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Thomas. Whether your house was owned by the council at one point or not and whatever sacrifices your parents made is irrelevant. The bottom line is that if they can afford to spend the ?13000/year on fees that Dulwich College charges they are some way above the bread line.

Private education is bad because it is unfair that the children of people who can afford to pay that amount of money get a better start in life than those who don't. It is also bad because it breeds division in society. What your parents choose to do and what you do does 'interfere' with other people because we all live together. Surely you can understand that? If the only price you pay for the advantages private education gives you is a bit of teasing on a forum then I think you're probably still winning...

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macroban Wrote:


> Ridebam!


> Quotquot annos, quotquot menses?



Well done macroban!! I see you've made great use of freetranslation.com, although who is doing the laughing? (as with English, a person is needed to complete the verb [eg: I laugh], otherwise it is simply the term 'to laugh'..). Don't worry too much, I believe you'll learn about that when you reach secondary school..

With regards to the comments from 4hw - your idea of everybody being equal is ridiculous. Would you be happy to have the same standard of person performing surgery on you, as well as serving you a burger at McDonalds? If everybody in life was of equal intelligence, who would govern the world? Further more, I guess everybody would have to drive the same car (or maybe that?s another objection of yours), all live in equal houses (I?m sure the council could offer you a nice flat overlooking the bus garage) and so on..

And what about jobs? There would be no need for anyone trying to better themselves, as all jobs would provide an equal wage. Why bother spending 7 years training to become an architect, if you could earn the same, with no experience, stacking shelves in Sainsburys..

Again, little research has been performed by you, as if you had looked into Dulwich, you would notice that they offer a large number of both bursaries, and scholarships to those who are unprepared to sacrifice? oh wait, sorry, I meant? who simply cannot afford the yearly fees.

My apologies if some of my views have offended anybody, but I?m fed up with the comments being posted aimed at ones self, with the expectance of me putting up with them ? I didn?t send myself to Dulwich College, but am proud to say that I am an OA and nobody will ever change my view.

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It appears we got into a muddle, and continue to be in a muddle, with our indicative imperfects.

My apologies to dc and everyone else for an old woman indulging in a tedious 121. I will stop.

I think we need factories like Dulwich College to provide a continuous re-supply for our ruling class.

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Thomas - I have never said that everyone was of equal intelligence, and this thread is evidence of how wrong that assertion would be. What I am saying is that people are of equal *worth* and it is not fair that some get to go to vastly superior schools (at least in terms of academic achievement) than others because of what their parents can afford. This also doesn't help the state sector as a whole portion of bossy middle-class parents who would make a fuss about issues that parents care about opt out of the system.

People who go to Dulwich College aren't necessarily any cleverer than those at the academy@peckham, say - they just have necessarily wealthier parents. You remind me of Michael Gove who, when challenged on the high proportion of Cameron's shadow cabinet who went to Eton, said that this merely meant that the parents of those politicians thought them worthy of the investment. Because of course parents of state school kids have just decided that the money's safer in an ISA since Jake's not too good at maths.

Don't mention scholarships - however many people at DC are on scholarships it WILL be a tiny percentage on anything approaching full fees/fully means tested. E.g. Eton College often boasts about how 1/6th of its students are on some kind of scholarship (I believe this is very high for the sector) but conveniently forget to point out that nearly all of those are pupils who could afford to go there anyway and have just been given a discount because they are very clever/musically talented. The actual number of people on means tested scholarships at Eton is something like 1%.

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