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CPRoad Big Lunch (and help find DRCC's missing chairs)

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We borrowed some plastic chairs for the Crystal Palace Road Big Lunch from the Darrell Road Community Centre, but some of them had gone missing when it was time to give them back...

Any info to help find them so that we can give them back would be greatly appreciated - please PM us if you know where they might have gone

It was a fab day and the weather stayed fab too. Thread with pics and recipes from the Lunch here http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?6,1108096,page=1

Thanks a million to everyone who came and everyone who contributed, and hope to see you all again next year!

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We raised nearly ?200 for the Dulwich Helpline, thanks to our generous raffle prize donors:

? Cakings for the dozen sprinkle-topped cupcakes

? Glazer Delmar for the whiskey

? ED (Rigby & Mac) for the ?25 voucher

? Rye Books for the book voucher

? Dr Boo for the make-up session

? Chener Books for the books on the history of ED and the repro 1799 map of the Manor of Friern (ED)

? Stella C for the kids? wellies

? EOS Dance School for the dance classes

? and the bottle of wine from The Actress

Many thanks to Dan at the Great Exhibition for providing the marquee and the electricity.

And thanks to Michelle for persevering until we could get her coffee stall set up on the road on the day!

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Hi - just to reiterate - we were short of 7 plastic chairs ( a mix of red and grey ones) at the end of the day. Could whoever took them away at the end of the day please get in touch. We borrowed them from Darrell Road Community Centre and if they aren't returned then the whole community loses out - a lot of people put in a great deal of time and effort to make the day a success and losing the chairs has put a real damper on things. The community centre has always been very supportive of the Big Lunch as well as providing a fantastic resource to the whole of East Dulwich - so if you find that you went home with some extra chairs, please let us know where we can pick them up and return them.

And for those who want to see some pictures of what a great day it was, here is a link: http://www.flickr.com//photos/jermynphotography/sets/72157633903578019/show/with/8937596553/


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I naively assumed that someone (or more than one person) must have taken these chairs in error.

I do hope that that is the case and that the person/people who took them haven't read these posts and don't know where to return the chairs.

If they have been taken on purpose, then I am stunned that somebody would sink so low as to steal things at a community event :(

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I hadn't assumed they were stolen - I hope not. I thought people might have just borrowed some chairs to continue the party in their gardens without really thinking about it. But with the community centre now down a few chairs, it is a bit of a shame. So if you know someone who has them and doesn't know what to do with them, do please let us know.
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we can't imagine why anyone would nick those chairs - they had seen a fair bit of wear and tear and been sat on by many generations of ED bottoms. If someone nicked those chairs, they were miserable sods indeed!

BUT the fact remains that they belong to the Darrell Road Community Centre.

If they mysteriously reappear on Crystal Palace Road, we will take them back to their rightful home, no questions asked.

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the-e-dealer Wrote:


> If I borrowed something from someone and it went

> missing in my charge I would feel obliged to

> replace it. Am I wrong?

First, I might consider it my responsibility to try to locate the item(s). The chairs went somewhere and we are trying to find out where. If you can help with that we'd be very grateful.


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Well to say its a loss to the Community centre implies if they aren't found they wont be replaced by the borrower. The community centre facilities belong to all of us and casual loaning of equipment while commendable and 'communitaire' does risk our assets getting lost. If they aren't replaced then the Management of the Centre would be justified in no longer lending out equipment which would be a loss to us all. Maybe part of the funds raised should go to the community centre.
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Technically, the chairs and tables were hired rather than loaned. And, technically, the centre is run by the charity East Dulwich Communtiy Centre Association, rather than by the council or by all of us. But there are still 6 or 7 chairs missing. We've not had that happen before at the Big Lunch - we usually end up with stuff that people have forgotten.
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I do not think they are too worried about the grey chairs as they are old but the red chairs are 2/3 years old and mainly used by the the various groups meeting at the centre. The black fold up chairs are more recent and are quite expensive to purchase.
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All that we are interested in is getting the chairs (tatty/grey/red/whatever) back so that we can return them to their rightful owner.

It looks like this is not going to happen.

We will need to consider what to do next, and also whether we are prepared to subject ourselves again to all the bother, stress and quite substantial personal expense of organising a street party next year.

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