not believe their planned vandalism to create better drainage (and excise established trees) has been properly costed as part of their venue management, as opposed to park maintenance cost lines, therefore meaning that their venue clients are getting improvements paid for by general rates, but not, over-time, paying for these, as a properly managed venue business might expect. The fact that they do not disclose any real details on their venue business pleading commercial confidentiality does not fill me with joy, either.

So I object to their leasing out our parks on the basis that I don't think they are doing or managing it well enough, and they certainly aren't able, or willing, to demonstrate the contrary. A commercial venue operator might be judged by e.g. its profitability - but this isn't an option for a Council side-line.

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On 08/04/2024 at 08:14, first mate said:

I asked you much earlier in the thread.

I'm really not fussed about it. Mainly because there's sweet fa that i or you can do about it so what's the point? I'm not going to get myself into a state over something i have no control over. I certainly won't pretend that i care about the environment whilst at the same time suggesting it should be moved to somewhere else unless of course that some place else is somehow immune to the same harm that you are so concerned about here? Are any of the alternatives you mention immune from what you claim to be harmful to Peckham rye? What about the ambience of Finsbury park being affected by security dressed in black? You still haven't answered that either. Why does the security being dressed in black matter?

Extending the event beyond three days- a weekend basically- is highly unlikely. That would mean the site sits idle for the week and starts again the following weekend. That would incur huge extra costs for the organisers due to them having to pay extra rental fee's for around the clock security, perimeter fencing that doesn't come cheap, lights, stage, sound system, tent's, big screens etc. None of what i've mentioned comes cheap to begin with so I can't see how they'd make enough money to make it viable or worthwhile.


Just for clarity what is your actual concern again? The environmental damage, blokes dressed in black with walkie talkies or park ambience?


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Some factual info which may help with clarifying the current situation with the festival. 

GALA applied for an events licence to extend the festival from 3 days to 6 days. The council opened a consultation, the results of which are attached. It's a really boring read, but an essential one for anyone commenting on this thread. The highlights which justify the argument that it shouldn't be held in this small park are: 

"The GALA team and the council fully acknowledge that ground reinstatement 
efforts have been sub-standard in the past."
"The GALA team accept that the waste management operation and post-event
clean up has not been to a satisfactory standard in the past."
"It is acknowledged that the GALA event has a bigger environmental impact..."
"It is acknowledged that during the build and break periods, the potential for air
pollution caused by idling lorries in the area next to the café and children's play area is increased."
"The steel shield perimeter fencing...is
acknowledged by all that it’s not aesthetically pleasing"
"...acknowledging concerns about unsatisfactory toilet provision... public urination in the park..."
"it is acknowledged that hire bikes (Lime bikes in particular) caused obstruction around the park, impacting pavements, pedestrian walkways, cycle routes, and traffic"

Remember these aren't teething problems from the first couple of events, they've been doing this now for many years, so they're not getting any better, but the council seem to turn a blind eye presumably because they need the funds...

Also attached is an appendix containing all 111 comments submitted to the consultation, by my count only 3 are in support (two of which appear to be from the same person). I think that level of objection can be considered 'overwhelming'? Again, I think comments on this thread should only be made having at least browsed through this.

GALA 2024 and one stage shows – stakeholder consultation findings report.pdf Appendix 1.pdf

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10 hours ago, Dulwich dweller said:

 Extending the event beyond three days- a weekend basically- is highly unlikely. That would mean the site sits idle for the week and starts again the following weekend. That would incur huge extra costs for the organisers

1) that's exactly what Gala Festival was asking for at Peckham Rye

2) that's exactly what happens at Brockwell Park and Finsbury Park already

You don't know what you're on about, pal



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When they pour past my flat at 11:00am and back up at 8:00pm plundering Tescos like marauding vikings - they just get dirty looks - surprised they don't ever comment on the unfriendly locals.


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On 10/04/2024 at 21:42, Dogkennelhillbilly said:

You don't know what you're on about, pal


You do know what you're on  about because you've pulled up a bit from the SLP? What does that prove? Some people that bought expensive homes near a park that has long history of hosting music events in a bustling part of south London go into nimby mode and fib a bit to gain sympathy? Tough titties.

A few moaning to the local rag is evidence of what? Another moan about not being able to access the park--------Not true-lies. The park isn't entirely out of bounds during events. They are enclosed- fenced off other than the country show. They could still hear the noise in Balham- doubtful but i suppose they know what they're moaning about-sigh.

Having to drive to Dulwich to find a parking space? Parking illegally on THEIR street? More lies and those illegally parked would have been towed away but it's the weekend and people are free to park where they like unless it's a cpz or permits only which it isn't around Brockwell on weekends. I do know what i'm on about mush. You'll have to dig a little harder than a few moaners that seem more put out about parking for free.  Ban everything then. Outrageous, i mean Dulwich for parking,,,,,,Tut. What next? Their cleaner and nanny suffering ptsd after being assaulted with Reggae and soul music? House price has dropped below a million?



He added: “The Hoopla crowd don’t cause trouble but for the festival on the May bank holiday a lot of people drove here and the traffic was crazy.------

It seems it's only the festivals/ events that have reggae and soul are the problem and not Hoopla, a nice acceptable gathering for a nice white, middle class crowd!



Brockwell Live organisers said: “During the event, both Lambeth council and Brockwell Live have their own independent noise consultants to actively monitor noise levels and take readings to ensure compliance with permissible limits.

“Our sound levels have been agreed with the Local Authority and are built into our licence. The event team work very closely with the Safety Advisory Group and Lambeth Public Protection officers to ensure we do not go above the set levels for noise


No laws are being broken and strict rules are being adhered to.




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7 hours ago, Dulwich dweller said:

you've pulled up a bit from the SLP? What does that prove?

That extending the event beyond 3 days is not just what Gala asked for at Peckham Rye, but also what already happens at other parks in London used for similar events. The facts are exactly opposite to your misinformed, angry waffle...

...buddy. 🤣 

Edited by Dogkennelhillbilly
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5 hours ago, Dogkennelhillbilly said:

That extending the event beyond 3 days is not just what Gala asked for at Peckham Rye, but also what already happens at other parks in London used for similar events. The facts are exactly opposite to your misinformed, angry waffle...

...buddy. 🤣 

Oh i though your load of recycled cobblers was about the noise. That's what was in the SLP article anyway,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mush

(No smug smiley)

5 hours ago, Dogkennelhillbilly said:

That extending the event beyond 3 days is not just what Gala asked for at Peckham Rye, but also what already happens at other parks in London used for similar events. The facts are exactly opposite to your misinformed, angry waffle...

...buddy. 🤣 

On 10/04/2024 at 10:35, Dulwich dweller said:

 Extending the event beyond three days- a weekend basically- is highly unlikely. That would mean the site sits idle for the week and starts again the following weekend. That would incur huge extra costs for the organisers

There's nothing in the article below about time extensions Just noise.



4 minutes ago, Dulwich dweller said:

The facts are exactly opposite to your misinformed, angry waffle...

Indeed. Glasshouses eh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mush. ( No infantile smiley added )



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On 10/04/2024 at 11:04, fishboy said:

Some factual info which may help with clarifying the current situation with the festival. 

GALA applied for an events licence to extend the festival from 3 days to 6 days. The council opened a consultation, the results of which are attached. It's a really boring read, but an essential one for anyone commenting on this thread. The highlights which justify the argument that it shouldn't be held in this small park are: 

"The GALA team and the council fully acknowledge that ground reinstatement 
efforts have been sub-standard in the past."
"The GALA team accept that the waste management operation and post-event
clean up has not been to a satisfactory standard in the past."
"It is acknowledged that the GALA event has a bigger environmental impact..."
"It is acknowledged that during the build and break periods, the potential for air
pollution caused by idling lorries in the area next to the café and children's play area is increased."
"The steel shield perimeter fencing...is
acknowledged by all that it’s not aesthetically pleasing"
"...acknowledging concerns about unsatisfactory toilet provision... public urination in the park..."
"it is acknowledged that hire bikes (Lime bikes in particular) caused obstruction around the park, impacting pavements, pedestrian walkways, cycle routes, and traffic"

Remember these aren't teething problems from the first couple of events, they've been doing this now for many years, so they're not getting any better, but the council seem to turn a blind eye presumably because they need the funds...

Also attached is an appendix containing all 111 comments submitted to the consultation, by my count only 3 are in support (two of which appear to be from the same person). I think that level of objection can be considered 'overwhelming'? Again, I think comments on this thread should only be made having at least browsed through this.

GALA 2024 and one stage shows – stakeholder consultation findings report.pdf 418.12 kB · 2 downloads Appendix 1.pdf 1.09 MB · 3 downloads

For anyone who has not read the evidence, it is worth a look.

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