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I’ve reached the end of my very long tether on this practice. I need a good GP practice that isn’t in meltdown. Are there any? We’re close to most of those in central ED. Was thinking Tessa Jowell. I have a young person with complex health needs do quite desperate.
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I believe most of the GP practices have websites so may be wise to look at all of the catchment areas. When we joined The Gardens

Upland and Barry Roads were in the catchment area- but now are not. Those wanting to join the practice in those roads are now not eligible.

I have two things to say about Forest Hill Road Group Practice;

i) Have always had really good experiences with the Advanced Practice Nurse here who has ALWAYS been kind, considerate, helpful, thoughtful, observant, in fact everything and more than an APN should be, she always goes the extra mile and is to be commended for the service she has provided for the Practice.

ii) The other half of the Pharmacy team who has been there a few years now and also understands and goes the extra mile to meet and exceed patient expectations.

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I fully appreciate that others may have had different experiences, and certainly I know people who have had to get ‘forthright’ in order to get the care they needed.

I would only say that until earlier this year I was lucky enough to enjoy (what I thought was) decent health. Since being somewhat ‘re-educated’ as to the state I was in, I’ve had more to do with Forest Hill Rd practice this year then my entire life combined, and I would say that I’ve found the Practice Nurse and my specific GP to whom I’m assigned to be very helpful, as well as other members of the team such as the pharmacist and the person who carries out health reviews.

The receptionists, on the other hand…look, I get that gate-keeping has a role, and you help filter out the time wasters, but honestly, don’t talk to us like we’re idiots.

I fully appreciate that others may have had different experiences, and certainly I know people who have had to get ‘forthright’ in order to get the care they needed.

I would only say that until earlier this year I was lucky enough to enjoy (what I thought was) decent health. Since being somewhat ‘re-educated’ as to the state I was in, I’ve had more to do with Forest Hill Rd practice this year then my entire life combined, and I would say that I’ve found the Practice Nurse and my specific GP to whom I’m assigned to be very helpful, as well as other members of the team such as the pharmacist and the person who carries out health reviews.

The receptionists, on the other hand…look, I get that gate-keeping has a role, and you help filter out the time wasters, but honestly, don’t talk to us like we’re idiots.

Totally agree with you. Like you until 6 years ago I had hardly any interaction with the Practice, then due to an unexpected life event, my interaction with them increased significantly. Now I only deal with them unless it is a "last" resort.

When I've been "referred" to the Tessa Jowell Centre, the service at TJ has been nothing less than outstanding.

Why can't FHRGP learn from them?????

I believe most of the GP practices have websites so may be wise to look at all of the catchment areas. When we joined The Gardens

Upland and Barry Roads were in the catchment area- but now are not. Those wanting to join the practice in those roads are now not eligible.


The catchment area has been extended back to cover the whole of Upland and Barry Road. The eastern end of their practice area now goes as far as Wood Vale.

Very sad to hear nothing has improved with this practice. God only knows why they continue to employ such foul receptionists. Makes you wonder what they have on them


I totally agree! They have had me in tears and I have wasted so many hours to be told NO and go Online when the econsult doesnt even work. It's shocking.

It's a bit clunky and lengthy, and you can only complete it in surgery hours, but I find the econsult system has improved things greatly.

I've built up a good relationship with one of the GPs who I have yet to meet in person.

I expect most surgeries have issues. I don't know why so many receptionists are so grumpy over the years I've been there, I expect quite stressful/busy, rather than a culture.

It's a shame that many just resort to social media to complain rather than go straight to the practice.

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  • 1 year later...

Has anyone switched from FHRGP to Tessa Jowell? I would be interested to hear your experience? 35 year patient at FHRGP but had run of bad experiences apart from obvious difficulties in actually seeing a GP. This year had 3 test results go missing and am told it’s a known problem, repeat prescription requests via the app failing and the last straw interrogation by pharmacist.. welcome any advice on TJ or alternatives. Thank you 

Sorry meant tests not results go missing 

I have found The Gardens very good.

If you need an urgent appointment you can get a phone one the same day, and then a face to face appointment very quickly  if the GP needs to examine you.

If it's not urgent, yes you have to wait, particularly if you want a face to face appointment with a specific GP, but that's fair enough.

I've moved practice twice in the over thirty years I've lived here, and this is by far the best of the three I've been registered with if you are in their catchment area.

It is very easy to change GPs and you don't have to tell the existing practice that you are leaving.

Edited by Sue
Adding information
On 27/10/2023 at 11:53, ianr said:

You can access a list of all nearby NHS GP surgery details, each with a ratings and reviews section, via https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/find-a-GP

Interesting, but a bit like TrustPilot, people are probably more likely to bother to leave a review if they've had a terrible experience than if they've had a good one?

  • 3 months later...

I wondered if anyone else has been waiting for ages for test results from Forest Hill Road Group Practice?   Having twice been given the wrong sample bottle, I handed two samples in at the practice for testing on 6 February.   Test results usually show up on the My GP app within a couple of days, and when there was no update, I called the surgery on 15 February.  One of the staff  said there had been delays in getting test results back, but a large batch were expected later that day, and she promised faithfully to call me back the next day.  Of course, she didn't, and when I rang the surgery again later that day, I was told that loads of outstanding results had just come back, and the doctor would ring me when she had looked at them.  The woman I spoke to said that if I didn't hear from the doctor by Tuesday of this week, I should call again.   I rang about an hour ago and was once again told that my results must be caught up in the big backlog and to ring again on Friday if I haven't heard anything.  She also told me that this is a problem that is affecting all local practices.   I wouldn't normally be particularly worried, but depending on the outcome of my tests, my GP said that she would make a referral under the two week pathway, so I'm very concerned by the delay.   The woman I spoke to today said that there is no way of chasing my results, and was completely dismissive about my worries.   Are other people being told the same as me?  

5 hours ago, Growlybear said:

I wondered if anyone else has been waiting for ages for test results from Forest Hill Road Group Practice?   Having twice been given the wrong sample bottle, I handed two samples in at the practice for testing on 6 February.   Test results usually show up on the My GP app within a couple of days, and when there was no update, I called the surgery on 15 February.  One of the staff  said there had been delays in getting test results back, but a large batch were expected later that day, and she promised faithfully to call me back the next day.  Of course, she didn't, and when I rang the surgery again later that day, I was told that loads of outstanding results had just come back, and the doctor would ring me when she had looked at them.  The woman I spoke to said that if I didn't hear from the doctor by Tuesday of this week, I should call again.   I rang about an hour ago and was once again told that my results must be caught up in the big backlog and to ring again on Friday if I haven't heard anything.  She also told me that this is a problem that is affecting all local practices.   I wouldn't normally be particularly worried, but depending on the outcome of my tests, my GP said that she would make a referral under the two week pathway, so I'm very concerned by the delay.   The woman I spoke to today said that there is no way of chasing my results, and was completely dismissive about my worries.   Are other people being told the same as me?  

That is absolutely awful.

Can you get a phone appointment to speak to the GP?

I'd be absolutely furious if that was me, not to mention extremely worried. 

Hoping for a good outcome for you after what must be a really  stressful time.

While web-searching for any useful information about any related incident, or of details of test result information transmission,  on p.2 of  a  2022  NHS-SEL bulletin for GPs I came across a report of 'Delayed Reporting of Pathology Results Due to Unannounced Server Reboot.'  It concluded:

"Despite the delay in electronic results transmission, Viapath confirmed that all results were clinically reviewed at the point of testing in accordance with standard operating procedure. This means that all urgent or unexpected results were telephoned through to GP practices at the time."

Assuming  that's still current procedure -- your GP practice should be able to confirm it if so --  I hope it may provide some reassurance.  The full bulletin is at https://selondonccg.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/NHS-SEL-GP-Bulletin-18-August-2022-V1.pdf.

Whatever has been the cause of the long delay in the current case,  the  largely uninformative temporising you seem to have received is less than what I'd hope for from a GP practice, or any service provider.   I think it would be very helpful to hear what other patients, in this and any other practices, have been told.


Edited by ianr
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought things had improved having spoken and had a really good interaction with one of the receptionists, but then after yesterday back to being diabolical and managed to undo all the good work previously done.

Reception couldn't even coherently explain the reason for the telephone call, were demanding, wanting, telling, rude, didn't listen, goes around in circles, repeats the same thing like a parrot, reads a message off a script from the GP, can't answer simple questions or think for themselves, put on hold without explanation, won't get the GP to phone back so questions can be asked about their message that was in medical speak which had been left for me, still an utter and total shambles.


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