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Hello ladies,

I have just moved to East Dulwich and am expecting my first baby on January 17th, so was delighted to stumble across this thread and see some of the suggestions for NCT and other classes. I haven't really thought about classes yet, but suppose I should as the time will no doubt fly by! I am also keen to find a pregnancy yoga class or similar when I get a bit bigger. I also have my scan booked at 22 weeks, I am so impatient and want to have it sooner just to know that things are ok in there! Moving house was a bit of a struggle as I was exhausted and couldn't lift anything heavy, but the last few days I am definitely feeling more energetic so looking forward to the famous "glowing" stage.

Anyway, best of luck to you all, and do keep posting any recommendations for pregnancy related things in the area as they are really helpful for this newby

hello and welcome to the winter babies thread! :-)

my scan went well, they took over an hour, very thorough!

we're having a boy, 'nub theory' appears to be correct ;-)

Delia... was going to book on the October Sunday hypnobirthing course but, although there was a space yesterday, it's gone today! :-( typical!

will have a look at the other dates and get a deposit down, thanks for the link info, OH agrees that weekends are better x

Welcome KVT!

Tara, that's fantastic news! It's reassuring to hear how thorough the scans are. We're counting down the days till our 22 week scan later this month. I got to listen to the heartbeat at the midwife appointment last week which was nice.

You may be able to book onto another course and request wait-listing on another date. I have requested the nhs antenatal classes at Dulwich but haven't hear back yet. A friend of mine said they don't send confirmed dates until much nearer the time. I'll wait and see before booking the NCT classes.

Hope all is well otherwise.


Hi all

Great to see this thread taking off!

Had my scan at 22 weeks last Weds - it's a girl for us! I didn't see the 'nub' last time though Tara so no idea if it's right or not, all I know is that the Chinese Gender Predictor is a load of old cobblers (probably unsuprisingly :))

Have had one hynobirthing class with Hollie and loved it. Next one this coming Wednesday. Also attended a homebithing seminar at King's on Saturday - was fascinating and definitely made my (and probably more importantly, my husband's) mind up about giving it a whirl if we can. Happy to share what I learned if anyone's considering it.

Shall we try and have a meet-up over a coffee sometime or would that scare everyone too much? I promise I'm not a burly trucker called Dave.


Lovely to hear scans are going well, I've still got to wait 4 weeks for my 22 week scan but midwife here tomorrow so hopefully all will be ok. I'm up for meeting for a coffee but am in and out of London until end of August, sure many others will be too due to summer hols? Ill keep my eyes on the thread though. Take care all xx

Hello all.

I am expecting number two - due day is Xmas day! :/

I am having my next scan on Wednesday at Lewisham Hospital. I lived in ED until recently, but have now moved Catford. We had our NCT class with Tess first time around and met some great people! Also did hypnobirthing first time around but unfortunately didnt quite work out. Giving it another go this time!

I ll keep an eye on the thread, though not sure how many meet ups I ll be able to make between work, toddler and house renovations! Would love to meet more mums though. x

Hi ladies

I hope you're all feeling well and growing those winter babies nicely.

Just a quick note to say I've now only got one spot left on my Wednesday evening course in October, and one spot left on the Saturday morning course. I have just opened up the November and December course dates though, so do take a look if you are interested in attending a local and very friendly hypnobirthing course.


Warmest wishes,


Hi Ladies and congratulations! Exciting times ahead :-)

I had my baby at Kings in March and I was hoping to use a birthing pool more for pain relief and then see how I went. I had been to one of the talks which was useful and one of the questions asked was if the pools are ever unavailable due to too many people. They said its very rare so I was happy when I got there in labour and was given a room with the pool. However then found out although there was a pool free, the pump wasn't working so couldn't use it.

I ended up using the disabled bath but it wasn't comfortable after a while as i couldn't get my bump and back under the water at the same time and was sliding around a bit. Was nice being in the water for a little while though.

They were doing some work on the pools so hopefully they are all up and running now!

Hi all

I'm a first time mum in East Dulwich, due date of 28 Dec. I've joined the NCT class that's 4 Saturdays in November. I'm already half way through and feel woefully under-prepared!

Just wanted to say hello and that I'll be keeping an eye on this forum as the months go on, as I know I will benefit from the collective wisdom!!

Wiggler x

Hi Loz334

Interesting you say that as I went to a homebirthing seminar run by the Kings Midwives last weekend and they admitted that only 7% (I think it was) of births are in the pool. Obviously the number using it for pain relief before emerging and having the baby on dry land (!) could be higher, but my impression was definitely that they have a woeful shortage of pools (which has made my mind up to labour in my own pool at home!).

I was working with some midwives from Kings today and was speaking to them about the pool issue. The fixed pool that is in room 12 is unfortunately out of action indefinitely, as the lining keeps flaking off. It has been resealed/painted a few times but they've been advised it wouldn't be safe for them to reseal/paint it again. They are now using two inflatable pools that can move to different labour rooms as necessary. If they are not busy the midwives will help you inflate/fill it, but if they are in a rush then I got the impression that birth partners would be left with the task. I was asking how women could have a better chance of using the pool if they wished, and they suggested that calling ahead would be hugely helpful. So when you go into labour, if you know you want a pool, call Kings early on and if they're quiet they can start getting one ready for your arrival.

Hope that helps, Hollie x

Hello all! I just found this thread. Thanks for starting it @tarafitness.

I'm a first time mum (writing that makes me want to cry, I'm so emotional) and am due on Jan 16.

Like @souvlaki, I've just bought in Forest Hill, near Catford, so soon to be an SE23er.

I'm really interested in what you @loz334 @CocoC @londonhypnobirthing have been saying about the birthing pools. I will definitely be calling ahead, if my brain per,it's such organisation on the day!

I'd love to meet up and have yet to join any kind of class, though NCT and hypnotist are on my list.

All I've managed so far are some eBay purchases of clothes and pram and dishing out knitting instructions to my mum.

Hello all,

I'm expecting baby number two on 2nd Feb -- can I join too? Also, are any second timers considering NCT classes this time round? I'd like to join something to meet other people due around the same time, but not sure an NCT class would be that useful again? Interested in other views on that.

TheShelleys- I am due the day after you, I am also a first timer!

I was just looking at NCT classes and am thinking of doing the course in ED that starts on 30 Nov. wanhope - I noticed on NCT website that they also do "refresher" courses which are 1 day courses which might suit you as a second timer? And they also do coffee groups. I think I will do the full antenatal course though as I am feeling pretty clueless!

Hi TheShelleys - welcome!

I am very sure you're not alone with your feelings. I am feeling the pressure of trying to organise myself since the months appear to be whizzing rather quickly. I printed off a hospital bag check-list and will purchase one or two items each week to add (I've bought the bag).

I will be moving from Dulwich to Catford in November so am also trying to make the move a smooth transition. It is overwhelming but I'm trying not to get stressed out. Roll on hynobirthing sessions!!! I'm sure they'll benefit in more ways than one.

I'm expecting my second baby on December 5th, so am just in the category for the Winter Babies Club! Hello everyone.

The realisation about what I'm doing hit me a few weeks ago and that I will have a baby AND a toddler to look after in December. Scary thought...

Wanhope and other 2nd timers - I'm not going to do an NCT course this time round (although it would be a good way to meet people), but I suppose it all depends on how old your first is and when you last looked after a newborn? The courses are quite a lot of money, which I could do with spending on other things! There is lots of help with breastfeeding in the area for when baby arrives. This is only thing that I feel like I could do with some help with, if there are any problems.

Nice to 'meet you' all and will be on the look out for any meet ups.

Hello @KVT, @Privatebanking. Welcome @JVT

So I have now signed up,for the Forest Hill NCT prenatal course they run at the big Methodist church. Not sure if any of you will be there, but looking forward to meeting some people in the new neighbourhood that way.

@Privatebanking, maybe that would be good for you location-wise?

@KVT go us! Let's see what day they actually decide to show up! Are you going to be at King's?

Hello, would also like to join this thread! Due with my second on 17th January! Not planning to sign up to NCT classes this time, but did it first time around and really enjoyed the classes.

Quite interested in hypnobirthing as I love the concept! But price of the class is putting me off (we are renovating at the moment so all spare cash goes into the house) and not sure when hubby and I would be able to join the classes together as we have no babysitter for our 3 year old...

But would be lovely to keep up with all of you and share experiences..

We are also in SE23.

Hi Vez - welcome!

I have put my name down for the NHS prenatal classes at Dulwich Hospital. Been assured they're good enough.

@TheShellys - I'm unsure at this stage whether I'll be living in Dulwich or Catford in October/November so will see what dates they give me. It should be easy enough to go onto an NCT in Dulwich or Forest Hill nearer the time if needed. I can only do 1 or 2 times per week due to mine and OH's work committments.

Have a good weekend all!

Hello all

Lovely to see this thread, I want to join too. My second baby is due on 12 December. We are new to the area moved only six months ago. this thread made me think about those glorious early baby days meet ups with nct girls;) I think I will look into those coffee mornings for second time mothers to meet more local mums. Maybe we organise a get together through this thread after our babies are born (fingers crossed all goes well for all of us).

I was thinking the other day that I am nearly 24 weeks and haven't seen a midwife yet since the booking appointment. I am at the gardens surgery and the next antenatal appointment I have is with a GP, who is yet another different health professional I will see during this pregnancy. I think I miss some kind of continuity/familiarity. I am still trying to get my head round the system in ED as when I called the surgery to book my 25 week appointment the lady said she will see if she can book me with the midwife but she is fully booked apparently, so I am booked in with a GP. I thought that is not that cool. But reading here that they try to keep those appointments for when you really need then after 30 weeks that kind of makes sense. I hope that is the case though. My first baby was c-section due to breech presentation and I am considering VBAC this time. I have hundreds of questions and overall a bit anxious about the birth so I would have loved to have some access to midvifes at this stage. I am sure it will all sort itself out in the end.

Hope all the scans are going well. I had my two scans and staff at kings were excellent. Talking about excitement for scans they always need to take my blood pressure twice on hospital visit as first one is so high. I get so nervous...

Looking forward to hearing more from you.

Hi Bluedark,

Re your question about continuity of care, it does sound a bit unfortunate that you can't have access to a midwife. Are you particularly attached to the Gardens? If not, I wonder whether it's worth considering registering with the Dulwich Medical Centre instead? Their general level of service is not brilliant (there are whole other threads on that subject), but they do have an attached midwifery service, which is very highly regarded. You get allocated an individual midwife who you see consistently throughout, and generally in your own home -- so much more personalised than a visit with a different GP each time.

Thanks for feedback on the NCT catch-up course. On balance, I don't think I'll bother either as I'm OK (touch wood) with most of the practicalities now -- it's more just the social side of things I'm interested in (my first NCT group was originally based in Islington, though we've now all moved away to more affordable areas...). Hopefully this thread will provide a chance for a catch-up at some point -- I'd certainly be keen :)

Hope you're all enjoying the more civilised, less muggy weather -- personally, I can't wait for autumn now!

Hello All

Congratulations everyone!

I'm due with my second on Christmas Day and would love to join this group!

I have actually been wanting to join for a while, but I lost a baby last New Year and would have been due around now and have been feeling really cautious about doing too much baby 'stuff' this time around. Then when we had our first scan there were some possible problems so I had to have a CVS but, after 2 nerve wracking weeks, all the results came back clear. I have got my 2nd scan at Kings on Tuesday and am getting nervous again, but I am already the size of a house so it's time for me to start getting positive!

I already know I am having a boy. He'll be my second as I have a nearly 3 year old who has decided that his new little brother will be called 'Sheep' (not sure where that's come from!).

How is everybody else doing name-wise? Me and my husband can't agree on any yet...

I didn't do NCT first time around as we were in the middle of moving but I do wish we had as everyone always seems to have a nice group of friends form their classes. I did go to their 'Early Days' course (it was run at Goose Green Centre when I did it) and would recommend it as I met some other local mums and it really helped with just getting out of the house in the first few months. I have emailed the NCT about their refresher courses but haven't had a response yet. I also emailed a lady on here who runs second time parents courses but no reply yet either - I will chase up.

Bluedark - as Wanhope says, if you are not tied to the Gardens in particular then maybe look around. I was with DMC Crystal Palace Road the first time around and had the Lanes midwives who were lovely. The home visits are great and the after care was amazing. That said, they weren't there for the actual labour and I had the Kings midwives who, although I didn't have the relationship with them, were great as well. This time around I am at DMC Chadwick Road and am with the East Midwives. I've had one appointment so far and they seems very nice, and have another in a few weeks.

On othe practicalities, has anyone bought their pushchair yet? I am thinking of the Babyjogger - either the Select or the City Mini with buggy board. We're trying to get my son out of his buggy at the moment, but I am thinking ahead to the walk to nursery in December/Jan.

I'd love to have a meet up as well so will keep an eye on this thread.

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