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Motorbike(s) fire, Nutbrook Road, SE15

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Three motorbikes (2 scooters and a regular bike) have been burnt out on the corner of Nutbrook and Adys just north of Goose Green.

They are completely destroyed, with severe damage to the road and to the house they were in front of.

This is a serious crime so if anyone has info, do go to the police. Anyone who parks their motorbike on the road in front of their house should be extra vigilent in the meantime.

Hope no one was injured or hurt. I live just round the corner but didn't hear any fire crews so not sure what the exact circumstances are.

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I live nearby and woke up to sound of the fire and sirens of fire crew. Must have been about 4am. I didn't hear any disturbance (at least not loud enough to wake me) before that.

Fire crew must have been there for a good 45 minutes before being sure that the fire was out. No police or ambulances were at the scene so assume no one was hurt.

The house next to bikes is a in a bad state. Some other Nutbrook residents were outside their front doors when fire crew arrived so hopefully someone out there has more info about how this happened.

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Hi all, it was my bike, and my neighbours bike that were burned out and my house that was damaged.

It looks as though someone set fire to one bike which ignited the other two which were parked close by, luckily there was a big gap between the last bike and anything else flammable which stopped the whole thing going down the street in a chain reaction. Even though the fire cracked the window the flames didn't manage to catch inside the house which would have meant the whole building going up in flames, and even more luckily, the downstairs neighbours were away that night so the rooms with most damage were uninhabited when the smoke got in there which would have been fatal no doubt as it was extremely toxic smoke and it was a babies room next to the street. So all in all, a lucky escape for everyone and just smoke damage and the loss of motorbikes.

If anyone knows who did this they should know that the person who started this fire very nearly caused the death of small child with their act of mindless violence and have caused thousands of pounds worth of damage, only a small proportion of which can be claimed back on insurance, not to mention the shock of waking up in the middle of the night with a ball of flames outside your bedroom window! They deserve to be dealt with by the police and shouldn't be sheltered from the consequences of their actions.

I'd just like to say thank you to all the people who have stopped and chatted to me and my lodger and expressed their shock, concern and support, it means a lot to know that neighbours are all good people who care. Thanks again.


PS I don't know who the owner of one of the bikes is, I have a feeling they are currently away on holiday, so if anyone knows who owns the blue scooter that is usually parked on the corner of Nutbrook St and Adys Road, if they could contact them and let them know that would be helpful also. Thanks.

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I saw the bikes yesterday morning. Must have been a terrible shock, but glad to hear nobody was hurt and the damage to the house isn't too severe.

My first thought was that it must have been teenage vandalism, but not sure if that really ties in with the 4am timing.

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I've seen this before - thieves pop open the seat on Vespa ET2/ET4s to get at helmets often stored in there. The unlocked petrol cap is under there too, so perhaps frustrated at being unable to find anything, or start the bike, they torch it. Nice.
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