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Cat Epidemic (stop them going in my garden)

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I put little logs in between my plants and big stones (not rubble as that is obviously similar to cat litter and they like it even more) and they find it awkward to dig and poo. It works with my two cats.

They love fresh soil that is easy to dig and that is quite dry. Also if they have been to the loo there before, they can smell it and will return to the same place, so make sure you clear the old stuff off.

They hate tinfoil if you can be bothered to stick that down.

I know you don't want them in your garden at all but if you want them to leave the plants alone it might be worth making a little area that you don't use for plants, easily diggable for them so they go to that instead when they do come in your garden. That's another thing I do to keep them away from my herb garden. I leave some fresh soil next to it so that is easier than my herbs...

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Thanks for the tip's Ratpack they don't even bother to try to dig they just crap on the lawn Do cat's have an eye up the ar5e one had positiond the crap right on and in the middle on a large lemon slice looked like a lemon crap voluvont, so I think it will probably be the squirty gaget.


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bob Wrote:


>one had positiond the crap right on and in the middle on a large

lemon slice looked like a lemon crap voluvont.

LOL - very funny. Cats are so witty, aren't they!

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Moos we find the lemon slices in the morning so suspect the Dulwich pixe's have been raving on G&T little darlings.

Shaggy I don't mind them being witty just not shi**y.

Asset I have not had the pleasure of reading Fat Freddy's cat are you putting him in the frame for the said craping or have you obtained a written confesion.

Bob S

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We haven't completely managed to get rid of the cats who seem determined to use our garden as their toilet, but I have to say I get an enormous amount of satisfaction from blasting them with our stupidly highly powered pump action water shotgun. I can't think of many things more revolting than stepping in cat poo. Apart from one of Mr P's two kids stepping in it. Cat owners in central London should have litter trays & dog owners everywhere should scoop. If you purchase/adopt/fall in love with a pet, you should be fully responsible for it.
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We had problems with Foxes in our last place and the best advice I was given was to fill a super-soaker with water and a little ammonia and spray them with that. Unsurprisingly they weren't very fond of getting that in the face. However unlike the foxes, cats have owners so not sure how appropriate this strategy would be :)
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Miss P wrote: I can't think of many things more revolting than stepping in cat poo.

I think being plagued by rats and mice might be considered slightly more revolting!! I dont know where you guys live, but i do know there is a problem in Lordship Lane, due mainly to one particular man who is totally against neutering, subsequently his females obviously attract loads of toms. So you need to blame people like him, not the cats.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Home at last, got back home after a two week's hol's expecting the grass to be as high as an elephant's eye and plenty of cat 5hit in the garden, grass not quite that high but long enough for the cat's to play hide and seek with the 5hit, very carefully and with great stelth ( Ray Mears would have been proud of me ) parted the grass with the extra long 5hit stick very carefully not to hold the wrong end, I hate geting the wrong end of the 5hity stick, low and behold there it was gone, must be hidden extra well, more exploration, safe to take off Mk 10 resporator and risk a sniff nothing, nort, nout, !!!!???? to quote an expression No 5hit, could not believe it, are the little darlings cleaning up after the deed, have they been trained and shamed in to using the litter tray by guilt ridden owners, if you believe that you should be away with the fairies, what could be the reason two weeks of uninterupted access to prime 5hiting land and nothing.

This deserves further investigation.???????????????

Bob S

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neecheecat Wrote:


> i don't trust people who don't like cats.

While I worry about people that like them too much and think it's cute when they walk around kitchen tops and squat inside saucepans. Such an event ended a beautiful relationship when I was younger

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I now have 4 different cats visiting my garden, one was shooed away from the top of a bird box when it was full of fledglings. To get to this box the cat had climbed an eight foot fence and dropped down on to it, situated behind a hawthorn bush which has thick and dense foliage, you would not think a cat could get near it.

The present bird box being made in the shed has wire off cuts stapled to the roof to prevent future feline stalking.

I do not mind cats, but I do not want them in my garden...............what to do?

It was reported some time ago on one of the urban nature programs that foxes are now stalking cats, sadly not in ed it seems.

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