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Matt Tree Casa

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Why has someone posted him as a woman abuser on Yahoo and Google?

Yahoo answers 'Matthew Tree Casa online woman abuser'

I was in the UK for the last few days having the remains of the baby I was expecting by Matthew removed.I started bleeding before we were fighting at his flat before we were due at an art gallery function, and he was not the only one who got hurt then, believe me. I didn't tell Matt till I got back home last night the 24th April (I only found out on Monday that I was pregnant) as I couldn't have borne any more abuse while I was in hopspital. I also did not expect anything of him, not even some human kindness. I had been 16 weeks pregnant. He had already said he didn't want to see me in the UK, just to bring his clothes. When I did tell him the reason for my rushed trip, after I flew home last night, he said sorry and put his phone on silent. I then hemorrhaged last night and am now in hospital again here. When I call him he is his usual abusive self. He has made my life a complete nightmare and I am recieving counselling. He left his mobile switched on for the second time last week and I had to listen to another torrent of verbal abuse, again about me when he thought I couldn't hear. But he has nothing good to say about anybody and that includes every single one of his so called friends. I loved that man but I will never forgive him. Can't someone get him some help? He is a danger to himself and others. If nothing else, someone should stop him doing drugs in front of his son. He has messed with my life. I WILL NOT let it happen to anyone else. He will say I have physically abused him and I have, the first time after I found out he had been sleeping with prostitutes from Ace Massage, whilst we were together.I was mortified that I had hit him and I have more than once since. I have been seeing someone fron TVI to get help. There is no excuse for physical violence and i am deeply ashamed of my behaviour. However what Matthew will not tell you is what he did to me, including biting a piece of my ear. He, in an abusers normal fashion, will try to smear me in some way but I expect that and if this saves one other woman going through what I have, it will be worth it.

I am Denise Phillips, I am not a money launderer or obsessed or trying to scam anyone, we had no mutual friends and I had never met Matthew before he contacted me in November online. Matthew Tree groomed me through an internet dating site. He told me he was single .He already had a girlfriend and she contacted me. We were together for a few months. He thinks I posted the above question about him on Yahoo but I did not. So we are not his only victims. I have been damaged physically and emotionally by him and this should serve as a warning. This is the e mail he sent to his previous girlfriend trying to blame her, and then me, for his behaviour. Please be warned. He has damaged me in every way possible.


> I hope you had a good evening at the theatre. A play

> about chocolate, it would have been nice to have gone

> with you.


> A few truths;


> You do some more research if you like into who I am

> supposed to have slept with and you will find the

> gossip and speculation you listen to is merely that. I

> was not in the Gowlett with anyone when people said I

> was. I was in page two just before it shut down for

> refurbishment with Karen and Harvey and her dog, on a

> Saturday lunch time to watch an Arsenal game. This

> would have been firework Saturday.


> Karen was upset and I wanted to keep my eye on her.

> Her and Harvey have a special relationship and with me

> and her there is a big history, from her having breast

> cancer and cancer under the eye, my father dying and

> her mother dying, and a whole lot more. She needed

> reassurance she can still see me whenever she wants

> and is fully aware that I am now with you. As I have

> explained to you.


> I myself have done a little bit of background work on

> you and you don't appear to be as white as you make

> out. It's not just the 2 I know about that you denied

> that were your previous lovers. You did have me 100%

> to start with but, not spilling the beans on them and

> then rattling on about one of them whilst we were in

> bed having a post coital natter kind of hurt. This

> left me thinking how many other of your large circle

> of male friends have you had dalliances with..


> You got back from Thailand and we were back in the

> perfect place for a bit. then on a Sunday you burst

> that bubble and headed off to the pub to meet up with

> Mark. Why was that so important. I don't know and

> care if you have any history with him but, with you

> not admitting to your previous I didn't like it and so

> I pressed my self destruct button again



> I don't do getting hurt, it has happened more than

> once and as soon as things are not right I pull back

> and physically and emotionally self-harm, some of the

> time hurting others emotionally which I am deeply

> sorry about. You talking about one of your lovers

> after we had made love was one trigger, meeting Jonny

> on that Sunday evening was the second trigger, why was

> he more important than us, was going through my head.

> I thought that night we were going to have a lovely

> supper together and make love infront of the fire.

> Those bruises you occasionally have seen on me are

> part of it.



> That Sunday I began to encouraged the Denise thing

> We chatted and a few things came to light with who we

> know and what goes on with certain things.


> Denise became a little obsessed with me and things got

> out of hand. I didn't really want to sleep with her

> but felt obliged to at least see her. I thought if I

> was smashed enough on drugs and booze I would be okay

> and get away with not having to sleep with her. Once

> rumbled I had to take the flack for it but, she laid

> it on thicker than what actually happened. The second

> time I saw her I just felt bad about what had happened

> and as I said to you at the time I did not want to

> meet her but I was interested in the money thing. We

> also spoke about how she wanted to scam her boyfriend

> regarding his villa. Makes good listening but in

> hindsight she was drawing me in to her scams. The

> reason we went to that Resturant was because my friend

> is from the same place and would have been a contact

> for her. One of my godfathers.


> She will not talk to you about why she was really over

> here, it's not the done thing.



> This is the truth, I do not like to delve into

> peoples lives too much because of how I react to

> myself. I sabotage my own life and end up @#$%& up

> other peoples lives too.


> Denise will be sending you some e-mails if they

> haven't arrived already. I have tried everything to

> stop her hurting you as I love you and have been

> trying to protect you as you are the innocent party in

> all this. They are totally incriminating but, are not

> the full picture. She has her own agenda which defies

> my logic and reasoning with her. She wants to make

> sure we are finished for good. They can be interpreted

> as you wish but, without being party to the face to

> face conversations I had with her and the telephone

> ones, you wont get the full story or the bigger

> picture.


> Please don't let the self-harming filter into

> conversation as it is something I keep hidden only my

> very close inner circle know. I can stomach being

> painted a player and a wanker within the community.


> I know we had something special and I have wrecked it.

> I have been crying a lot over this as much for what I

> have done to you and Denise as much as for what I have

> done to myself.


> I wanted us to work but, I'm either a hard nosed

> bastard or too soft and gooey and leave myself open to

> hurt. I opened my heart for you but, due to my

> dysfunctions could not deal with things and was never

> really sure if you were in love with me or the thought

> of being in love.


> I understand I have hurt you, I hope this helps you to

> understand why this has happened.


> I still want to be with you.

Matt x

Dear xxxxx

I am over the shock now of all of this , which really was as much to do with how I was fooled. It is nothing compared to what he has done to you, Matt is saying 'everyone does outrageous things like this' and maybe some other disturbed individuals do. But his reaction to being found out is the REALLY awful and scary thing. I suddenly become a lying, scheming, money laundering, obssesed old slag who stalked him and you become the bunny boiling, shit in bed bint, who probably sleeps with all her male friends and never has time for him anyway. Bloody hell what a head case !

I'm glad I contacted you back and in a way it was a difficult call because I didnt know the situation (you could have had kids) and Matt may not have behaved like he did and been truly sorry for a one off lapse, once found out. But I had already sensed something wasnt right with him mentally. I was so sorry and wanted to put my hand up and say so. Now with hindsight and all that has happened and been said by that psycho about both of us, and the other things he has been up to, and other women he has hurt, not to mention all his so called friends that he has dished the dirt on, thank God we did get in touch!

Good luck and take care

Love Dx

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