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seemster - well it is my car surely I'm allowed to have MY rules? No smoking, no narcotics, no food and silence while I'm listening to the radio. Sorry does the rest of London's crazy lack of morals now apply to the interior of my car also?

DJKQ - you are taking it to an extreme which is unnecessary. A lot of this stuff is common sense for goodness sakes. Come on. All I am saying is certain things which SHOULD NOT need to be said to people, nowadays because of this general lack of consideration for others now aren't even considered as being antisocial. In fact, so much so, that people are now claiming I am the irrational one? Do you genuinely fail to see my point or are you just being awkward?


How does that make me bonkers? Makeup might be the starting point but what next? Shall we allow people to sniff drugs on public transport and brush it off as one of those things? We are on a slippery slope here into complete immorality. You cannot justify selfish behaviour on any level in the context of a public service which is being paid for by the people using it.


It IS a bonkers leap to suggest that tolerating the application of makeup in a public space leads to tolerance of others snorting cocaine. In case you hadn't realised it...illegal drug taking is against the law as are a whole host of other things. Applying makeup in a public space never will be, for good reason. That alone should tell you something about your use of it as an illustration.

You are not a puritan by chance?

Yes illegal drug taking is against the law and rightly so, but my point is that other lesser selfish acts should also be made illegal on public transport with hefty fines for those who choose to partake. It seems the only way in this age of immorality to get the message across to the people that the toleration of selfish behaviour is not permitted on any level, full stop, on a shared experience such as public transport, is by forcing fines on them. I personally would apply fines to a number of the different forms of antisocial behaviour observed. Mobile phones should be strictly prohibited and only used in emergencies. Music of any kind silent or not should be banned, as should eating and talking loudly. Alcohol goes without question and I Think that's banned already? Makeup application should in theory be a moral judgement for the individual, but I fear many would continue to abuse this option so I'd make it illegal too given half a chance. I'm sure lots of people would agree with me on this too. It would make for a much more pleasant experience. It would also go some way to helping those with skin allergies.


KidKruger this is no wind up. Read back over the previous posts and you'll see that in this day and age people seem to think its completely the 'norm' to indulge in self righteous activities which should be kept in a private space and not shared in the public arena. Application of various makeup products is an immoral act and the judgement to do it on a packed bus/train/tram is completely and utterly selfish minded. Going back to my previous comments, why can't we replace these selfish individual acts with some sort of community spirited events. Perhaps signs on buses encouraging people to talk to the person sat next to them rather than get the phone out and risk a fine? I think I am onto something here which could get people together and encourage community cohesion.


Very few people agree with you Louisa (thankfully) and it's not hard to understand why when you want to outlaw things like 'talking loudly'. I mean just who would enforce that and how? Would there be leeway for the deaf or when talking to the hard of hearing? On other thoughts, don't answer....this discussion is bizarre enough as it is :D

Sorry Louisa, what are minor irritations to most other train travellers seem to be serious banes in your life, to the point of over-obsession.

This is not a put-down.

It's just people. They can appear selfish and self-absorbed on a train. But fines / punishment ?? It may be a personal utopian fantasy for a few minutes after seeing something/one that p1sses you off, but no more than that !

The solution is in the provinces I'm afraid, where, overall, manners and personal habit in public is more thoughtful and more likely to meet your needs.

Louisa Wrote:


> seemster - well it is my car surely I'm allowed to

> have MY rules? No smoking, no narcotics, no food

> and silence while I'm listening to the radio.

> Sorry does the rest of London's crazy lack of

> morals now apply to the interior of my car also?


> DJKQ - you are taking it to an extreme which is

> unnecessary. A lot of this stuff is common sense

> for goodness sakes. Come on. All I am saying is

> certain things which SHOULD NOT need to be said to

> people, nowadays because of this general lack of

> consideration for others now aren't even

> considered as being antisocial. In fact, so much

> so, that people are now claiming I am the

> irrational one? Do you genuinely fail to see my

> point or are you just being awkward?


> Louisa.

Might be best, Louisa, to just keep Your Rules in Your Car and not expect the rest of us to follow them, on public transport or anywhere else...

Happy Easter

Just checking into this funny thread while searing the lamb.

See that Louisa has issued a "sense of humour alert" to DJKQ.

So am now firmly concluding - on a topic on which I was previously undecided - that Louisa is not a post feminist comic. And is in fact for real.

My frigidity has nothing to do with my ongoing campaign against rudeness and makeup application on public transport. I've used this forum to expose rudeness in the past and I don't see why I can't continue to encourage others to do the same now. My ideas of fines may seem extreme to some of you, but I guarantee given a generation London would become a much happier place. The fact is, this thread was setup by someone else equally shocked by this rude act, and just to point out ive received numerous private messages supporting my views and ideas so far - so please less of the smug self roghteousness oh vocal ones. And woodrot call me a troll one more time and I will suggest banning you from public transport too!


PaulK, sweetie, people on this thread have been calling other people "gross women" and likening their personal habits to dog poo and spit and you think I - by giving their humanity the benefit of the doubt and thinking they might be pulling our legs - am putting the boot in?

WM - unfortunate thread title but that was the only thing so far I've found to be even remotely offensive. You have also, conveniently, taken my points about other anti social acts, dog poo and spit, totally out of context and used them to justify your own flawed point. Are you a politician?


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