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Antique Chinese metal tea kettle


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    • My bus app says until 17 july (wed). Geek note - TFL publish info and hopefully same info appears on their website and different apps. I happen to use UK bus checker.
    • Thought it closed down years ago when Young's ceased brewing.  Or perhaps just became a shadow of its former self.  It was a proper local and certainly not a sports bar.  Sister pub, the Dulwich Woodhouse, ditto
    • I think it’s sweet that you think prisoners serving a full sentence are  currently “rehabilitated “ or “receive training” That should happen of course - but given the state of prisons (and the entire criminal justice system) after 14 years of the last lot there is zero hope (and that lot wouldn’t even believe in rehabilitation anyway)  as for the options and extra guidance you suggest, who could argue. But it’s all resources and money and if we had that we wouldn’t be in this position in first place  sometime we just have to make the least bad of two awful options  personally however, I’m not worried about a winter crime spree 
    • I did see somewhere saying (would have been either TFL or Citymapper) that the route was due to be disrupted until Wednesday, which would be a pain... Can't seem to find mention of it now, however
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