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Bad customer service at Luca's

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I have just had terrible customer service at Luca's. I have never written anything on here before but I am so upset by it I have to share. I have been there many times for brunch and takeaway coffees and cakes. The rude young waitress was so snotty when I graciously apologised for my 4 year old touching one of the pastries on display. I immediately said sorry and insisted I pay for it. Her response was so ungracious, rude and appalling that it is safe to say I will NEVER go back in and of course I will be telling my friends how unchild friendly they are in there. Strange, in such a baby boom area to have such girl working there.
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I'm afraid I have to disagree with lane lover, I think I only went there three or four times in total to give them the benefit of the doubt, but on all occasions I found the coffee bitter, the food is average and slow in coming (I had a croque monsieur once and it took about half an hour to be served with it!) and it's all over priced, not to mention the fact that staff have no customer service skills at all. Also I'm not so keen on the owner either for some reason, so will not be spending my money there again, unless I'm really desperate.
I like Lucas and the staff have always been really friendly (to me). They went out of their way to keep an eye out for a larger table for our group after we'd been seated as they knew we were a bit squashed in during the Saturday peak. All the cafe's in the area are pretty slow ( Pretty's which I also like being the worst). However, who goes to brunch to rush through it? For me a cafe is about relaxing and taking it easy so perhpas that's why it doesn't bother me...

numbers Wrote:


> Yes, what did she say to you?


> Did you complain in person? Did you ask to speak

> to the manager?


> Were they 'unchild friendly' on the many occasions

> you'd been there before for brunch/coffees/cakes?

When I apologised and offered to pay for the pastry she just shook her head to one side and raised her eyebrows and said "of course." She then looked at my son and shook her head completely as if to imply he was naughty. She then insisted that the pastry was a certain price when it clearly was signed differently. I normally am a strong person, but felt very tearful anyway on top of her so no I didn't speak to the manager. I just handed her ?2 and told her I thought her attitude was very rude. When I do walk past again I will be going in most certainly to ask for the manager.

We have been on many occasions before and not only do they not have highchairs (???) they are very unwelcoming to children. Very strange in such an area. Maybe they should have a sign on the door if they feel that way?!

I do discipline my children, and had just told my eldest off. But I didn't need her to add to the fact that I was having a bad day with the kids and almost in tears at her appraisal of my children. Anyone with young children will understand. Another customer actually followed me out of the cafe, asked if I was ok and walked with me down the road because she knew how upset I was. Thank you fran. Lovely to meet you.

Last chance Luca's. Never again.

"I felt tearful"... You had my sympathies until that point. Some children behave badly now and again (some all the time, though I trust that is not the case with yours), and ALL OF US need the help of ALL OF US to bring them back into line.

Why not be grateful for an "auntie" who lets your son know that he has fallen short of the mark?

It takes a village to rear a child, they say, and the waitress at Luca's, part of that village, was doing you -- and your child -- a favour by reprimanding him for touching that pastry, whether or not you can bring yourself just yet to accept it.

Now try not to go about leaking at the eyes, will you? Keep calm, carry on, and all that.

MillerJude sounds like you felt awful that day, hope you are feeling better about it now. But, I do agree with AlexK in that it should be OK for other "grown ups" to reprimand our children if they have been naughty. I don,t mean shouting or being abusive, but just a shake of the head and a "look" is ok... Even welcome sometimes..I wouldn't see it as a reflection of my bad parenting, just another adult reinforcing the message that "whatever" is simply unacceptable.

I don,t meaAn to say that your son is naughty by the way! Ps I have never rated Luca's either! I think they made a decision when they opened to discourage children, eg no high chairs and have simply carried it on since then.

Edited for v bad typing

Kids touching food for sale with their hands that have probably been up their noses at least! Can understand sales asstnt attitude. However the food should be covered. Talk about spreading noro virus,sars etc. OP-call the health inspectors on them-am sure Barber will do it for you.
Visiting Luca's was a factor in deciding to move to East Dulwich as the service and cinnamon buns were so good. That was back in 2008/9. But no more. Too many instances of poor service and stale buns-Homemade has taken our business. Plus, I never like to see the cakes out on display in reaching distance of kiddies inquisitive hands or adults surprise sneezes. Ew.

KatsuQueen Wrote:


it should be OK for

> other "grown ups" to reprimand our children if

> they have been naughty. I don,t mean shouting or

> being abusive, but just a shake of the head and a

> "look" is ok... Even welcome sometimes..I wouldn't

> see it as a reflection of my bad parenting, just

> another adult reinforcing the message that

> "whatever" is simply unacceptable.


Agree, in fact, mild opprobrium is probably more effective than a telling off from the parents at times.

Many outlets place Sweetie type things at child height.

Supermarkets place Chocolate at the checkouts so that people are tempted whilst they queue to pay.

This is a deliberate ploy...

"I WANT a Wonka Bar mummy " , " I NEVER get anything I want. " , " Your the Worst mummy in the world."

So when the kiddies stick their digits in the buns, mummy feels obliged to buy one.




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