Not helpful. The area is by the cemetery where it is a little narrower but the issue here is that it is on a hill, which encourages some to speed down the hill.
The road is quite wide in parts, and is leafy, but with cars parked up on both sides (but not continuously) and wider than many, with buses and lorries going up and down it - it is one of the few links now to the South circular - and with two lanes of traffic you do need at times to drive with some caution and to hold back to let oncoming traffic pass. But it is much wider, in the main, than the side streets. Cars now are themselves wider than they used to be.
Yes, in the main (and I've lived there for nearly 40 years). There are burglaries and car thefts, of course, it's suburban London, after all, but not significantly many. Because that part of the road is quite wide, and not very parked up unless someone is having a party (not that frequent an occurrence) , so there aren't so many places for lurkers to hide.
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