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We got none out of our 6 either and the one we got is miles away and hard for us to get to. What happens now? Do you automatically go on the waiting lists of the schools on your application form? How do you know what position you are on the waiting list? How do you know if/when you get into another school?

I don't want the place I've been offered! If I decline it will I be taken off all lists?


Abney Wrote:


> I'm in Lewisham and didn't get any of my 6 either.

> Gutted.

Where abouts?

We're in Lewisham (Sydenham) and everyone in our daughter's preschool seems to have gotten first or second choices. Really sorry to hear this, how can they not be able to find a single space for you in 6 bloody schools, it's mad!

I'm quite surprised at a few facebook friends who are saying they didn't get any of their choices. It seems that in their cases they've picked the 6 best schools in their borough and expected to get in to one of them, then they're gutted when they get the local school.

I'm over the moon our girl will go to the school round the corner.

Genuine sympathy for those who have a school round the corner and are having to travel far though!

Bizzylizzy you will automatically be on the waiting lists for all the schools you put down....accepting or declining a place will have no effect on whether you are on waiting lists or where you are on the waiting list.....before declining though make sure that if no other school is offered that you really wouldn't prefer it over no school, even just temporarily to tide you over. Accepting the place you have been offered will not take you off the waiting lists of the others or affect where you are on those lists and at least gives you a back-up....

I can't remember for sure but I think there is a delay time after which you can contact admissions and they will tell you where you are on the list and there is loads of movement.....Lewisham had a much better system I think by including in the letters your place on the waiting list and the furthest distance offered...that way you have all the info straight away.

It may also be worth looking to see if there are any more local schools that were initially not on your list which now seem more attractive than your offer and see if you can go on their waiting list too...don't know how that works or if it's allowed?...

Good luck...

We didn't get any of our preferred 6 either, have been offered Langbourne (2.4 miles away). What do I do now if I don't want to accept a place unless its in my top 6?! I did pick Horniman, Fairlawn, Eliot Bank, Goodrich, Heber and Dulwich Village. All perfectly reasonable if at the Grove, no?

In a daze today, just returned from surgery and spaced out on Morphine. Will figure it all out tomorrow, struggling to even type. All advice welcome though. :-)

Hi Cora, you have answered my questions too - thank you. I have decided to decline my offer as it is also really hard to get to . Just two quick questions - do you decline the offer online ? and how on earth do they rank people on the waiting list? Sorry maybe asking really silly questions.

And some people are still putting the 6 most popular local schools on their list only to find that there is no room at the other local schools either?

I agree with Cora, if you have not got a place at a local school, get your name down on the waiting lists of all local schools pronto and keep your fingers firmly crossed. There will be movement, there always is.

Did anyone actually get into Heber or Goodrich? I live really near both, but didn't get in - and I haven't heard of many people who did. It seems to be even more difficult to get a place than last year. Maybe this end of the Lane is just so rampant we've had a baby boom.
Well, I'm on Lordship Lane at the top of Crystal Palace Road and my little girl goes to Heber nursery. I saw that last year the furthest place was under 200 metres because of previous bulge classes, but I thought this year would be slightly easier. Yes, go on every school tour going - you may be pleasantly surprised!
I know we're not talking about transport to school, but national guidelines state that transport should be provided for under 8s if they are further than 3 miles away. I think 3 miles is too much if you don't drive (even if you do really), but they could quote that figure when justifying their decisions. Basically, within 3 miles is considered acceptable.

We are not in this situation for another year yet but following this with interest.

I don't really get this 'having 6 choices' thing. Surely you would only have a chance to get into a school of which you are in the catchment area no? We just checked and we are in the catchment area of only one school near us (i.e. well within the last published distance). So what's the point in putting any other school down that is too far away anyway? I don't think it's a choice, it's more like 'tell me where you live and I tell you which school you will go to'. Or am I missing something?

Thanks Verds - you are pretty close then so I imagine Heber's catchment this year is probably similar to last year. What did you get offered?

My understanding of Bessemer is that it has not had a catchment area in previous years. Honey-b did not get offered Bessemer from her choices this year so has Bessemer become suddenly popular and has a catchment area this year?

Last year we were offered a school place that wasn't on my list and i didn't even know where it was(of course miles away from us:((). Before I made the decision either to accept or reject the place I went to see it...it wasn't that bad ,it had a good vibe so I've accepted the place with tears in my eyes...Then in May the school had the ofsted inspection and get outstanding. I know that we had been lucky. You might feel very disappointed now but my advice is heads up,go and check the school you were given and maybe in the end is not that bad as it looks now. The biggest movement in Lambeth was at the end of September lots of people were offered a place then in the schools of their choices so if you don't like the school you've been offered wait till then...Good luck! And also you can go on the waiting list in the school outside you borough.

Yep, it would appear that Langbourne is taking the overflow for SE22! We got none of our 6 and were given Langbourne. As I understand it from various sources, Southwark automatically put us on the waiting list for our top choices. Most people do then get given a place at one of these. That could happen within the next couple of weeks or it could take up until (or beyond) September but the schools don't manage their own waiting lists until July. So maybe no point in calling the schools yet?

I could be wrong, I'm waiting for the official letter so I can start officially ranting. It does seem like it's really no choice at all and we went through all that confusion and stress when doing the application only to have to go through similar again.

The blunt truth is that most families in SE22 do not have more than one or two realistic choices of primary school and at the moment, with demand so very high, many families fall outside the catchment area of any primaries. So why make everyone go through the charade of putting six on their list? Its a nonsense ... and the same situation comes up again with secondary school.

I suppose there is more point in the six choices if one of the closest schools has a bulge class as this can shift catchments a bit and take pressure off other schools close by.

But yes, it does seem ridiculous and so far away from a long term solution.

I really feel for those having to play the waiting list game

Yes, not our headache this year (although watching with interest) but all six of our nearest schools are oversubscribed. We're thinking of researching undersubscribed schools that are at least on our way to work to put down when the time comes but possibly would then sabotage any chance at all of getting a local school.

Langbourne has been bulged again. Hence its use for all the families officers couldn't think of any other options. But it is pretty remote and about the most unhelpful school to bulge that could be found. Most families will find it impractical to attend without using a car. Not ideal for play dates etc. So much for the councils sustainable transport policy.

But an awful lot of people will get far more practical options from the waiting lists. And with so many private schools more places come up from them closing down options they may have pursued in state schools.

Sadly we're still waiting for officers to brief us. We've had a politicised incomplete briefing from the labour cabinet councillor. And we still don't know why the eAdmissions system also reissued all the original secondary places again. Not a good admissions year.

James - I don't really care which political party did what right now, doesn't feel like the immediate issue.

Could you answer the question that a few people have raised about waiting lists? My understanding is that you are automatically placed on the list for the schools you didn't get. Who do we need to contact to find out where we are on those lists? The schools or the council?

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