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Hi Sue. Hugo here. We've been sending regular updates relating to this through the mailing list - we've got a couple of email addresses for you on that list - perhaps PM me with your current one, thanks!
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    • Can I add my voice here  - Tigersharks is a much loved and well supported thriving club of 27 years it’s no wonder it’s generating such strong feelings. - like many others my children swim with the  club and their is no other club that I’m aware of like it. It’s unique in that beginners to advanced swimmers all have a place there. And it’s simple the only place that you don’t just have to sit for an hour watching your children swim but can swim yourself too.    I am not sure what bearing vat and charitable status have on the schools decision making but in my view this absolutely makes for bad press for Alleyns. This is not behaviour I would think represents the values the of school as expressed to parents of current or future alumni.   
    • Really hoping that there is a solution that can allow Tiger Sharks to continue at Alleyns.  TS have created a vibrant and supportive swimming community which cannot in my view (having been a member for more than a decade) be replicated easily or quickly.  The balance and inclusivity of teaching adults and kids of all levels from beginner to expert is such a unique product which Krys and the team have developed over nearly 30 years.  TS has made a meaningful difference my family and so many others.  
    • Irrespective of contractual basis, this is appalling behaviour from a school that claims to be a good community citizen. Showing their true colours ?
    • https://www.freecycle.org/ This worked for my last sofa disposal 
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