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Child hit by car (she's fine), Lordship lane with upland

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My husband, and daughter, today witnessed a young girl hit by a car @ 08:30 today at Lordship Lane with upland road juncton.

He has been thinking of the child all day, hoping she is Ok. Does anyone know

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8 years back an automatic speed reading sign was installed there: happy face when a driver went speed limit and a sad face when above the limit. Then one day when it had only been there a short while I saw some men in neon vests scale the sign and do something. It never worked again. I've since decided that the men I saw were car vigilantes "liberating" drivers from restrictions on their rights
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op do you know exactly where this happened? The island on ll at this junction does make it safer to cross the main road but I always worry about people crossing the top of upland road as you can't see well as a pedestrian and cars turn in fast.

My friends ten yo daughter has started to use this crossing so info on exactly what happened will help

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No need For that post DJKQ. Driver drove too fast as mother and child crossed the road , there was others crossing too so the child was holding the mother's hand but was behind her as there wasn't enough room to walk side by side . The lady driver in her BMW hit the girl hard enough to make her fall to the floor, if she had drove at a sensible speed that wouldn't have happened , thank God it wasn't more serious . Police and ambulance were called to the scene of accident .

I cross that island daily . Drivers still whizz by at a speed , really handy when you are stuck at the middle part of the island which is tiny and a buggy hoping that none of the cars will hit you or at least one driver will stop .

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It's not a proper crossing , that is there isn't lights to make the drivers stop , it's not a zebra crossing or a pelican crossing . Just a crossing with a island , but its not useful as driver speed down upland to turn onto lordship lane, and then the buses whizz down the bus lane , so many accidents over the years along there .
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I tend to wait on the pavement for cars to stop as with an island there I assume they will but most don't . So when that road is clear we cross , then usually a bus or car comes whizzing down so you end up on the island in the middle of the road hoping the cars/buses will either stop and let you cross the other half of the road or you try and angle yourself and the buggy on the island so that you don't get hit by cars/buses on either side .

It's a stupid pointless thing to put there as it doesn't work but people run across that part of the road due to the bus stops and to head to Goodrich school

Or Dulwich park .

It really would benefit from a zebra crossing or pelican .

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For the sake of 2 minutes of your life, why not use either the crossing at Overhill Road or the library? If you cross there, as many of us do, you are doing so at an intersection of 4 roads and a semi blind bend in the Lane at that point.

Barely a week goes past without me seeing someone dart across the road here to get the bus and nearly get pinged by the traffic (although I'm not saying that this was the case here). The same goes for the stop opposite Hebert Road, which has a crossing and lollipop personnel too!

Having zebra crossings every 100 metres isn't the solution. Common sense just might be.

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As far as I'm concerned an Island is a form of crossing, so pointless to blame pedestrians for actually using it. An extra zebra crossing would seem sensible - it's a residential area, so why not. Glad the kid is OK.
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DulwichBorn&Bred Wrote:


> And don't forget the overhill road to cross !

....which is one way only.

Given your last 3 posts, what exactly are you expecting? A tunnel from your front door to wherever it is you are going? Seriously, and I don't mean this to sound rude, take some responsibility. Roads have to be crossed. You CAN get from any Point A to any Point B in Dulwich using the crossings already provided. Yes, it will take 5, maybe even 10 minutes longer but if you are that concerned about crossing roads then stop stressing yourself and use what is already available.

Yes, some drivers do drive too fast but the majority don't, especially at the time of day when the school run is going on. Most people can cross roads safely, but some seemingly can't, as per my earlier post! And sadly, accidents do happen. Teaching children how to cross roads safely and making them aware of the dangers served us 70's babies well enough. Perhaps if we moved away from the mollycoddling nature of society these days and made kids aware that some things are dangerous and bad things happen, then they can learn to stay safe and their parents might just stop stressing themselves into an early grave.

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DulwichBorn&Bred Wrote:


> No need For that post DJKQ. Driver drove too fast as mother and child crossed the road , there was

> others crossing too so the child was holding the mother's hand but was behind her as there wasn't

> enough room to walk side by side . The lady driver in her BMW hit the girl hard enough to make her

> fall to the floor, if she had drove at a sensible speed that wouldn't have happened , thank God it

> wasn't more serious . Police and ambulance were called to the scene of accident .

What do you consider 'too fast'. Surely if the car was travelling at a stupid speed then the child would be rather seriously injured.

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If pedestrians are in the road drivers should proceed at 5mph or less or stop IMHO.

This is a pedestrian refuge island - and is a type of crossing - there should be

other measures as well as just the island - dropped kerbs, measures to slow traffic.

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