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Thank you for your suggestions Wanhope and Bonfire. I am not that attached to the Gardens Surgery although we are registered there as a family and they are attached to Townley Road for Health Visitors (a reasonable level of surgery and HV service is particularly important for my 2 year old daughter). I might stick with the Gardens for the moment (the reason we have chosen there is that they are known to be 'family friendly') but will look into whether I can have a different care during my pregnancy. Will look into this and will keep you posted (if interested) for any updates. It is obviously sad to hear that the level of care offered in the area differs sigficantly. Having said that I am still at my early stages of pregnancy, I am hoping things will improve from now on.

Hi Bluedark! I am due 31st Dec with number 3. I'm with the Lanes at Dulwich Medical Centre too and I've definitely seen a midwife more than you describe already. I think I've had 3 midwife appointments including booking in? The next is scheduled for about 28 weeks. Sounds very odd! I did think that the surgeries that don't have in-house midwives refer people to the Kings midwives? I would definitely call and ask some more questions. I had a VBAC last time and had lots of information and support from the Lanes midwives but it did seem that there were lots of supportive people at Kings that your surgery should be able to refer you to? You could also try registering with a separate midwifery practice like the Brierly? I think they focus on home births so perhaps if you were potentially keen on a VBAC homebirth they might be able to take you on?

Good luck! Happy to join a meet up with babies at some point!

Really appreciate all the suggestions. I have not achieved much. I checked the letter the surgery sent me about the availability of antenatal care in the area. It states clearly that Lanes are attached to DMC and there is a waiting list for them and the old registries to DMC will have priority over newly registered patients. So in short I don't stand a chance. And you are right Brierly is for home births, something I don't consider for VBAC. So I am staying where I am. I called the surgery to see if I can see a midvife instead of a GP and there was no luck. And I asked that what is the alternative to this situation that I need some support and would like to see a midvife and all I heard was a lot of rubbish and random questions, I just gave up. I have been calling the kings maternity helpline since Tuesday and not once it has been answered. I left a message but no one got back to me. I called again today and they are now closed until 28 August until 9am. I am appalled by all this I have to say. Either I am not speaking to the right people or not asking the right questions but I am a 24 week pregnant woman, I have a specific question that I would like up speak to a midvife about (it is not urgent so I don't want to call the maternity assessment unit) and I simply have no one to talk to. Is this really normal? do you have any other suggestions? I don't understand why there is a 'helpline' if no one bothers to answer the calls...sorry about a bit of a rant but we moved here recently and I received excellent antenatal care in our old neighbourhood, without stressing about not knowing who to speak to if there is a problem / question. I am finding this lack of support really surprising...

On another matter, I had another non urgent question. What is the best way of searching for a doula? Google gives couple of doula networks that you can search through but I am looking for someone with VBAC experience and a mid December is not a great time to secure someone in case I go further then 40 weeks it is very close to Christmas. In the most ideal world I am hoping to find the right person with VBAC experience and who is relatively local / worked with kings before...Where do you think I should start searching, does anyone has any personal recommendations, could there be any further information available from the midwives? Thanks all.

Hope everyone is keeping well and have great bank holidays...

Ah, poor you! That is very distressing. I would start a new thread in the Family Room Discussion board about The Gardens Antenatal care and I'm sure there will be others who have faced the same problem in the past and can maybe help you navigate a solution. They wouldn't be checking this thread though as it's just about Winter Babies.

Your experience really sounds very odd as I've know lots and lots of people to have had babies in this area and most seem to have had very consistent and good antenatal care. The only difference I've observed is that some people get named midwives through their GP surgery and some go direct to Kings and may see a different midwife each time, but both seem to have worked fine for most people. I hope you figure out what's going on!

My friend who lives in North London (Highbury) had a doula and VBAC this year in Feb and she said she was amazing. Not sure where she is based though, but if you don't have luck with anyone more local I can pass along the details. Again, I would start a new thread about looking for a VBAC doula as I'm sure there are tons of people that have faced similar.

Oh, forgot also to say that I'm sure I've seen people on here before that managed to get on the books with the Oakwood Midwives (attached to Forest Hill road GP surgery) without switching their GP. I think they went on a waiting list or something. Could be worth a call especially as you're asking for a specific requirement (VBAC support). I had a VBAC at Kings BTW and it was totally fine and straightforward and all the doctors I saw seemed very supportive.

Hi there

Just joined the forum and this thread as it was recommended to me. I live in the area and we are expecting our baby on 19th Jan! I've signed up for antenatal classes with Ariadna Sole which (for me at least based on the due date) start in Nov.

Due to a previous pregnancy loss in Oct last year (@ 16wks) I've been scanned quite a bit this time so had the pleasure of being very nosey so far but now an anxious wait to the 20wk scan on 3rd.

Keen to speak/meet all you expectant Mums - so many questions/concerns/funny feelings/etc/etc/etc - like, for example, im nearly 19wks and I'm not sure whether or not I have felt the baby move... is this normal? When has everyone started feeling movements?

Good luck to you all at this extremely exciting yet slightly nervous time, look forward to hearing more!

Becky x

Hi - anyone in this group having their 2nd baby and know what buggy they are getting (or already have 2/know anyone with 2 and have any recommendations)? I have posted a new thread in the main discussion area but thought I would also ask here. I thought I had it down to a couple of options, but went and had a look today and none are going to work so am now completely confused!


We've got a Phil & Teds double buggy with the various newborn accessories (not sure which type, sorry), but am thinking I'll probably just use a sling for baby number two and our main existing buggy for my son until he grows out of it altogether (he'll be nearly three when next one arrives). Seems like an easier proposition than trying to navigate my way around with a double buggy -- especially as my son hated being in anything other than a sling when he was tiny, so have learnt my lesson there!

Hi Wanhope

Yes, am also thinking of using the sling again and then maybe just getting a regular single buggy that my eldest can use. If it's one that is suitable from birth I could use it in the daytime for the baby when the older one is at nursery. Then (hopefully!) in 6 months when the baby can sit up a bit, my eldest will have grown out of the buggy, or at least be willing to give the buggy board a go.

Sorry, rambling stream of conciousness there as am changing my mind every 10 mins!

Dear all

Those who are in London, what a weather for 'summer' bank holiday. There you go. It is however nice to have a bit of freshness in the air, it was so humid.

Thank you all, particularly Alieh for your support and suggestions. I felt much better. I have my 25 week appointment with the GP on Wednesday, I will raise some of my concerns with him (I know I should not do this but I compare this pregnancy to my previous pregnancy, I do not feel half healthy as compared to that, really breathless, constant swollen feet, feeling huge already, etc. being a working mother running after a 2 year old in her 'spare' time does not help;)). I will also try and get hold of a consultant midwife from KCH after bank holiday to speak particularly about my anxieties on VBAC. I am sure it will be fine. I guess partly it is about managing expectations, Gardens have a different system than other surgeries that, I am assuming as long as you are considered not high risk, you don't see a midwife into your later stages of pregnancy. It does not feel right but it is what it is.

Apologies also that I hijacked this thread with my own concerns and problems.

We are going to be brave not to buy a double buggy in the first instance. I have a feeling that I will be carrying the baby in a sling most of the time and use the single buggy we already have for my eldest. I am slightly concerned as she is not good at staying in the buggy but I will see how it goes...

Take care all

Hi ladies

I am really pleased to have found this post. I am 23 weeks pregnant, due on 15 December. Although I do have friends with babies and small children, I am the first one in my close circle of friends whom is expecting. I am signed up for the October - November NCT class with Sarah Savaskan, is anyone else doing this one? I am also doing a Judith Flood hypno birthing class at Guys and St Thomas' in October (a lot of the classes were quite expensive, but we thought this one was not bad value).

Probably like most of you I am registered with Kings. Have any of you given birth there before? I've generally heard good things.

Anyway, wanted to pop on and say hi!


Hi All,

I just wanted to say I think it would be lovely to meet up too - even though we'll all be having a lot on very soon and meeting other expectant mums at our various NCT/antenatal classes.

Personally, I'm also meeting other mums at the prenatal pilates class at Push Studios. Unfortunately, most of them are a bit further along than me, so am worried I'll be left all on my own in a week or two.

I really can't recommend this class or the lovely teacher, Emily, enough and hope a few of you will join me on Thursday at 19.10 for a bit of pre-baby fitness. It helps with sore backs, bad posture, gets your muscles ready for delivery and relieves all that bump-carrying tension.


See you Thursday?

All the best,


Hello everyone!

Lovely to see so many new names on here, welcome and many congratulations on your pregnancies.

We went away on a 'Babymoon' for almost 2 weeks. It was fantastic. We went Euro city/town hopping and managed to see quite a few of our family in various places - Amsterdam, Berlin, Helsinki & Porvoo in Finland, and then Zurich and Ch?teau-d'Oex in Switzerland. Because we visited so many places it really made the holiday feel longer than it actually was.

The travelling was a little tiring, but not much more than it would be if I wasn't pregnant. The most tiring was on the last day when we decided to walk up a mountain - had to have a little nap afterwards!

If anyone of you were considering travelling during your 2nd trimester I can thoroughly recommend it. It's a really nice time to take a holiday as you're over the initial 1st trimester bone-crippling fatigue, have loads more energy and are not too large that you can't enjoy yourself. I think if I'd attempted such a trip in a month or two it would have been far less enjoyable!

I'm filling in my maternity leave form and was thrilled to discover that not only do I get to tag my holiday leave on the end of my mat leave... I also get to do the same with bank holidays that I've missed. All in all I'll have about 14 months off work, very exciting!

Bluedark, how did your GP appointment go, was it with Dr Addo? I saw him when I first joined the surgery and he rushed through my 12 week scan as was already overdue for it, very nice personable fellow. Have also seen Dr Cliffe, she's fantastic, found baby's heartbeat with doppler within a few seconds - quite unlike the experiences that some of my pregnant friends are having with their own GPs!

I found this link and thought it might be useful for everyone:

Antenatal Groups and Breastfeeding workshops in Southwark

All the best

Tara x

Dear first and second time mothers, I hope you do not mind me posting this message here. I am a midwife, and I was reading some of your entries I wanted to let you know that I run first time parents and refresher courses for second time parents in East Dulwich. Courses are fun, dynamic, midwife and research based and overall non-judgmental. An ideal place to get the right information and meet other local mothers expecting around the same dates as you.

I run first time parents course on a monthly basis, either weekend courses or 6 consecutive weeks on Thursdays. Check my website for further details at: www.ariadnasole.com or other comments by previous attendees: http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?25,1107393,1107393#msg-1107393

My next refresher course starts on Thursday November 7th and it will run over 3 weeks, so November 7th, 14th an 21st 2013, ideal for those of you due December 2013, January or early February 2014. During the course I cover labour second time round and pain relief as well as life with a toddler and baby, preparing the whole family for the new addition.

All the groups I run keep on meeting on a weekly basis, which has proven to be a great support after you have had a baby.

Send me an email or PM me if you were interested,

I look forward to hearing from you,

Enjoy your bumps!

Ariadna Sole


[email protected]

Hello ladies,

I'm in the Autumn babies 'group' (due next week with my first) but thought you might be interested in the Peekaboo nearly new sale which is taking place at JAGS on 15th September - for more details see http://peekaboo-nearly-new.co.uk/future-sales/. We picked up lots of good value items earlier this year, and you can find all sorts of stuff there from vests and prams to toys and books.

I also wanted to recommend Ariadna's antenatal class (see post above) - we really enjoyed it, got lots of useful information and met some lovely parents-to-be.

Oh, and if any of you are looking for a local pregnancy yoga class, I can recommend Yajna at The Yoga Room (Mondays and Thursdays, 8:00-9:15pm)www.theyogaroom.org.uk.

Good luck, and enjoy your 2nd trimester, it's the best!


Not sure if anyone is in SE15 or SE5, but I have just come back from a good pregnancy yoga class at Gaia Studio just near Bellenden Road. I went to a class at Kings in my first pregnancy but found it focussed on relaxation more than building any strength up (and I am just about the most unfit person you could meet). However the session this morning was very good, with some focus on strength, breathing and the pelvic floor, with some relaxation at the end. Think I will go again.

Hi Ladies,

I was browsing the posts and if you are meeting up I would love to join you. I'm due the end of November so I'm just in between Autumn and Winter groups. I'm a first timer and would love to meet some other Mums in the area as I'm relatively new in ED and all my family/close friends are in the states.

Hi all,

I am due Feb 22nd and would be well up for meeting up with you all. I have a four year old boy already who started school yesterday at Goose Green - my god that was emotional! Anyhow - will keep an eye on the thread and look forward to meeting whoever is about.

Thanks, Di

Hi ladies,

Hope to see some of you on Sunday at Peekaboo Nearly New. I have just discovered that the NCT sale has been cancelled in this area in October so please pass that on to any mums to be who are looking for nearly new sales and hopefully see you on Sunday morning! Thanks

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