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FINALLY, over a week later I get a reply from Southwark. 2 places in the right direction at Heber (63), 1 place in the wrong direction at Dulwich Village (52), no change at Goodrich (40) or Bessemer (14). Now, can I call Bessemer and ask them how likely I am to get a place with them with this position and when? Southwark are failing to answer this question.

Desperately need to speak to school preference service, think thats tomorrows task. Advised by preschool to call ASAP. They will keep her until January but I'm concerned Southwark wont continue with funding that place at 15 hours a week only as they have found a place for her at primary. A place that Southwark wont let me reject unless I can prove I have provisions in place, which I will have if they will continue funding her place at preschool until January. Please tell me this makes sense to someone?!

Its mighty tough all of this.

I don't think Bessemer will know what the liklihood is as it's intake is very different this year...a very large proportion put it down as a first choice unlike a few years ago so they will not have experience of how many of this intake end up not taking the place....I would think you're still in with a shot at some point though...but would give up on the others!

I'm only holding my hopes in Bessemer. The others seem like such a long shot. At least its a direct bus route from right outside my home and my mother in law lives right at the top of greendale so can do some pick ups if I have hospital appointments, these usually clash with school pick up times EVERY time. Its the best 'alternative' option for the situation I'm in.

Langbourners.. Langbourne have sent out a letter today with a slip to send back on the bottom (by Monday 3rd June) to ask whether we require the place or not. Do I just reply that we don't? I still have no intention of sending her and don't want to hold a place we don't require/that she wont turn up for in September. I don't want to mess them around.

I'm sure Bessemer would be happy to talk through their experiences. It's a great school and with excellent leadership.

If you get stuck with the preschool to January complications do get in touch directly ot see if we can help unmuddy these waters.

Hi Gina

I don't know if this suggestion is useful... I also live miles away from Langbourne but have been allocated a place there. My daughter is a June birthday so I've deferred her place until January, in the hope that we get into a nearer school via waiting lists before then. In the meantime her nursery is happy to keep her on. It seems preferable to starting her at one school and then moving her soon afterwards. And even if a place doesn't come up, we've got more time to come up with an alternative option. Langbourne were v happy to do this.

I suspect that it won't be until September that more places are opened up when kids simply don't turn up. My understanding is that if you've been allocated your first choice, even if you don't respond (accept/decline the place) it's still kept for you. So people who are moving away or going private and haven't bothered to let the community school know, are holding onto places unnecessarily while those on waiting lists are left in limbo. In my view this is the main failing of the system. There should be a centralised system for all primaries, whether community, private, free or academy, so children are allocated only one place, and parents should be chased up to officially accept or decline their offer.

Why can't this happen?

> Langbourners.. Langbourne have sent out a letter

> today with a slip to send back on the bottom (by

> Monday 3rd June) to ask whether we require the

> place or not. Do I just reply that we don't? I

> still have no intention of sending her and don't

> want to hold a place we don't require/that she

> wont turn up for in September. I don't want to

> mess them around.

I absolutely agree emski. I don't know how they'd do it but it does mean that effectively people can sit on two or even more places stuffing things up for others who aren't as lucky. For what it's worth my school (the one i work in - not the one we're hoping to get our boy into) had 4 or 5 kids not turn up in September this year and found it had to fill places as children were settled in other settings. I hope your plan works out for you.

Hi Emski and Number 2,

sending your child to a fee paying school means you are opting out of the state system. There may be instances where parents have paid the deposit but are uncertain that when it comes to the Autumn that economically they can afford the fees. There may also be others who are on waiting lists for bursaries/scholarships. It does frequently happen that a couple of places ar an average sized primary becomes available in September, but this certainly can't be relied on! Be aware also that in September some classes may appear to have vacancies, but they don't as parents have decided to defer places until Christmas eg if they have a summer born child and feel it isn't ready for a September start. Unfortunately, what will happen with a particular school and particular year and waiting list movement can't be predicted.


Hi Renata, thanks for that. I know it will never happen but it just seems a bit unfair and I know that there are people out there who have absolutely no intention of taking their places in state schools but just don't let the relevant people know. It's really no skin off their noses if they never let the state school know that they won't be taking their place yet the school has to hold the place as it's been offered. That's what seems so unfair. I just think there are a fair few unscrupulous people out there who don't consider the consequences of their actions, especially the consequences for other people. There I've said it!

Hi number 2,

I doubt many people are an inconsiderate as you've suggested but I'm sure some are - whether deliberately or not realising how it all works.

I'll ask officers if they can obtain the pupil names and addresses for private schools to cross refer them. I doubt it but worth asking. Will let you know how I get on.

I'm sure if/when Judith Kerr Primary finally confirm their location for September a few places will free up locally. We're holding on to a place in a different primary school just in case JKPS doesn't happen this year, or if it does happen and it's in an inconvenient temporary location.
I find it a bit unfair that some people are renting houses close to certain schools to get their children into them and then move back to their house when they are in the school. Feel that people who do this can surly afford private education?
Why can they afford private education? If you are saying people are renting a place while still owning a home elsewhere that's fraud (and school authorities do check via council records etc). If its someone who can't afford to buy in catchment and moves to the catchment, while they are clearly gaming the system, I wouldn't assume they could afford private school fees.

kamath, it seems they don't allow that now if they ever did. We moved into rental near the deadline for primary school admissions this year (not with the intention of moving back to our old house, that just happened to be the time we moved!) and we had to show proof that we no longer still owned our old house. Had to get proof from our solicitor that the sale completed.

I am really surprised that people would know 100% that they weren't taking up a spot and wouldn't inform the council. That does seem very inconsiderate! But I can see there being a large number of people who are unlikely to take up their spot (i.e. planning to move, etc.) but want to hold onto it just to be sure or in case things fall through. Hopefully the Judith Kerr situation is resolved soon and that will help! I would think people planning to go private will have had to pay some hefty fees already to hold their spot so will be pretty sure they don't need a state primary school spot?

The Judith Kerr bilingual Primary School announced it site yesterday - the old KCL facility 62-68 Half Moon Lane.

Good to have this out in the public domain at last. I'm particularly pleased as I proposed this site to them over a year now.

It far enough into Southwark to maximise Southwark residents on distance.

Hope this site works out for lots of people who have applied. It will hopefully see extra movement in waiting lists in the area.

Yes, have moved a good few Places up DVI and Heber - but down 6 places on Goodrich (from 6 to 12)! And this one was our big hope! Have no idea what's happening here - how can so many people have been added into the top 5?!(there must be people who've turned down their Place by now or got in from the list, so that's a lot more than 6 families managing to move house within a few hundred metres of the school)...

What on earth is going on with Goodrich?!

good news on dvi and heber emski. not so good with goodrich. we're 50 something with them so have totally discounted it, but it could be people moving into the area (closer than you) or people trying other tacks like social or special needs. there's just no way of knowing and it's enough to drive a sane person crrrraaaazy. i keep on looking at the new houses that are being built close to us and growling to myself that they're bound to knock us further down the list for ivydale. i constantly have my eyes peeled for houses for sale/to let on the walk from our house to nursery (which is a similar walk as it would be to ivydale). obsessed? me? noooooo!!!

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