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Matt - times have moved on and I find the more that one gets uptight about children/parents/prams/whatever, the more you will find things about them that you find annoying. Best to just chill out and be glad that you live in an area that is tolerant and safe enough to have a mixture of people. In my dreams I'd love to find a completely child free beer garden, where the sun shines all day and chilled out music is playing...... perhaps 'Carlsberg' could help!

I guess it was only a matter of time before someone trotted out the well-worn 'Well, I don't fancy any of these so-called Yummy Mummies' line. Perhaps ED mothers weren't aware that in between all the being sicked on and sleeplessness what they really should be worrying about is whether random men (of unspecified attractiveness) are enjoying leering at them or not.

I have to say I agree with those who plead for a bit of adult space - smart restaurants, pubs late in the evening? But if I see a happy family out having a good time, hurray for them. I also think parents and small children are easy targets - after all, I don't really like music (other than live) in pubs, nor TVs, and I find really loud shouters annoying. But I accept that there are people who aren't like me who also like to use public houses so we all have to rub along together or stay at home. The clue's in the name.

Spangles30 Wrote:


> Moos, I am 'letting' them power pram! How am I

> interfering with their ability to do said activity

> in the local parks? If they want to do such a

> thing with their bug-a-boos, let 'em. It doesn't

> mean I have to agree it is a worthwhile exercise,

> and it does look daft. It is also expensive at ?5

> a time.

and it's a complete waste of time and money - it does bugger all in terms of fitness and weight loss. Well, not unless you can 'Power Pram' at Linford Christie speed!

Cassius Wrote:


> Matt - times have moved on and I find the more

> that one gets uptight about

> children/parents/prams/whatever, the more you will

> find things about them that you find annoying.

> Best to just chill out and be glad that you live

> in an area that is tolerant and safe enough to

> have a mixture of people. In my dreams I'd love

> to find a completely child free beer garden, where

> the sun shines all day and chilled out music is

> playing...... perhaps 'Carlsberg' could help!

Cassius, perhaps you can explain how one can chill out when a couple of noisy brats are running back and forward in Green & Blue, screeching at the top of their voices a few feet away from you in that 'parrot-house' manner that is generated only by children while their hopelessly incompetent and inconsiderate parents sit chatting to themselves over a glass of wine, blithely unconcerned by the effect their rampant progeny are having on other customers who simply want a few minutes of relaxation.

If my nephew (5 yoa) behaved in that manner he would be brought into line very promptly. (I am just waiting for the responses who will state that my poor nephew is clearly emotionally abused by having his natural spontaneity crushed!)

RichTea Wrote:


> This is the kind of thread you would never see in

> France, Spain, Italy or Greece. Kids are as much

> a part of life as having a drink with your mates.

> I am glad to have found this forum though, as

> replying to idiotic posts can be great fun.

A fine posting.

in the matter of How You Think Others Treat You - be they evil mothers with prams or otherwise - anyone who seems to think they're being treated badly by others perhaps ought to examine their own behaviour first. You generally tend to get what you deserve.

*Bob* Wrote:


> RichTea Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > This is the kind of thread you would never see

> in

> > France, Spain, Italy or Greece. Kids are as

> much

> > a part of life as having a drink with your

> mates.

> > I am glad to have found this forum though, as

> > replying to idiotic posts can be great fun.


> A fine posting.


> in the matter of How You Think Others Treat You -

> be they evil mothers with prams or otherwise -

> anyone who seems to think they're being treated

> badly by others perhaps ought to examine their own

> behaviour first. You generally tend to get what

> you deserve.

Children in France, Italy, Greece etc simply are not allowed to carry on in the manner typical of these ED children. If children in ED behaved in the manner of our continental neighbours and their parents took responsibility for them in the same manner I am sure no-one would have any of the concerns mentioned here.

Domitianus Wrote:


> Children in France, Italy, Greece etc simply are

> not allowed to carry on in the manner typical of

> these ED children. If children in ED behaved in

> the manner of our continental neighbours and their

> parents took responsibility for them in the same

> manner I am sure no-one would have any of the

> concerns mentioned here.

This is the biggest dollop of grade-A prime made-up horseshit I've heard on here for some time. Nice one!

I am gay and not against children, I love children but I believe that public houses are not a place for small children.

I am glad this posting has got the people of ED talking, I wonder what the yummy mummies would think if a gay bar opened in ED and men were kissing each other, I am sure some of them would complain about that.

I live ED and despite the fact I do go out in Vauxhall and Soho I would like to go for a drink in my local pub withoout a five year old screaming the house down at eight in the evening or a mother breastfeeding her baby.

There is a time and a place for all of this.

I wonder what the yummy mummies would think if a gay bar opened in ED and men were kissing each other, I am sure some of them would complain about that.

Surely you'd expect to see gay men kissing in a gay bar? What i find strange is that coming from a community that expects non gays to be tolerant and sensitive towards their needs you seem to paint all mothers with the same broad brush on the back of one experience. That's akin to saying all gay men are uptight and over strung (which I know they're not).

If this thread was called something like "noisy kids in pubs in the evening - a plea to parents" I'd have slightly more sympathy.

By calling it Yummy Mummies it kind of gives the game away as to what the real beef is. It seems that most respondants on here (both with and without sprogs) are FOR better behaved children or even no children in some public spaces after a certain time so there shouldn't be much need for an argument I would have thought? But as Moos points out it was only a matter of time before somepne got around to saying "and they aren't even that yummy"

*Bob* Wrote:


> Domitianus Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Children in France, Italy, Greece etc simply

> are

> > not allowed to carry on in the manner typical

> of

> > these ED children. If children in ED behaved

> in

> > the manner of our continental neighbours and

> their

> > parents took responsibility for them in the

> same

> > manner I am sure no-one would have any of the

> > concerns mentioned here.


> This is the biggest dollop of grade-A prime

> made-up horseshit I've heard on here for some

> time. Nice one!

Thanks Bob, I will take that as a compliment. Let's not be too keen on modelling ourselves on foreign norms, however, otherwise we would have to introduce bull-fighting, misogny, homophobia, alcoholism etc into the wonderful British way of life.

ok - whilst th eoriginal post said:

"I have to say I really used to enjoy living in East Dulwich and going to Lordship Lane on a Saturday but I am now had enough. The main problem I have is the extent of the Yummy Mummy culture in Dulwich, all I ever see in Lordship Lane is prams, young mothers and babies in pubs. Last night my partner and I were in the Clock House in Barry Road and there were babies in there together with young children screaming the house down, I dont understand how you can take a small child into a pub on a weekday evening.

The whole of the Lordship Lane and the area has just been taking over by Yummy mummies and the joy of having a civilised drink has now gone. I am not against children far from it but this Yummy Mummy culture has changed Dulwich."

and isn't quite the same as saying ALL mothers, it does suggest a bigger problem than SOME mothers, no?

Matt - relax. Most people on here are in agreement with you on the need to have adult spaces and times. It's just the title and initial wording go beyond "inclusive"

Domitianus Wrote:


> Cassius Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Matt - times have moved on and I find the more

> > that one gets uptight about

> > children/parents/prams/whatever, the more you

> will

> > find things about them that you find annoying.

> > Best to just chill out and be glad that you

> live

> > in an area that is tolerant and safe enough to

> > have a mixture of people. In my dreams I'd

> love

> > to find a completely child free beer garden,

> where

> > the sun shines all day and chilled out music is

> > playing...... perhaps 'Carlsberg' could help!



> Cassius, perhaps you can explain how one can chill

> out when a couple of noisy brats are running back

> and forward in Green & Blue, screeching at the top

> of their voices a few feet away from you in that

> 'parrot-house' manner that is generated only by

> children while their hopelessly incompetent and

> inconsiderate parents sit chatting to themselves

> over a glass of wine, blithely unconcerned by the

> effect their rampant progeny are having on other

> customers who simply want a few minutes of

> relaxation.

Until recently I used to see children in a pub/bar/restaurant and groan - I would expect bad behaviour and almost wait for it, then at the slightest infringement I would almost feel affronted. Now I try and not get so uptight about it and although I agree that there is some outrageous behaviour from children that do not seem to understand the difference between indoors and outdoors, I find that I am getting a lot less stressed about it all.

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