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45 minutes ago, Mabaker said:

There was quite a lot of noisy crows above Dawson's Heights this morning. Magpies were flying all over the place, all clearly agitated about something. Then I saw a large bird souring above but couldn't make out what it was 


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On 20/05/2024 at 21:19, Mabaker said:

There was quite a lot of noisy crows above Dawson's Heights this morning. Magpies were flying all over the place, all clearly agitated about something. Then I saw a large bird souring above but couldn't make out what it was 

It was probably a peregrine falcon, which freaks out even other big birds. Or possibly even a buzzard, one or two of which have been known to stray from deepest Surrey into the leafier bits of South London.

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9 minutes ago, Bumpkin said:

We were very excited to discover a wren has build an impressive nest in a yucca just outside our window, however since finishing we haven’t seen her for several days.  Really hoping a cat hasn’t got her (or him..). 

Lucky you!

Fingers crossed  a cat hasn't got her and that you have just not been there when she is coming and going.

Please let us know if/when  you see her again!

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On 30/05/2024 at 09:23, Bumpkin said:

We were very excited to discover a wren has build an impressive nest in a yucca just outside our window, however since finishing we haven’t seen her for several days.  Really hoping a cat hasn’t got her (or him..). 

Male wrens build several nests for the female to choose. An empty nest may be a symptom of pickiness, not a tragedy. 

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On 27/05/2024 at 10:49, Nigello said:

Sparrow hawk? I think they’re more common than the other two but I’m not an expert. 

Sparrowhawks don't soar and tend to fly lower than peregrines or buzzards... sneak attacks on their feathered brethren being their preferred method 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I watch the clouds from my window they quite often appear like very slow-moving lines of vehicles on a multi-lane highway, gradually edging forward.

So I was rather doubtful when I just now saw them creep forward a very small amount, pause a short while, and then make a small reverse, more or less back to the point they'd advanced from.  Another pause, and then the same repeated.  And again and again.   More perhaps like a small moored boat, being blown by the wind.  I don't at this moment remember seeing anything quite like that before, at least for it to seem so memorable, though possibly i have, and forgotten.

I doubt it's peculiar to Dulwich, but Dulwich is where I happen to be, and it is nature.  So hello clouds.


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4 minutes ago, ianr said:

When I watch the clouds from my window they quite often appear like very slow-moving lines of vehicles on a multi-lane highway, gradually edging forward.

So I was rather doubtful when I just now saw them creep forward a very small amount, pause a short while, and then make a small reverse, more or less back to the point they'd advanced from.  Another pause, and then the same repeated.  And again and again.   More perhaps like a small moored boat, being blown by the wind.  I don't at this moment remember seeing anything quite like that before, at least for it to seem so memorable, though possibly i have, and forgotten.

I doubt it's peculiar to Dulwich, but Dulwich is where I happen to be, and it is nature.  So hello clouds.


How weird! 

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Dead trees in Peckham Rye Park.  Has anyone else noticed the massive number of dead trees in Peckham Park with stickers for removal?  Some definitely looked dead but there were others that look perfectly okay. Does anyone understand how it’s worked out?

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12 minutes ago, alice said:

Dead trees in Peckham Rye Park.  Has anyone else noticed the massive number of dead trees in Peckham Park with stickers for removal?  Some definitely looked dead but there were others that look perfectly okay. Does anyone understand how it’s worked out?

A perfectly healthy looking tree in our road was recently removed, and apparently it was because it had diseased roots. Who knows how this was discovered!

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Plenty of threads demonising Southwark Council, don't let this one become another.

Larger birds taking over a little in the garden, don't mind the corvids, the jay is particularly magnificent.  And woodpeckers always welcome.  Parakeets not yet taken over but a small flock of starlings are no longer a novelty and go through so much if the feed there for the tits.  Feral pigeons are a nuisance. No blue tit nest this year which is a pity.

The two baby robins are lovely and very friendly.

Also two fox cubs, seeing playing in the garden early evening tonight.

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I saw a male sparrow feeding a baby sparrow, and as a result discovered via Google that both mum and dad sparrows share the feeding!

Do all birds do this? 

On a bird theme, I moved around my feeders so the pigeons couldn't get at the feeding holes,  except those on the  goldfinch feeder.

I have had great amusement from watching a very confused pigeon first try to get into the goldfinch feeder (which it couldn't, because the tiny niger seed comes out of narrow slits) and then attempt to reach the holes on the other feeders, which it couldn't because it no longer had a perch near enough the holes.

There were some squirrel like acrobatics, then  a great crash when it fell off. Then it flew away. I haven't seen it since 😂

I too have a very friendly baby robin, but maybe not for long, as it seems to prefer drinking from filthy water in an old bowl to the nice clean water I have provided it with today 🙄

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Surely we are all fans of Springwatch.  Lots of nesting birds this year, on I-player for you to indulge yourselves.  Warning some video nasties including snake predation 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday evening I watched one of "my" frogs attack a very large slug and apparently attempt to eat it.

The slug won, the frog gave up and the slug slithered off, apparently unharmed 😂

I tried to post a video of the battle, but the file was too big, so here are two photos!



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    • Thank you. I think perhaps having moved here just as it got hot might not have helped either. I live in a new build and it's sweltering. So yes, let's hope as we enter autumn I'll be happier with windows closed and at a decent temperature. 
    • Sorry but I think Alleyn’s have behaved appallingly 
    • Hope you are ok now, Pugwash.
    • Think things through - it's less than 2 weeks as term is finishing, so it is accurate. And also, it's 2 weeks as he is no longer expected to be there ever according to what was told to him (so whether it's 2, 8 or 16, it is "all the same" as he would no longer be there). So, as there are no more classes taking place between now and the new term in September, it was 2 weeks notice...  You talk about sympathy, but try and understand how much planning do you consider you can do when school breaks for term? How many meetings do you think can be arranged when everyone goes away for summer breaks? Do you understand the complication that the club is left in? This is just a community hub disassembled just like that, just because Alleyn's "feels like", and still very discriminatory, as they are not treating the other clubs the same way.    Imagine you had a daughter or a son in a club, from which you expected them to learn from and continue their training in that sport/interest throughout the years. You wouldn't be too happy if just at the end of term their dance classes/football practice were announced to be discontinued, and come the new year, you would have to consider sending them to Lewisham or Blackheath instead of Alleyn's just because no more dance classes/football practice was available nearby as all other gyms and football grounds were taken by other clubs which taught at a level that you felt wasn't appropriate for your children (I know it is an extreme example, but it is given hoping you can understand the situation better) .   It is an abuse of power from Alleyn's, and that's coming from an institution that wants to be seen has having a strong moral code guiding their actions, and to have roots in the community too, so this is a huge drawback in those aims... Alleyn's absolutely not deserving of any sympathy here... 
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